Thursday, January 14, 2021
Genesis, Chapter 26, Verse 24
The same night the LORD appeared
to him (Isaac) and said: I am the God of Abraham, your father. Do not FEAR, for I am with you. I will bless you
and multiply your descendants for the sake of Abraham, my servant.
times when are lives are full of trouble it is hard to think of God’s presence
and to realize we are His children, and we should be about His business. Isaac
is involved in a dispute over water rights. In a sparsely watered land, wells
were precious and claims on water could function as a kind of claim on the
land. God helps Abimelech, the King, to realize that Isaac has brought blessing
to his people and thus to desire to make a covenant with him the day following
Isaac’s dream. When I was in the military, we had a witty maxim for this; “It
is hard to remember your mission was to drain the swamp when you are up to your
arse in alligators.” When our lives are so busy fighting off the alligators
that we do not take time to listen or pray to God; that is when God may
approach us in our dreams. Isaac was reassured by God not to fear for He is with Him.
this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer
through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith,
more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may
prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
(1 Peter: 6-7)
New Year[1]
Orthodox New Year is
celebrated as the first day of the New Year as per the Julian calendar.
Orthodox New Year is a celebration of the year to come. It is often
referred to as Old New Year, and is celebrated by Orthodox churches in Russia,
Serbia, and other Eastern European countries on January 14. Although most
countries have adopted the Gregorian calendar, where New Year's Day is January
1, the Orthodox Church still follows the Julian calendar, which places
Christmas on January 7 and New Year's a week later.
Russian Orthodox churches in the United
States hold church services often with festive dinner and dancing to celebrate
the holiday. The traditional dishes include meat dumplings, beet salad,
pickled mushrooms, tomatoes, and cucumbers along with vodka.
Orthodox Serbians also celebrate Old New
Year, which is sometimes called the Serbian New Year. Many Serbians
Orthodox churches hold services, followed by dinner, and dancing.
Although the Old New Year is a popular
holiday for many practicing the Orthodox faith, it isn't an official holiday.
Macedonians, including those living in the
United States, also celebrate Old New Year's with traditional food, folk music,
and visiting friends and family.
Many Russians enjoy extending the holiday
season by including Orthodox New Year in it.
New Year Top Events and Things to Do
Enjoy a dinner dance at Orthodox Church
with native cuisine folk music.
Learn to cook some Russian or Eastern
European dishes. One of the most important Russian dishes during the
holiday season is kutya, a porridge made of grain, honey and poppy seeds.
It symbolizes hope, happiness, and success.
· Rent a movie Dr. Zhivago (1965). It depicts some of the lavish parties held during the holidays right before the Russian Revolution. The film is based on the 1957 novel by Boris Pasternak.
Daily Devotions
a personal eucharistic stations of the cross.
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
· Rosary
Please pray for the intentions of my daughter Candace Faith, whose name means “Shining Faith” pray that the “Candace can do miracles”!
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