Wednesday, September 23, 2015
18, Verse 21-22
21 Should
you say to yourselves, “How can we recognize that a word is one the LORD has not
spoken?”, 22 if a prophet speaks in
the name of the LORD but the word does not come true, it is a
word the LORD did not speak. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; do
not fear him.
Today is the Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest (Padre Pio) who is one of my wife’s patron saints. Yet, even saints at times may have spoken presumptuously. Let us meditate on the words of Padre Pio, “Love and fear must go united together, fear without love becomes cowardice. Love without fear becomes presumption. When there is love without fear, love runs without prudence and without restraint, without taking care where it is going.”
This is the
great beauty of the Holy Spirit for it tells us when even a very holy person
speaks not every word they speak comes from God. We error sometimes in this way,
making men into gods; but a heart that is filled with the spirit of God is
filled with quiet joy and even if the person were to be imprisoned they can
find true freedom; because of the inner security of the heart.
Let us never forget that Satan does his utmost to destroy
mankind. In a thousand ways he plots and wars against God and tries to usurp
His throne. On this subject, the following instruction given by Our Blessed
Mother to Venerable Mary
d' Agreda, is worth quoting: "My daughter," she says, "by no
power of human words wilt thou in this mortal life ever succeed in describing
the evil of Lucifer and his demons against men, or the malice, astuteness,
deceits and ruses, with which, in his wrath, he seeks to bring them into sin
and later on to eternal torments. He tries to hinder all good works . . . All
the malice of which his own mind is capable, he attempts to inject into souls.
Against these attacks, God provides admirable protection if men will only
co-operate and correspond on their part." Among the means provided by God
for our protection, is the ready recourse we may have at all times to the
strengthening Blood of Christ. "This Blood," declares St. John
Chrysostom, "has the power to drive away the evil spirits and to draw to
our side the good angels, aye, the King of Angels, and to blazen the way to Heaven."
Fortified by the Precious Blood, let us place ourselves under the leadership of
St. Michael and unfurl everywhere the banner of our Faith, without fear of godlessness. If Satan tries to
induce us to sin, and promises honors, riches, happiness on conditions that we
omit a good work, or commit an evil deed, let us ever oppose the tempter with
the energetic words: Who is like unto God? God is my only treasure, my highest
Good, His Blood is upon me, and "though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I shall fear no
evil. .." If in time of temptation, we have the courage to rebuke the evil
one and call upon the assistance of our leader, St. Michael, the enemy will
surely be put to flight. But if we wish to enjoy the great Archangel's
protection, we must also imitate his virtues, particularly his humility and his
zeal for God's glory.
"O great St. Michael, take us 'neath thy shield,
Thy mighty power in our favor wield!"[1]
Thy mighty power in our favor wield!"[1]
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