Living the Beatitudes

1.      Be not afraid but be brave in the world loving even the loveless.

2.      Do not become prideful and self-important but show humility; reverence and respect to all: for they are created by the hand of God.

3.      Do not envy the wicked; but let your desire be to be kind remembering they must account for themselves before God; respect and be loyal to them.

4.      Let your anger be at injustice, showing patience, compassion and forgiveness to the sinner.

5.      Be temperate and do all things in moderation; do not greedily take things to yourself but share your wealth with those in need. Remember to show true charity by helping them with their troubles thus empowering them to become greater; to pursue righteousness.

6.      Do not become slothful or failing to resist evil but be diligent to build the Kingdom of God; one day and one person at a time: begin with yourself.

7.      Do not be gluttonous; avoid excess and exclusivity (the country club mentality) but be temperate sacrifice, give up and surrender to the Spirit of God.

8.      Do not look on others as objects to be used for lustful needs but see them as created by the hand of God; your chase purpose is to help them achieve God’s dream for them.


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