Deuteronomy, Chapter 7, Verse 24-25
17 If you say to yourselves, “These nations are more numerous
than we. How can we dispossess them?” 18 do not be afraid
of them. Rather, remember clearly what the LORD, your God, did to Pharaoh and
to all Egypt: 19 the
great testings which your own eyes have seen, the signs and wonders, the strong
hand and outstretched arm with which the LORD, your God, brought you out. The
same also will he do to all the peoples of whom you are now afraid.
We in America have much to
be afraid of If we have not
been obedient to God’s word but If we
have been obedient we also have nothing to fear
from those nations and peoples which hate us.
We on our own have no
power to defeat the devil and his evil forces but with God fighting for us
nothing can defeat us. Do you believe this?
Then we as a people must
be a nation, that follows the precepts of the Lord or clearly we too will be dispossessed
of our land. You must know that those
who are loyal to God’s commandments will not be in terror. We must be humble
before God and confident that His power will save us. On the Day of Judgment it
will be the poor and the humble that will have great confidence and joy, but
the proud and powerful lovers of this world who have not repented that will be
afraid. Let us pray for those who do not know and follow Christ.
Under all the false, overloaded, glittering
masquerade, there is in every person a noble nature.
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