Dara's Corner

Be compassion and hope


Dara’s Corner 

World Glaucoma Week

Glaucoma is a group of fairly common medical conditions affecting the optic nerve. When this nerve that runs from the eye to the brain gets damaged, this can result in vision loss or even complete blindness. In fact, glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable, irreversible blindness on the planet.

World Glaucoma Week is here to create conversations and increase awareness so that more people can know about, understand, and work toward prevention of this disease of the eyes.

Visit a Monastery https://stanthonysmonastery.org/


Dara’s Corner

Home buying assistance

Learn about government programs that make it easier to purchase a home.

Government-backed home loans and mortgage assistance

If you are looking to buy a home, a government-backed home loan or a mortgage assistance program could help.


Homeownership vouchers for first-time home buyers

If you have a low income and want to buy your first home, the Housing Choice Voucher homeownership program could help. It may also help you pay monthly housing expenses.


Real estate and federal lands for sale by the government

Government agencies sell real estate and federal lands either by auction or offer. Federal agencies acquire these properties through foreclosure, forfeiture, or failed banks. 

Arizona Section 32 Homeownership Program​​ 

Section 32 Homeownership is offered to first-time homebuyers who are at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) , and who will use the home as their primary residence.  The purchase price will be the current (within 6 months of purchase) appraised value of the home.  Eligible properties must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection.  Homeownership, financial fitness and hands-on maintenance classes are also required.  Some program benefits may include: 

    20% discount off home appraisal value

    Guidance through the homeownership process

    Possible grant for down payment and closing costs

    Possible additi​onal subsidies

    One-year home warranty

    Lower monthly pay​ment 

For more information about the Section 32 Homeownership Program, call 602-534-4​584.​​

Dara’s Corner 

Modern populations are increasingly overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, and socially isolated.[1] 

Eating: Be nourished not overfed. 

·         eat foods rich in antioxidants.

o       Beta-carotene: apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, collards, peaches, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato

o       Vitamin C: blueberries, broccoli, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, tomato

o       Vitamin E: margarine, nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, wheat germ

·         Choose your carbs wisely. Limit sugary foods and opt for smart or “complex” carbs (such as whole grains) rather than simple carbs (such as cakes and cookies). Fruits, vegetables, and legumes also have healthy carbs and fiber.

·         Foods like turkey, tuna, and chicken have an amino acid called tryptophan, which may help you make serotonin. Try to eat something with protein several times a day, especially when you need to clear your mind and boost your energy.

·         Try the Mediterranean diet.

Easter is a 50-day feasting AND CELEBRATION season.

50 Fun Things to do in Arizona

April is the National Month of Hope[1]

Persistent light, enduring strength, unwavering spirit, an anchor in uncertainty, a beacon through challenges, resilient optimism.

Dara’s Corner 

Modern populations are increasingly overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, and socially isolated.[2] 

Small Doses of Physical Activity Can Lower Risks of Depression[3]

Depression is a leading cause of disability burden in developing countries and a common mental health disorder worldwide. While pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy currently represent elective therapy, their impact is still limited in prevalence, and one third of people with depression remain unresponsive to treatment. Additionally, pharmacotherapy may have adverse side-effects and both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy cannot resolve physical comorbidities associated with depression. Nevertheless, several modifiable factors can favorably act on depression, and they are far from being ascertained. One of these may be physical activity. Moderate evidence sustains a beneficial effect of exercise on depression symptoms.

Exercise for depression.[4]

Being depressed can leave you feeling low in energy, which might put you off being more active.

Regular exercise can boost your mood if you have depression, and it's especially useful for people with mild to moderate depression.

Any type of exercise is useful, as long as it suits you and you do enough of it. Exercise should be something you enjoy; otherwise, it will be hard to find the motivation to do it regularly.

How often do you need to exercise?

To stay healthy, adults should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every week. Read more about:

    physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64 years old

    physical activity guidelines for older adults

If you have not exercised for a while, start gradually and aim to build up towards achieving 150 minutes a week.

Any exercise is better than none and even a brisk 10-minute walk can clear your mind and help you relax. Find out more about walking for health.

Dara’s Corner 

Modern populations are increasingly overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, and socially isolated.[1]

Q. What is the relationship between sunlight and depression?

Sunlight has a complex relationship with depression. On the one hand, sunlight can help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. On the other hand, too much sunlight exposure can also have negative consequences for mental health. One of the most well-known effects of sunlight on mood is its ability to increase levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. When serotonin levels are low, people may experience symptoms of depression, such as sadness, fatigue, and loss of interest in activities.

Importance of Sunlight for Mind, Body, and Soul[2]

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD

A sunny day can be the ultimate mood-booster, especially after a long, cold winter. Many people notice a shift in mood and energy when the color outside turns from dreary to bright but may not know just how many benefits sunshine provides.

From impacts on vitamin D levels, circadian rhythms, and even weight management, the many benefits of sunlight are explored in this post.

How Sunlight Affects Vitamin D

Basking in the sunshine can have physiological effects in your body. In fact, the best way to get adequate vitamin D is from sun exposure. When sun hits your skin, it triggers a series of events that lead to vitamin D production. There’s a reason vitamin D is nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin” after all!

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that’s essential for many bodily functions, including maintaining healthy bones and regulating calcium status. A deficiency of this nutrient may lead to bone diseases, such as rickets in children, or contribute to osteoporosis in adults.

Other Impacts of Sunlight

Exposure to sunlight also impacts circadian rhythm by helping your body reset its internal clock and distinguish day from night. Getting sunlight about an hour after you wake up in the morning will help you feel alert during the day and fall asleep more easily at night.

Finally, sunshine may have a significant influence on mood. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), marked by depression, sleep problems, and low energy, is thought to be related to lack of sun exposure. Sunlight helps regulate the production of serotonin, a hormone tied to mood. Plus, sun exposure is necessary for vitamin D production, which may promote serotonin activity. Getting sunlight may therefore help boost mood and possibly improve symptoms of SAD.

Sunlight and Weight

Due to the number of benefits sun exposure provides for the mind and body, it can have positive effects on weight control. When you have sufficient levels of nutrients, sleep well, and feel happy, your weight loss efforts tend to be more successful than when you feel off in any of these areas.

In addition, research has linked light exposure in the morning to reductions in body fat and levels of hormones that increase appetite. One study in 54 adults found that those who were exposed to bright light early in the morning were slimmer than those who were not.

Safe Sun Exposure

It’s clear that getting sunlight can have numerous health benefits. However, it’s important to also protect the skin from sun damage.

Current recommendations suggest that about 15 minutes of daily sun exposure on your hands, arm, and face during the middle of the day is sufficient for vitamin D production in light-skinned people. You can certainly stay in the sun for longer to reap other benefits, but remember to take precautions.

Apply sunscreen and/or wear protective clothing after getting your 15 minutes of daily sun exposure to maintain vitamin D levels. If you have dark skin or are at a high risk of skin cancer, speak with your doctor about the best course of action, what you should wear in the sun, and whether you should take a vitamin D supplement instead.

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: You take care of getting sunshine, and we’ll take care of your meals! Our diet meal delivery provides done-for-you meals that are nutritionally balanced and taste delicious, so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time outside. Check out our menus and order today.


Dara’s Corner 

Modern populations are increasingly overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, and socially isolated.[1]

Depression and Sleep: Understanding the Connection 

Age-Related Depression, Mood and Stress Health Risks of Poor Sleep Aging and Sleep

Depression and sleep problems are closely linked. People with insomnia, for example, may have a tenfold higher risk of developing depression than people who get a good night’s sleep. And among people with depression, 75% have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. 

Which comes first? Either one can be the starting point, say sleep experts. Poor sleep may create difficulties regulating emotions that, in turn, may leave you more vulnerable to depression in the future — months or even years from now. And depression itself is associated with sleep difficulties such as shortening the amount of restorative slow wave sleep a person gets each night.

If you have depression, daily stresses — such as financial worries, an argument with your spouse, or a jam-packed evening commute — could also lead to more nighttime wake-ups and more trouble getting back to sleep than someone without depression would experience.

Understanding the relationship between insomnia and depression can help you spot risks early, get the right help, and recover more fully if you are experiencing both. You’ll feel healthy, well-rested, and able to enjoy life again. Here’s what you need to know about depression and sleep:

Take sleep problems seriously.

You should tell your doctor if you:

  • have trouble falling or staying asleep.
  • feel tired during the day.
  • have physical pain, discomfort or other complaints (for instance, signs of obstructive sleep apnea or pauses in breathing at night) that prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices for apnea can restore good sleep, helping you sidestep related conditions like depression. (People with sleep apnea have a fivefold higher risk of depression.)

Stay alert for signs of depression.

These include feeling hopeless, helpless or sad; trouble concentrating and remembering things; loss of energy; daytime sleepiness; loss of interest in activities that once gave you pleasure; or thoughts of suicide or death. Tell your doctor if you have any of these. (Call 911 if you have thoughts of suicide.)

This is especially important if you’re discussing insomnia with your doctor. Insomnia may be a separate condition or a symptom of depression. Your doctor needs to know as much as possible to treat the right problem.

Get help for both depression and sleep.

If you have insomnia and depression, don’t assume that medical treatment for one will automatically cure the other. Treatments for depression, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other medications, may improve your mood and outlook, but they may not be enough to improve your sleep.

There’s some evidence that lingering sleep problems in people undergoing depression treatment increase the risk of a slide back into depression. The good news: There’s also some early evidence that CBT-I (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia), along with depression treatment, improves sleep in people with depression and may increase the chances of a remission of depression.

Poor Quality Sleep Reduces Resilience

In a Johns Hopkins study, healthy women and men whose sleep was interrupted throughout the night had a 31% reduction in positive moods the next day. The data shows that sleep interruptions interfere with deep, restorative slow-wave sleep. Ongoing insomnia could increase a person’s risk of depression by weakening their emotional resilience — the buffer of positive emotions that helps people deal with stress and challenges of life.

Dara’s Corner 

Modern populations are increasingly overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, and socially isolated.[1]

6 Common Depression Traps to Avoid-Expert advice on how to sidestep pitfalls that often accompany depression.[2]

    Trap #1: Social Withdrawal

    Trap #2: Rumination

    Trap #3: Self-Medicating with Alcohol

    Trap #4: Skipping Exercise

When Orion Lyonesse is getting depressed, she turns into a hermit. She doesn't want to leave the house (not even to pick up the mail), and she cuts off contact with her friends and family.

"The more I'm alone, the deeper the depression gets," Lyonesse, an artist and writer in Lake Stevens, Wash., tells WebMD in an email. "I don't even want to cuddle my cats!"

Avoiding social contact is a common pattern you might notice when falling into depression. Some people skip activities they normally enjoy and isolate themselves from the world. Others turn to alcohol or junk food to mask their pain and unhappiness.

Depression traps vary from person to person, but what they have in common is that they can serve to worsen your mood, perpetuating a vicious cycle. Here are six behavioral pitfalls that often accompany depression -- and how you can steer clear of them as you and your doctor and therapist work on getting back on track.

Trap #1: Social Withdrawal

Social withdrawal is the most common telltale sign of depression.

"When we're clinically depressed, there's a very strong urge to pull away from others and to shut down," says Stephen Ilardi, PhD, author of books including The Depression Cure and associate professor of psychology at the University of Kansas. "It turns out to be the exact opposite of what we need."

"In depression, social isolation typically serves to worsen the illness and how we feel," Ilardi says. "Social withdrawal amplifies the brain's stress response. Social contact helps put the brakes on it."

The Fix: Gradually counteract social withdrawal by reaching out to your friends and family. Make a list of the people in your life you want to reconnect with and start by scheduling an activity.

Trap #2: Rumination

A major component of depression is rumination, which involves dwelling and brooding about themes like loss and failure that cause you to feel worse about yourself.

Rumination is a toxic process that leads to negative self-talk such as, "It's my own fault. Who would ever want me a friend?"


    Can a Routine Prevent Bipolar Depressive Episodes?

"There's a saying, 'When you're in your own mind, you're in enemy territory,'" says Mark Goulston, MD, psychiatrist and author of Get Out of Your Own Way. "You leave yourself open to those thoughts and the danger is believing them."

Rumination can also cause you to interpret neutral events in a negative fashion. For example, when you're buying groceries, you may notice that the checkout person smiles at the person in front of you but doesn't smile at you, so you perceive it as a slight.

"When people are clinically depressed, they will typically spend a lot of time and energy rehearsing negative thoughts, often for long stretches of time," Ilardi says.

The Fix: Redirect your attention to a more absorbing activity, like a social engagement or reading a book.

Trap #3: Self-Medicating with Alcohol 

Turning to alcohol or drugs to escape your woes is a pattern that can accompany depression, and it usually causes your depression to get worse.

Alcohol can sometimes relieve a little anxiety, especially social anxiety, but it has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, Goulston says. Plus, it can screw up your sleep.

"It's like a lot of things that we do to cope with feeling bad," he says. "They often make us feel better momentary, but in the long run, they hurt us."

The Fix: Talk to your doctor or therapist if you notice that your drinking habits are making you feel worse. Alcohol can interfere with antidepressants and anxiety medications.

Trap #4: Skipping Exercise

If you're the type of person who likes to go the gym regularly, dropping a series of workouts could signal that something's amiss in your life. The same goes for passing on activities -- such as swimming, yoga, or ballroom dancing -- that you once enjoyed.

When you're depressed, it's unlikely that you'll keep up with a regular exercise program, even though that may be just what the doctor ordered.

Exercise can be enormously therapeutic and beneficial, Ilardi says. Exercise has a powerful antidepressant effect because it boosts levels of serotonin and dopamine, two brain chemicals that often ebb when you're depressed.


    3 Ways to Manage a Major Depressive Disorder Episode 

"It's a paradoxical situation," Ilardi says. "Your body is capable of physical activity. The problem is your brain is not capable of initiating and getting you to do it."

The Fix: Ilardi recommends finding someone you can trust to help you initiate exercise -- a personal trainer, coach, or even a loved one. "It has to be someone who gets it, who is not going to nag you, but actually give you that prompting and encouragement and accountability," Ilardi says.

Trap #5: Seeking Sugar Highs

When you're feeling down, you may find yourself craving sweets or junk food high in carbs and sugar.

Sugar does have mild mood-elevating properties, says Ilardi, but it's only temporary. Within two hours, blood glucose levels crash, which has a mood-depressing effect.

The Fix: Avoid sugar highs and the inevitable post-sugar crash. It's always wise to eat healthfully, but now more than ever, your mood can't afford to take the hit.

Trap #6: Negative Thinking

When you're depressed, you're prone to negative thinking and talking yourself out of trying new things.

You might say to yourself, "Well, even if I did A, B, and C, it probably wouldn't make me feel any better and it would be a real hassle, so why bother trying at all?"

"That's a huge trap," says Goulston. "If you race ahead and anticipate a negative result, which then causes you to stop trying at all, that is something that will rapidly accelerate your depression and deepen it."

The Fix: Don't get too attached to grim expectations. "You have more control over doing and not doing, than you have over what the result of actions will be," Goulston says. "But there is a much greater chance that if you do, then those results will be positive."

Dara’s Corner-Bored kids? Make a Volcano

Spring Arizona Restaurant Week

Friday through Sunday

The 2024 Spring Arizona Restaurant Week (ARW), which offers the culinary community endless opportunities to dine on a deal, kicked off Friday, May 17 and runs through Sunday, May 26. The ARW menus are a departure from the restaurants’ regular menus, allowing diners to get a new taste of even their favorite restaurants’ culinary breadth — at a fraction of typical costs.

Dara’s Corner

Today is Pope Pius VI’s Feast Day he is the author of the church instructions On Human Life (Humanae Vitae) we must live lives of compassion and hope.

National Coq Au Vin Day


Dara’s Corner-Get a house and make it a home.

National Homeownership Month lights up every June, celebrating the joys and benefits of owning a home.

It’s a special time when people across the United States reflect on homeownership’s significant role in fostering community ties and building personal wealth.

This month reminds us of the dream of owning a home, an aspiration that connects deeply with the pursuit of happiness and stability in American life.

The observance is important because it emphasizes how owning a home is more than just having a place to live. Homeownership encourages long-term financial growth, community involvement, and a stable environment for raising families. FHA loans.

Dara’s Corner-Be aware of rising stars

Jordan Peterson, born June 12, 1962, is a Canadian psychologist known for his thought-provoking ideas. He gained wide attention through his teaching and writing, and his work touches on a variety of topics, from psychology to cultural analysis.

Peterson’s influence extends beyond academia, reaching a global audience through his lectures and books.

He stands out for his unique approach to modern life’s challenges, making him a notable figure in contemporary discussions.

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos,” in 2018.

Dara’s Corner-June 19 Let Courtesy be your watchword

Aung San Suu Kyi’s birthday, June 19, 1945, is a leader from Myanmar who fought for democracy. Her life has been full of challenges and achievements.

Suu Kyi spent many years under house arrest because she stood up for her beliefs. Despite this, she never gave up on her dream of a free country. Her story inspires people all over the world.

John McCain in his book “Character is Destiny[3] highlights the life of Aung San Suu Kyi, who was the Burmese wife of an Oxford professor who came home to free her people, and oppose the political tyrants who jailed her with courage and decency and yet despite her mistreatment is for us a modern example of courtesy. Aung San Suu Kyi returned to Burma in 1988, after years of living and studying abroad, only to find widespread slaughter of protesters rallying against the brutal rule of dictator U Ne Win. She spoke out against him and initiated a nonviolent movement toward achieving democracy and human rights. In 1989, the government placed Suu Kyi under house arrest, and she spent 15 of the next 21 years in custody. In 1991, her ongoing efforts won her the Nobel Prize for Peace, and she was finally released from house arrest in November 2010. She has since gained a parliamentary seat with the National League for Democracy party.[4]


McCain says of Aung San Suu Kyi:


In Burma, courtesy is a rebellious gesture to a ruling elite that has tried to terrorize such refined kindness from their culture, and make a world where only power matters, where there are only the fearsome and the fearful. Suu, as she asks Western visitors to call her, never reciprocates discourtesy. She is a practicing Buddhist who refuses to hate those who hate her because, she says, she cannot fear what she doesn’t hate. In a statement she had smuggled to the press, she explained her steady, almost cheerful resistance to the regime’s attempts to frighten her. “It is not power that corrupts but fear,” she wrote. “Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it, and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.” She remained unmoved. (One must never mistake her good manners and delicate beauty for a lack of will and strength.) She was willing, as always, to show her persecutors every courtesy and to entertain a polite willingness to consider their concerns as they discussed the future of their country. “Confrontation,” she told a Time magazine reporter, “comes about because there is no other way to settle differences. If there is a channel open for settling differences, there should be no need for confrontation.” And when she was asked how cruelly she had been treated by the regime, she responded, “I have never been treated cruelly.” But the regime, the bullies who are destroying the country and are so afraid of this one small woman and her implacable determination, would not acquiesce to any plan that might result in their long-overdue loss of power. Recently, reports have surfaced that the tyrants are again considering the release of Burma’s national heroine. Perhaps they will soon knock at the door of her home again. I have no doubt that when they do she will receive them with perfect courtesy, not that they deserve it. But she does not extend her courtesy as a sign of respect for them or their power, but to show, yet again, that they cannot make her become the only type of person they understand, one of the fearful or one of the fearsome. She is merely, steadfastly, reaching out to beauty to banish ugliness from her sight and the lives of her countrymen.

Dara’s Corner-June 26-Fighting Evil? There’s A Summer Saint for That. 

Is There a Way to Combat Evil in Our Daily Lives?

We can uphold Truth and fight these attacks not by any amazing feat, but simply by fulfilling our Ordinary Work in the most perfect way. By fulfilling our daily duty within our Domestic Churches we are building up the family culture. The family is being attacked, and the more we strengthen and provide examples of a true family, the more we present Truth against lies. And we can ask some of the summer saints for help in these areas:

June 26 is the Optional Memorial of St. Josemaria Escriva, who helped promote the universal call to holiness, in whatever vocation or avocation we live. That includes the usually hidden vocations of mothers and housewives!

And housewives have a patron saint to envy: July 29 is the feast of St. Martha, one of the saints of the Gospel, a close friend of Jesus. How wonderful to turn to Martha to work on daily chores, knowing that after Christ admonished her, she learned to put Him first in doing all her work. How many other saints can brag to have Jesus as a close personal friend, Who dropped by for personal visits and raised a brother from the dead?

Later in August, all cooks turn to another patron, St. Lawrence, the deacon and martyr, who died on a gridiron, joking as he was dying to flip him over because the first side was done. Restoring a Catholic Culture through the family can be done one meal at a time, invoking saints like Martha and Lawrence to help us serve the family with love, devotion, and a bit of variety and tastiness!

Saturday, July 11, was the feast of St. Benedict. St. Benedict formed his Rule in imitation of the family. His monasteries following the pattern of the family as Rome and the secular culture crumbled. Now as the actual family structures crumble, we can turn to St. Benedict to help us reinforce our domestic churches against these battles.

Above all, the summer shares Our Lady as our greatest intercessor and example through all these trials. She is honored as Our Lady of Mount Carmel on July 16, and in August honored by the Solemnity of the Assumption, and her Queenship, but we also see her as the Mother of God, the homemaker of the Holy Family, the faithful mother who encourages us to “do whatever He tells you.” She is forefront in the Communion of Saints directing, fighting, nourishing, and advising those on earth.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by all these attacks, but we are not left alone. We are surrounded by our cloud of witnesses and spiritual sisters and brothers to help us in our daily battle.

Got battles to combat? Yes, there’s a summer saint for that!

Speaking of Horrible- National Stitch Day

When I was little my Dad took us to a Salt Mine tour in Berchtesgaden.

June 26 

Saint of the day:

Saint  David the Dendrite

Patron Saint of tree houses!


Dara Day-July 3rd My daughters father looks like Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise, born on July 3, 1962, is a world-famous actor known for his roles in action-packed movies. He started acting in the 1980s and quickly became a popular star.

Cruise is famous for doing his stunts in movies. He has been a part of many big hits, inspiring fans worldwide. His life story is a journey from a small-town boy to a global icon.

Tom Cruise’s rise to fame began with the movie “Risky Business” in 1983. This role made him a star overnight.

He then starred in “Top Gun” in 1986, a film that became a cultural phenomenon. His portrayal of a fighter pilot won hearts globally. These early successes set the stage for a remarkable career.

In the 1990s, Cruise took on diverse roles. He starred in the “Mission: Impossible” series, which became a huge success. His role as Ethan Hunt showcased his talent for action and suspense. Cruise did many of his stunts, earning him respect for his dedication.

Dara’s Corner-July 10 It’s okay to have a Pina Colada-just keep your self-control.

·         National Pina Colada Day

Self-control[1] is the ability to regulate and alter your responses to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals. Research has shown that possessing self-control can be important for health and well-being.1

Psychologists typically define self-control as:

  • The ability to control behaviors to avoid temptations and achieve goals
  • The ability to delay gratification and resist unwanted behaviors or urges
  • A limited resource that can be depleted

People use various terms for self-control, including discipline, determination, grit, willpower, and fortitude. Some researchers believe that self-control is partly determined by genetics,3 but it is also a skill you can strengthen with practice.

Self-control is one aspect of executive function, a set of abilities that helps people to plan, monitor, and achieve their goals. People with attention-deficit attention disorder (ADHD) often have characteristics linked to problems with executive function.

July 17

Dara’s Corner-One of the most effective weapons of the devil, today, is lust.

·         Let Freedom Ring Day 11

o   Chastity Project


Today is National Hot Dog Day[1]

National Hot Dog Day seeks to appreciate hotdogs.  The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council created the National Hot Dog Day to honor the all-American hot dog.  The first National Hot Dog Day was held in 1991, where a hot dog luncheon was served on Capitol Hill.  Since then, it has become tradition to serve hot dogs to Capitol Hill staffers, lawmakers, agency officials and baseball legends. Frankfurters, which are very similar to hot dogs, originated in Frankfurt, Germany.  In the 1880s, Antonoine Feuchtwanger began to sell hot dogs in St. Louis, Missouri.  Eventually by the 1890s, it is believed that Chris von der Ahe, a German immigrant who owned the St. Louis Browns, began to sell hotdogs at baseball games.  Since then, hotdogs have been deeply rooted in American baseball culture.  To honor the association between baseball and hotdogs, the American Meat Institute invites baseball players to attend the annual hotdog luncheon on Capitol Hill during National Hot Dog Day on July 23rd.

National Hot Dog Day Facts & Quotes

 ·         The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has stated that hotdogs contain carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds, are high in fat, cholesterol and salt.  

·         In fact, a recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health has found that a single daily serving of processed meat can increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 21%. These will kill you quicker than Covid 19! Note: Los Angeles residents consume more hotdogs than any other city.  You are what you eat. Need we say more!

·         According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, the proper etiquette required to eat a hotdog is finish the hot dog in five bites.  In the case of a foot-long wiener, only seven bites are appropriate.

·         Across the United States, consumers spent more than $2.5 billion on hot dogs in 2014. In 2014, Los Angeles consumed more than 39 million hotdogs.

·         Every year on July 4th, Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs hosts a hot dog eating contest in which contestants must consume as many hot dogs as possible in 10 minutes. The current male record holder ate 69 hot dogs while the female record holder inhaled 45 hot dogs in only 10 minutes.

·         A hot dog at the ball game beats a roast beef at the Ritz. - Humphrey Bogart, Famous 1940s actor.

July 23 Dara’s Corner

·         Let Freedom Ring Day 18 Freedom from Jealousy

·         It is traditional in Spain to make a yearly pilgrimage to St. James of Compostela on July 24. Read more about this custom. From Catholic Culture's Library: Pilgrimage To The Stars and Cycling through time on the Camino de Santiago.

·         Today is International Day of Self Care

o   There are Seven Pillars of Self Care

§  Pillar 1: Knowledge & Health Literacy

§  Pillar 2: Mental Wellbeing

§  Pillar 3: Physical Activity

§  Pillar 4: Healthy Eating

§  Pillar 5: Risk Avoidance & Mitigation

§  Pillar 6: Good Hygiene

§  Pillar 7: Responsible Use of Self-Care Products & Services


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