Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Acts, Chapter 5, verse 26
26 Then the captain and the court officers went and brought them in, but without force, because they were afraid of being stoned by the people.

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The apostles were brought before the Sanhedrin for trial. These temple priests which were instrumental in causing the crucifixion of Christ were now inflamed with jealousy over the apostles; who by the resurrection of Christ no longer feared death or taxes. (Happy tax day).  The people began to believe and the world was never the same.

The apostles after their release immediately resumed public teaching they rendered unto God what was God’s.

The apostles filled with the Holy Spirit were not afraid anymore. They practiced obedience, commitment, healthy relationships and faith. They enabled the church to grow by their seven P’s of leadership[1]

·         Purity-the apostles insisted on the truth and integrity.
·         Power-they healed broken minds and bodies.
·         Persecution-they were convicted and stood their ground in opposition.
·         Proclamation-they proclaimed the good news to all.
·         Priorities-They made Christ their first priority.
·         Praise-They were humble, grateful for joys and sorrows and praised God for everything.
·          Perseverance-they kept on spreading the good news with conviction; throwing caution to the wind.

Daily Reflections Video link:

[1] John Maxwell, The Maxwell Leadership Bible.


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