Rosary Roadmap of Salvation

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Isaiah, Chapter 41, verse 5
The coastlands see, and fear; the ends of the earth tremble: they approach, they come on.

Even the coastlands will be able to recognize Christ says the prophet Isaiah. Yet, Christ was rejected by the Jews. Our loving God knew Israel would become full of hubris and haughtiness and forget the commandments that He enjoined them and they needed a savior.

Let us NOT be like the Angels of God who fell from heaven by an act of pride and rebellion by refusing to honor Mary the Mother of God. Let us be like unto Gabriel who on announcing the conception of Christ said to Mary:

"Hail" "Full of Grace" "The Lord is with you"[1]

Let us this day emulate Christ’s mother and ours: Mary and never weary of union with Christ through the most Holy Eucharist. This day try to spend some time in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Here is an original children’s story I have written a long time ago. Enjoy


Sir Michael was, Guardian of the Throne, to the King of Utopia, Richard. Utopia was a Kingdom like many others of that age, Most the Knights to the King had long forgot their oaths of duty and selfless service. Most of them were heavily involved in petty schemes or feuds with other Knights and spend a great deal of time and energy in self-promotion. In order to afford these pursuits of big-headedness they extracted heavy taxes from the peasants. The sons of these Knights were worse than their fathers and had much time for idle pleasures and failed to train properly as Knights of the Realm. These youth wasted much of their time in satisfying selfish pleasures, such as taking magical powders which made the takers have visions and feel a great sense of well-being. In addition many of these Knights to be were in the habit of drinking strong drinks to excess and going about mistreating the daughters and sons of the peasants. To be continued.



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