Monday, January 25, 2015 Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul
Chapter 22, Verse 18
Small stones lying on
an open height will not remain when the wind blows; So a timid mind based on
foolish plans cannot stand up to fear of any kind.
“A timid mind is apt to mistake
every scratch for a mortal wound.”
George Gordon Byron
Like Paul we must be
fearless in proclaiming the gospel.
into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be
saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mk. 16:15-16)
What do we learn from the conversion of
Saint Paul?
Not to despise any sinner, nor to despair
of his salvation: for, like Paul on the road to Damascus, the greatest sinner may,
by the grace of God, be suddenly converted, and become a saint. At the command of
God he accepted Ananias as his leader in the way of salvation, and became as zealous
for the honor of Christ as he had previously been intent on persecuting Him. In
like manner, a convert must shut his eyes to all by which he has heretofore been
led astray, and must give heed to that only which God commands. (Goffine’s Devout
Instructions, 1896)
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