January 12, 2015

Isaiah, Chapter 25, verse 3:
3 Therefore a strong people will honor you, ruthless nations will fear you.

STEP is a personal project of someone who is in the midst of a great ...Pope Benedict XVI wrote in his Theology of the Covenant that we are a people of many faiths with one covenant with God. Therefore it is reasonable that strong people will honor us in our faith as we have the same covenant with the living God although we may worship in a different way.

What are some of the traits we and our cousins in the covenant may have as strong people? According to the daily elite-the voice of generation Y there are 20 things that strong people DON’T do[1]:
1.      Dwell on the past.
2.      Stay in their comfort zone
3.      Refuse to listen to the opinion of others
4.      Avoid change
5.      Keep a closed mind and are open to new ideas
6.      Let others make decisions for them
7.      Get jealous of over the success of others
8.      Dwell on the possibility of failure they keep a positive perspective
9.      Feel sorry for themselves
10.  Focus on their weaknesses
11.  Try to please people
12.  Blame themselves for things outside their control
13.  Be impatient and quit easily
14.  Let misunderstandings continue
15.  Feel they are entitled or privileged
16.  Repeat mistakes
17.  Give into their fears
18.  Act without using prudence
19.  Refuse to help
20.  Quit

However, on the other hand, we must realize that ruthless nations will fear a covenant people because ruthless nations are made up of ruthless people and ruthless people fear what they cannot control.

There are 6 traits of the ruthless according to Askmen.com

·         Emotion is to be avoided in all decision making
·         No tolerance for incompetence
·         Never forgive
·         Punish quickly and brutally
·         Instill fear in others
·         Stay focused and determined

To be a people of the covenant we must remember the urging's of Christ that “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” (Mark 1:15).


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