Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Judges, Chapter 6,
Verse 23
answered him: You are safe. Do not fear.
You shall not die.
Unlike Gideon, whom this
verse is about, most of us do not have an angel appear from heaven to tell us
that we will not die and to not be afraid. Yet, we have something greater than
an angel here; we have the Lord Jesus Christ telling us-Do not fear.
We are blessed because
we are the receivers of the apex of God’s graces through Jesus Christ, His
mother and the action of Divine Mercy. If you are afraid to start again or are
discouraged by failure it is because you do not understand you can do nothing
without Christ. Therefore if you have sinned go to confession and receive His Body
and Blood: being renewed. I remember in 2006 when I and my wife Mary were
blessed with being able to make a trip to Israel. I was reflecting upon the
graces I had received. I was thanking the Lord for I had touched the spot on
the earth where He was born, and I had touched the spot where He had died, and
I had touched the spot where He had ascended into heaven. I was prideful and thought
how lucky am I. Then my Lord reminded me that a greater grace still awaits me
and everyone in the Holy Eucharist. Be honest, humble yourself and make a sincere
effort. Leave all else in His hands-saying: Jesus I Trust in You!
Pride wants immediate
success. Be brave as Gideon and renew your intentions, make a resolution daily
to do the will of God and seek to please Him.
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