Sunday, August 21, 2016
Seek the kingdom of God and its justice.
1 Peter, Chapter 3, Verse 5-6
5 For this is also how the holy
women who hoped in God once used to adorn themselves and were subordinate to
their husbands; 6 thus Sarah obeyed Abraham,
calling him “lord.” You are her children when you do what is good and fear no intimidation.
As Christians we are not wimps. We may at times to the
untrained mind appear to because we do good for others and mirror the love of
Christ; but we are not unadventurous. Christians cannot be bullied to act
outside of their conscience. Peter here is reminding the first century
Christians of this; especially women who for all intents are purposes were
considered along the same lines as property.
Women Peter advices are to be subordinate to their husbands
so as to win them over if they are not Christians by their love and their
reverent and chaste behavior. Being sexy is the world’s view of beauty used in
most of the popular songs of today but Peter advice's us to rather show the
hidden character of the heart in a gentle and calm disposition (NO DRAMA
QUEENS). Husbands and wives are to show honor to each other because you are
joint heirs of the gift of life. Marriage is not an arrangement for mutual
Marriage is a noble commandment from God to love another;
even if it hurts. Each chooses to love and honor the other even when it’s
rejected; but do not be intimidated Peter advises; give love and do not give
up. In a marriage there should be an air of freedom; for real love is a choice
of the will rather than just a feeling and to choose one must be free. Never stop praying for each other remembering that
consideration is a prerequisite of effective prayer.
Amoris Lætitia[1] Love in Marriage Love is not irritable or resentful (103-104)
Paul’s hymn spoke of the need for
patience that does not immediately react harshly to the weaknesses and faults of
others, the word he uses – paroxýnetai – has to do more with an interior
indignation provoked by something from without. It refers to a violent reaction
within, a hidden irritation that sets us on edge where others are concerned, as
if they were troublesome or threatening and thus to be avoided. To nurture such
interior hostility helps no one. It only causes hurt and alienation.
Indignation is only healthy when it makes us react to a grave injustice; when
it permeates our attitude towards others it is harmful. The Gospel tells us to
look to the log in our own eye (cf. Mt 7:5). Christians cannot ignore
the persistent admonition of God’s word not to nurture anger: “Do not be
overcome by evil” (Rm 12:21). “Let us not grow weary in doing good” (Gal
6:9). It is one thing to sense a sudden surge of hostility and another to
give into it, letting it take root in our hearts: “Be angry but do not sin; do
not let the sun go down on your anger” (Eph 4:26). My advice is never to let the day end without making
peace in the family. “And how am I going to make peace? By getting down on my
knees? No! Just by a small gesture,
a little something, and harmony within your family will be restored. Just a
little caress, no words are necessary. But do not let the day end without
making peace in your family.” Our
first reaction when we are annoyed should
be one of heartfelt blessing, asking God to bless, free and heal that person.
“On the contrary bless, for to this you have been called, that you may obtain a
blessing” (1 Pet 3:9). If we must
fight evil, so be it; but we must
always say “no” to violence in the
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