Nineveh 90 January 1-March 30th
Nineveh 90 (Solemnity of Mary) January 1-April 1 (All Fools), 2025
For these 90 days, resolve
to let go of repetitive sin you struggle with (e.g., acts of impurity,
over-eating, alcohol, etc.) Our approach will be incremental knowing that
change; real change takes time; and confidence that HE will help us. We will
take St. Theresa approach and offer up a little at a time asking God to do the
heavy work on our soul. If you can Create or join a “Nineveh 90 Squad” of 3+
people. Maybe create a Facebook group. Also, try to join together with an
“Accountability Buddy.” This starts on January 1, 2025.
Week 1 January 1-6 New Years Week Go to Mass on the Solemnity of Mary on Monday and make the First Wednesday, First Friday, First Saturday and Epiphany Sunday (5 graces )
Wear Brown Scapular (Scapular
Medal allowed) – Akin to Sackcloth
Daily Prayer (Developing a quality Catholic Prayer Life)
o 54
Day Rosary Novena (Basic Training in Holiness)
§ Prayer Intentions for 54
Day Rosary Novena:
For the conversion of loved ones.
Sevenhours of sleep is essential
Week 2 January 8-14 Second Week add to above.
(Sleep/rosary/Scapular/Mass on Holy days) Have an Epiphany and start:
· Regular and challenging exercise
Week 3 January 15-21 Martin Luther King Holiday add to
above. (Sleep/rosary/Scapular/Mass on Holy days, exercise, reading, bedtime prayer)
· Fasting: Wednesdays and Fridays (Water/Juice and bread only, if medically allowed, otherwise as is outlined by the USCCB)·
Confession (at
least once a month … immediately following grave sin)
Week 4 January 22-28 Conversion of Paul week add to above. (Sleep-rosary-Scapular-Mass-exercise-reading-bedtime-fast-TV-confession)
Hour (or at least 20 minutes of quiet prayerful reflection time. Does
not need to be before the Blessed Sacrament. This is normally done at home or
your favorite prayer space … maybe create a “God Cave” in your home)
Week 5 January 29-February 4 Candlemas Week add to above. (Sleep-rosary-Scapular-Mass-exercise-reading-bedtime-fast-TV-confession-no
· No soda or sweetened drinks·
Week 6 February 5-11 St. Agatha Week add to above. (Sleep-rosary-Scapular-Mass-exercise-reading-bedtime-fast-TV-confession-no snack-computer-adoration-no sugar-angelus)
No desserts & sweets (Feast Days only)
Week 7 February 12-18 Septuagesima Week add to above.
snack-computer-adoration-no sugar-angelus-sweets-morning)
· Limit alcohol (one a day)
Week 8 February 19-25 Sexagesima Week
Week 9 February 26-March 4 Quinquagesima Week-Ash Wednesday on March 5
Week 10 March 5-11 First Week of Lent-Fast Wednesday and Friday-St. Perpetua March 7th
Week 11 March 12-18 Second Week of Lent-St. Patrick Mon. Ember fast Wed-Fri-Sat
Week 12 March 19-25 Third Week of Lent -Saint Joseph and Feast of the Annunciation
Week 13 March 24-April 1 Fourth Week of Lent
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