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Start March 12 to December 12

Novena to Pray for Strength, Humility and Resolve for Our Bishops

On each of the nine days of this novena, please offer the following:
  1. Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  2. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer ...
  3. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Padre Padre Pio's "Secret Weapon Prayer") ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray the Intention for this Novena above (#1).
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
November 21 (Feast of Presentation of Mary) - St. Maximilian Kolbe's Marian Consecration

Join St. Maximilian Kolbe's Militia Immaculata HERE.

I will post these by email and social media. If you have not already, please join our "Special Forces Training" Facebook group HERE.

If you have not received emails from previous novena campaigns, sign-up HERE.
Explanation of this Novena
The Rosary keeps us closely tied to our Blessed Mother, as our great intercessor.
Sacred Heart Novena Prayer has been known to be very efficacious, especially as it was the "go to" prayer Padre Pio would use when anyone asked him for prayer (Padre Pio had tens of thousands of miracles associated with him).
Resolve to Combat Demons: Praying for others to be released from their demons begins with our resolve to combat our own demons. This "combat" is what makes us stronger and stronger spiritual warriors! In his amazing talk at my church last Saturday evening (See video below), Fr. Chad Ripperger concludes his amazing lecture by saying,
Do these four things ... Ask God to ... 
  • Make me strong
  • Give me the willingness to suffer
  • Keep me humble
  • Help me to keep the course 
If you do those four things, you will attain the crown of glory that St. Paul talks about:"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever"(1 Corinthians 9:25).
Why Pray for Strength, Humility and Courage for Our Bishops? 
On November 5, Msgr. Charles Pope wrote an impassioned article entitled, "A Cry of the Heart to Our Bishops: Please Restore Order to the Church!Subtitled, "Our collective cowardice must be transformed into a clear, loving witness that is willing to endure the scorn of the world to reassert the truth of the Gospel."

With the November 12-15 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 2018 Fall General Assembly in Baltimore approaching, Msgr. Pope courageously wrote:
"There's no getting around it: One of the essential functions of the Sacrament of Holy Orders is the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying.
So, how are we in Holy Orders doing? By any reasonable measure, terribly.Indeed, some of the gravest disorder is to be found within the very ranks of Holy Orders. There is a shocking yet persistent picture of disorder, confusion, and denial up to the highest ranks, both nationally and internationally. There are, to be sure, notable exceptions in which holy and courageous bishops, priests, and deacons have sought to stand in the gap and heal the breach, often at great personal cost. The overall atmosphere, however, is one of unholy disorder, brought about by the very ones ordained to bring Holy Order:
The faith is openly betrayed and deniedby renegade bishops-even whole conferences of bishops-and heads of religious orders. Synods sow confusion and division rather than clarity or unity.
Teaching is on holiday, silence in the face of error is rampant, and listening without limit is called "magisterial." Ambiguous euphemisms that violate Catholic anthropology, doctrine, and sacred tradition are adopted uncritically.
There are wandering "celebrity priests"who promote the LBGT agenda without any reference to repentance or chastity. Policies that deny the Lord's clear words on divorce/remarriage and ignore St. Paul's admonitions about Holy Communion are proposed and adopted. Legitimate questions and requests for needed clarifications are met with silence.
Catholic colleges openly teach dissentwithout any correction from the bishops and there is a tolerance of a moral life among their students that would shock even the most pagan of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Liturgical abuseshave abounded and remained uncorrected for decades.
In the seminaries and within the priesthood, homosexual predationby an apparent network of priests has gone on for years along with coverups, denials, and secret payouts.
The number of statesinitiating grand jury investigations is increasing daily. The federal investigation into abuse by Catholic priests now includes every diocese in the country.
Mass attendance has been declining for years,leading to the closing of numerous parishes and schools. There has been an almost complete loss of Christendom in the past 60 years.
Scandals continue to arise. The Vatican Bank has been plagued by scandal for years. A drug-fueled homosexual orgyreportedly took place in the summer of 2017 in the apartment of a high-ranking Vatican prelate. There have been seemingly arbitrary dismissals of bishops and priests both within the Vatican and elsewhere.
The Holy Father himself is surrounded by questionable figureswho are at the very heart of the current crises. He has received credible, largely corroborated allegations by a former nuncio that he and others knew of the illicit activities of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
In response to the crises, from Rome there has been silence, name-calling of those requesting investigations, and only occasionally promises to look into the matters.
The faithful are dismayed by the chaos.Even prior to the current sexual and financial scandals, the general stance of this pontificate has been artfully described as "weaponized ambiguity." Some of the most confusing and strange things have been said and done by the Pope and then left unexplained. Many of the faithful, who love the Church and the Holy Father, have been placed in the highly awkward position of having to openly express their dismay, sadness, and confusion...
I would like to mention again that while the big picture is bleak, there are many bishops who have spoken courageously and taught well during these dark days. May they be confirmed by the Lord and preserved in their ministry.
As our bishops prepare to meet I beg them to hear a cry of the heart,not just from me, one of their priests, but from so many of the faithful who must live with the disorder in the Church that we who are in Holy Orders have every obligation to correct. Our credibility is nearly nonexistent. The only path forward I can reasonably see is a repentance not only of sorrow but of strong amendment. We clergy must amend our lives by recommitting to the Lord's doctrinal and moral teaching; we must strive to live it ourselves and be serious about reproving dissenters and serial violators and removing them from our ranks. We must honestly call out sin and refer to it by its proper name. We must speak no less plainly than did our Lord and His apostles, who used words like sodomy, fornication, adultery, greed, hatred, divorce and heresy. Resorting to vague terms like woundedness, clericalism, and abuse of power only diminishes our credibility. People can see right through such obfuscation."
I would add that, having just passed through a critical election, we saw only a handful of Bishops presenting clear Church teaching entering the election, especially with the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the balance. One can't help but believe that historians will look back at the collective weight and influence of these bishops and say, for all intents and purposes, it was absent just as our culture had been handed over to the demons of sexual promiscuity (impurity), homosexuality and child sacrifice (See video below).

These demons are VERY strong! Prayer and sacrifice is much needed! I believe this novena is no small matter or just another novena. As Fr. Ripperger points out, in our lifetime, the "Five Generals of Satan" have been allowed in to our country, while our leadership failed to "stand in the gap and heal the breach." The time is now to pray and offer sacrifices for supernatural strength for our bishops and all clergy, as we seek to exorcise these demons and implore God to heal our land!

Day 1 Reflections

"America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance - it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"A religion that doesn't interfere with the secular order will soon discover that the secular order will not refrain from interfering with it." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"Love fights," says Dr. Peter Kreeft (see video below) ... "And, therefore, there is in Sacred Scripture something very clearly called the wrath of God. God hates all enemies of love, as the doctor hates the cancer that is killing his beloved patient. If you really love a human being, you will hate all of the dehumanizing forces that are harmful to that human being."


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."

World Over - 2018-11-09 - Bishops' Response on Abuse, Msgr. Charles Pope with Raymond Arroyo
World Over - 2018-11-09 - Bishops' Response on Abuse, Msgr. Charles Pope with Raymond Arroyo

Day 2 Reflections

For a bishop as God's steward must be blameless, not arrogant, not irritable, not a drunkard, not aggressive, not greedy for sordid gain, but hospitable, a lover of goodness, temperate, just, holy, and self-controlled, holding fast to the true message as taught so that he will be able both to exhort with sound doctrine and to refute opponents (Titus 1:7-9).

"Love fights," says Dr. Peter Kreeft (see video below) ... "And, therefore, there is in Sacred Scripture something very clearly called the wrath of God. God hates all enemies of love, as the doctor hates the cancer that is killing his beloved patient. If you really love a human being, you will hate all of the dehumanizing forces that are harmful to that human being."

On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosaryby concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael(Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice:Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.
Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."
Please Note:

Join our "Special Forces" Facebook group HERE
Order the St. Michael Combat Chaplet I designed HERE
Order the Combat Rosary I designed HERE
Daily Emails

I will send daily emails with these prayers and reflections. Please sign-up HERE. (If you have signed up for Novena for Our Nation or Nineveh 90, you should be signed up already)

Peter Kreeft Interview - The Simultaneous Rise of Militant Islam and Homosexuality

Day 3 Reflections
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." -John 15:18-19

"For the Church, the crisis we face is not limited to the McCarrick affair, or the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, or anything else that may come. The deeper crisis that must be addressed is the license for sin to have a home in individuals at every level of the Church. There is a certain comfort level with sin that has come to pervade our teaching, our preaching, our decision making, and our very way of living.

If you'll permit me, what the Church needs now is more hatred! As I have said previously, St. Thomas Aquinas said that hatred of wickedness actually belongs to the virtue of charity. As the Book of Proverbs says "My mouth shall meditate truth, and my lips shall hate wickedness (Prov. 8:7)." It is an act of love to hate sin and to call others to turn away from sin.

There must be no room left, no refuge for sin - either within our own lives, or within the lives of our communities. To be a refuge for sinners (which we should be), the Church must be a place where sinners can turn to be reconciled. In this I speak of all sin. But to be clear, in the specific situations at hand, we are talking about deviant sexual - almost exclusively homosexual - acts by clerics. We're also talking about homosexual propositions and abuses against seminarians and young priests by powerful priests, bishops, and cardinals. We are talking about acts and actions which are not only in violation of the sacred promises made by some, in short, sacrilege, but also are in violation of the natural moral law for all. To call it anything else would be deceitful and would only ignore the problem further." -Bishop Robert Morlino


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."

World Over - 2018-10-04 - Abuse Crisis in the U.S., Bishop Robert Morlino with Raymond Arroyo
World Over - 2018-10-04 - Abuse Crisis in the U.S., Bishop Robert Morlino with Raymond Arroyo

Day 4 Reflections
"Given such a grave situation, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name, without yielding to convenient compromises or to the temptation of self-deception." St. Pope John Paul II

"My reflection is centered upon what I consider practically as a diabolical situation in that we find the world and the culture in general in a spiraling decline. We observe around us the attacks on life, the attack on the integrity of the family, and the attack on the freedom of conscience. And, at the same time, we find the Church herself seemingly in confusion [amidst] a culture which has never more needed to have the Church speak strongly and clearly the truth which is God's gift to Earth in Our Lord Jesus Christ. And yet, she gives the impression of trying to approach this culture, which is truly a culture of death, and somehow accommodate herself to the culture. This in my judgment is really a diabolical situation. And, of course, it's all depicted as a kind of 'mercifulness' on the part of the Church, a kind of expression of the Church's love and concern for mankind, as if we could love our fellow man apart from speaking the truth and acting according to the truth." -Cardinal Burke


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."

Cdl. Burke: Church accommodating herself to world is 'diabolical'

Day 5 Reflections
"The only true riches are those that make us rich in virtue. Therefore, if you want to be rich, beloved, love true riches. If you aspire to the heights of real honor, strive to reach the kingdom of Heaven. If you value rank and renown, hasten to be enrolled in the heavenly court of the Angels." -Pope St. Gregory the Great

"It is an error to believe that Christ did not teach a determined body of doctrine applicable to all times and to all men, but rather that He inaugurated a religious movement adapted, or to be adapted, to different times and different places." -Pope St. Pius X

"Nothing new is allowed, for nothing can be added to the old. Look for the faith of the elders, and do not let our faith be disturbed by a mixture of new doctrines." -Pope St. Sixtus III

"This being the state of the question, novelty should cease attacking antiquity!" -Pope St. Celestine I


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."

Archbishop Cordileone hits homerun! Baltimore Nov 13, 2018

Day 6 Reflections
"Jesus's law is much higher than pontifical's not Francis's Church, it's Jesus Christ's Church." James Grein (the man who ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick abused for 18 years)

"Meditate on Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Do not behave like frightened sheep, but as courageous shepherds. Do not be afraid of standing up and doing the right thing for the victims, for the faithful and for your own salvation. The Lord will render to every one of us according to our actions and omissions." -Archbishop Vigano


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."

Please Note:

Join our "Special Forces" Facebook group HERE

Order the St. Michael Combat Chaplet I designed HERE

Order the Combat Rosary I designed HERE
Daily Emails

I will send daily emails with these prayers and reflections. Please sign-up HERE. (If you have signed up for Novena for Our Nation or Nineveh 90, you should be signed up already)

James Grein - Silence Stops Now Rally
James Grein - Silence Stops Now Rally

Day 7 Reflections

"If Catholics would rise up and be truly Catholic, the world would change overnight." - Mother Angelica.

"Watch this closely. This crisis needs the strongest lay voice possible." -Bishop Strickland

"The laity are the only ones who can keep the hierarchy accountable and get us out of the mess we bishops got ourselves into.  My singular focus throughout the Baltimore meeting was to advocate and push for greater public involvement of the laity at all levels of the Church.  Why can't we have well qualified, nationally known and trusted lay experts named to the special task force announced by the president of the USCCB?  We are too insular and closed in as a hierarchy, and so are some of our processes at the USCCB.  The Second Vatican Council gave us not only the freedom but the obligation to utilize and engage the gifts and talents of the laity in the life and mission of the Church." -Bishop McKnight

On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."
Please Note:

Join our "Special Forces" Facebook group HERE

Order the St. Michael Combat Chaplet I designed HERE

Order the Combat Rosary I designed HERE
Daily Emails

I will send daily emails with these prayers and reflections. Please sign-up HERE. (If you have signed up for Novena for Our Nation or Nineveh 90, you should be signed up already)
Mother Angelica 'The Hidden Agenda' - Against Liberalism in the Catholic Church
Mother Angelica 'The Hidden Agenda' - Against Liberalism in the Catholic Church

Day 8 Reflections

"There is truly a diabolical nature to this crisis. It is not clericalism, It is a crisis, an immoral crisis. Prayers and fasting are needed as a foundation on which real reform can be built." -Bishop Daly

"Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction and who by ill-considered silence allow them license to sin. Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practice them." -St. Peter Damian


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."
Please Note:

Join our "Special Forces" Facebook group HERE

Order the St. Michael Combat Chaplet I designed HERE

Order the Combat Rosary I designed HERE
Daily Emails

I will send daily emails with these prayers and reflections. Please sign-up HERE. (If you have signed up for Novena for Our Nation or Nineveh 90, you should be signed up already)
Catholic Crisis: The True Source of the Problem
Catholic Crisis: The True Source of the Problem

Day 9 Reflections

"If you weren't already a Catholic would you become one today? Ask yourself that question. I'm devastated to answer, I don't know. Would I see something holy and timeless?" -Matt Walsh

"Think about how many millions of people will never become Catholic because you bishops have given them a reason not to be." -Matt Walsh

"It's hard enough to be a Christian it this culture. ... How much harder it becomes ... when many priests and bishops, including the bishop of Rome are filled with contempt for faithful Catholics. We are not devils, Holy Father, and we deserve answers." -Matt Walsh


On each of the nine days of this novena (Nov. 12 - Nov. 20), please offer the following:
  1. Offer your Daily Rosary by concluding with the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer.
  2. Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Below) ... In each of the places that ask for your intention, pray this intention for this Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying."
  3. Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (Optional)
  4. Offer Sacrifice: Be resolved to combat your own personal demon(s) [repetitive sin(s) great or small], starting on Day 1 of this Novena. Offer up a specific sacrifice that matches your resolve to combat your own personal demon(s). Then ask God ...
    • Make me strong
    • Give me the willingness to suffer
    • Keep me humble
    • Help me to keep the course
Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you." Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (Intention for Novena: "Grant our bishops the grace to be strong, to be willing to suffer, to be humble and to keep the course in their essential functions in the keeping of order in the Church through governing, teaching, and sanctifying"). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory Be ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: "St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us."
Please Note:

Join our "Special Forces" Facebook group HERE

Order the St. Michael Combat Chaplet I designed HERE

Order the Combat Rosary I designed HERE
Daily Emails

I will send daily emails with these prayers and reflections. Please sign-up HERE. (If you have signed up for Novena for Our Nation or Nineveh 90, you should be signed up already)
Matt Walsh - Silence Stops Now Rally
Matt Walsh - Silence Stops Now Rally

St. Maximilian Kolbe Prayer of Consecration

O Immaculata, Queen of heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you. I, N..., a repentant sinner, cast myself at your feet humbly imploring you to take me with all that I am and have, wholly to yourself as your possession and property. Please make of me, of all my powers of soul and body, of my whole life, death and eternity, whatever most pleases you. If it pleases you, use all that I am and have without reserve, wholly to accomplish what was said of you: "She will crush your head," and, "You alone have destroyed all heresies in the world." Let me be a fit instrument in your immaculate and merciful hands for introducing and increasing your glory to the maximum in all the many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help extend as far as possible the blessed kingdom of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. For wherever you enter you obtain the grace of conversion and growth in holiness, since it is through your hands that all graces come to us from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

V. Allow me to praise you, O sacred Virgin.

R. Give me strength against your enemies.

St. Maximilian Kolbe

My friend, Stephen Herreid, is a freelance writer whose articles are seen at, Crisis Magazine,,, The Intercollegiate Review Online, and other publications.
In 1917, St. Maximilian Kolbe embarked on another kind of harrowing when he founded the Militia of the Immaculata. He and his Militia marched courageously into the hell of modern, progressive brutality, and "preached unto the spirits" dominated by it.
They founded publications. They evangelized courageously where it was dangerous to do so. They used the most advanced media technology available to shine the light of truth. Fr. Kolbe even planned to establish a film studio.
But the same Christlike zeal that moved Maximilian to rescue souls would also move him to save the lives of those living under a modern regime that many called "Hell on Earth." His work would inevitably bring him face to face with evil, and ultimately to his death soon after the Nazi invasion of Poland.
St. Maximilian Kolbe's heroism, as well as his use of the most advanced media technology, makes him one my favorite saints. Kolbe lived during a time when propaganda was intense, attempting turn the minds and hearts away from God. Kolbe needed to fight back with their own weapons.

Today sees an even more intense propaganda occurring. Jeffrey Kuhner of the Washington Times wrote: "For the past 50 years, every major institution has been captured by the radical secular left. The media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, theater, the arts, literature - they relentlessly promote the false gods of sexual hedonism and radical individualism." Inspired by St. Maximilian Kolbe, we simply must use the most advance media technology to bring the light of truth to a darkened world.

Join the Militia Immaculata HERE

This past year, I was gifted a very rare First Class Relic of St. Maximilian Kolbe (Kolbe was incinerated). I keep this relic on my desk, as I seek his intercession in my own use of modern media technology to bring the light of truth.


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