December 7, 2014

Psalm 40, verse 10:
10 Near indeed is his salvation for those who fear him; glory will dwell in our land.

Not fear but revere!  This is Holy fear which acknowledges, He that is, and that we exist in and through Him by the saving grace of Christ and the action of the Holy Spirit.  The opposite of revere is to despise.  There are many in our country and world who despise the Lord.  How did this come about?  According to the US Army Leadership manual[1] followers tend to ask two questions: 

 1) Is the leader powerful? 2) Does he care about me?

Does He care about me?
Does He  have power?
Trusted and Respected

To get to Holy fear we must know that God has power (thus acting accordingly by following his commandments) and know that He cares about us.  To not do this we will fear, tolerate or despise our Lord but if we acknowledge His power and His love we will have reverence and according to the second part of this verse, “Glory will dwell in our land.”  

Today is Pearl Harbor day let us offer our prayers up for all those who serve in our armed forces.  Also for those who's hearts are telling them to do more than just pray, today would be a good day to write or send a package to a soldier via an organization called "any soldier".  (

[1]  Military Leadership, Field Manuel 22-100 


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