Leviticus, Chapter 25, Verse 17
Do not deal unfairly with one
another, then; but stand in fear of
your God. I, the LORD, am your God.
Fairness is a word that means physical beauty. In a
sense God is asking us to not do those things that mar the physical beauty of
another. This means in essence that we need to nourish each other and to give
to share with other the gifts we receive from God. This means to respect each
person as a person, physically, mentally, and emotionally; to provide for their
Today is the start of national marriage week. One of
the greatest ways we can honor our creator is in how we deal fairly with our
Marriage works. It makes people happier, live
longer, and build more economic security. Children with married parents perform
better in school. Click here for new research on "Why Marriage
Matters: Thirty Conclusions from Social Science." Deep down, everyone
wishes they could have a rewarding lifelong commitment with their spouse. But
in the midst of challenges, we forget how marriage can benefit our personal
lives. We are losing our determination and the skills to keep marriages healthy
and strong. Marriage breakdown is costly to our kids and to society at large.
Divorce and unwed childbearing cost the U.S. taxpayers a whopping $112 billion
annually. In these economic challenging times, building stronger marriages
helps build a stronger nation.
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