Start March 12 to December 12

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Voting now till November 5-we hope?!

Face of Christ Novena

Face of Christ Novena
Novena of the Holy Face start Wed Oct 23 end on 1st Friday Nov 1st All Saints

40 Days Freedom from the Devil

40 Days Freedom from the Devil
Resist and he will flee-Day 40

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

  Candace’s Corner- Make Recipes with ginger, turmeric, cloves, and cinnamon  ·           Since today is the Feast of St. John Paul II and o...

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017


Do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home

Psalm 40, verse 2-4
2 Surely, I wait for the LORD; who bends down to me and hears my cry, 3 Draws me up from the pit of destruction, out of the muddy clay, Sets my feet upon rock, steadies my steps, 4 And puts a new song in my mouth, a hymn to our God. Many shall look on in fear and they shall trust in the LORD.

Right now our Nation is in the pit of destruction we are hemmed in on all sides, the power house of our Nation Texas is underwater and now we see the flower of our Nation is threatened by one of the largest storms a CAT 5 called Irma and we are defenseless to the whims of the son of Satan with a nuclear rocket in his pocket. As a people we have descended into the pit of destruction and we see the leaders of this Nation clamor to get themselves out of the pit and pull each other down when they see another rising higher out of the pit and so all are mired in their own filthiness. Let us now acknowledge our greatness comes from the Lord who in his might reproves nations that forsake his laws and shines on those that obey his laws. For surely only He can bend down to save us. Pray, cry out to Him, for only He can draw us out on the pit of destruction and set our feet upon the rock of truth. In hymn let us sing out to His mother which he sends to us. May God save and bless this nation that is a light to the world that only flickers now.

Nativity of Mary[1]-Happy Birthday Ma Ma

Today, we commemorate, the happy and joyful day, on which the ever-blessed virgin Mother of God, first saw the light of day. The Church accordingly sings on this day “Thy nativity, virgin Mother of God, has brought joy to the whole world ; for from thee has come forth the Sun of justice, Christ the Lord, Who putting away cursing bestowed blessing, and by overcoming death obtained for us life eternal.”

Hail, holy parent, who as a happy mother brought forth the King Who rules heaven and earth from eternity to eternity.

Let us honor Mary, especially by imitation of those virtues of hers which are to us, as St. John Damascene says, an open book of instruction; let us rejoice in her prerogatives and glory; let us encourage others in the veneration of her; let us, in our need, have recourse to her, who, according to the name Star of the Sea with which the Church salutes her, shines for all who sail upon the dangerous sea of the world. For this reason St.Bernard calls out to each one of us, “Take not your eyes from the light of this star if you would not be overwhelmed by the waves; if the storms of temptation arise, if you are thrown upon the rocks of affliction, look to the star, and invoke Mary. Are you confounded at the enormity of your sins, are you ashamed at the defilement of your conscience, and are you terrified on account of the dreadful judgment, so that you begin to be overpowered by sadness, or even to sink into the abyss of despair, then turn your thoughts to Mary. In dangers, in distress, in doubt, call on Mary. She will not be far from your mouth, or your heart; and that you may obtain her intercession omit not to imitate her conduct. When you follow her, you will not go astray; when you invoke her, you will no longer be in doubt; when she supports you, you will not fall; when she leads you, you will surely come to eternal life, and will find by your own experience that she is justly called Maria that is, “Star of the Sea”.

Things to Do[2]

·         Learn prayers to Mary, such as the Angelus, Litany of Loreto, Memorare, Hail Mary, and Hail Holy Queen.
·         Learn and sing various hymns to Mary, such as the Salve Regina, Immaculate Mary, Hail Holy Queen.
·         Start researching and planning a Mary Garden, or a special plant or flower for each feast day of Mary. This can be for next spring, but if some bulbs are to be included, this is the time to plant them!
·         Contemplate on how all the feasts of Mary point to the mysteries of Christ and our salvation history. Biblical readings: Proverbs 8:22-35 and Matthew 1:1-16 (this points to the appreciation of the heritage and family of Jesus).
·         Have a birthday party for Mary, with a specially decorated birthday cake and birthday decorations. Blue is the traditional color of Mary's mantle, so incorporating blue into the decor and food is quite appropriate. Try making an all white cake symbolizing Mary's purity, or cookies with white icing. White meringue cookies (or kisses) would also remind one of Mary's sinlessness. Birthday parties don't need special explanations for children. Have each child present a "gift" to their Mother Mary, such as spiritual bouquets, faults or virtues to work on, corporal works of mercy, etc. Learn to make string knot rosaries to give as "favors."
·         Decorate the house, family table or family altar with flowers or special Marian decor.
·         Eat some form of blueberries on this day, particularly in the morning -- blueberry muffins or blueberry pancakes, blueberry pie or just fresh blueberries on your cereal. The blue is symbolic of Mary's blue mantle.
·         Find out about the devotion to "Maria Bambina" or "Baby Mary."
·         Women for Faith and Family have some wonderful ideas for this feastday.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” -John 14:27

Friday Fitness

In honor of Mary let us reflect on the movie “Christmas.” In the movie “Christmas” we witnessed the day “Ralphie” pronounced the big F word and as a result his mother in loving correction immediately inserted a bar of soap in “Ralphie’s” nasty mouth. Today let us look at our own nasty mouths. Caring for your teeth may improve your fitness more than you realize.

Clean Mouth-Ralphie![3]

Taking care of your teeth is important for all ages, but it’s especially important for older adults who may be at greater risk of oral health problems. Adults 65 and older are at an increased risk for oral cancer, gum disease and cavities. Luckily, it’s never too late to start taking better care of your teeth. With proper care, you can maintain — or even improve — your oral health as you age. Here are six things that help improve senior oral hygiene.

1. Cut Out Bad Habits-There are dozens of reasons to quit smoking or chewing tobacco, and the health of your entire mouth is no exception. If you’re currently using tobacco products, talk to your doctor about healthy methods for quitting. And as you likely remember from childhood, sugary foods like candy and soda can increase your risk for cavities. Committing to healthy eating isn’t just good for your heart and waistline — it’s great for your teeth, too.

2. Increase Your Fluoride Intake-Many municipalities have fluoride added to their drinking water, but you can also incorporate a fluoride toothpaste or fluoride rinse into your daily care routine, too. If necessary, you can even talk to your dentist about regular fluoride treatments.

3. Be Diligent About Your Teeth Cleaning Routine-It isn’t enough to simply brush your teeth twice a day, every day. Additionally, you should floss at least once per day and consider rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash. Make sure to replace your toothbrush or brush head every three months.

4. If You Have Dentures, Clean Them Daily-Denture-wearers may have a different routine, but good oral hygiene is still a priority. Follow your dentist’s instructions for keeping your dentures clean so the rest of your mouth also stays clean and healthy.

5. Keep Your Mouth Hydrated-If you’re prescribed a medication that causes dry mouth, make sure you’re taking extra steps to keep your mouth hydrated. Drink lots of water and switch to sugar-free gum, if you’re a gum chewer. (Bonus: Sugar-free gum is better for your teeth, too!)

6. Go to the Dentist-regular checkups with your primary care physician, going to the dentist is the single best thing you can do for your oral health. Not only can your dentist give your teeth a good cleaning, but they’ll also be able to identify oral health problems before they progress and give you tips for taking care of your teeth. While the minimum recommendation is once per year, many older adults prefer to see their dentist every six months just to make sure everything is going well.

Daily Devotions/Prayers
·                 Drops of Christ’s Blood
·                 Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus
·                 National 54 day Rosary day 24
·                 September Devotion: Our Lady of Sorrows
·                 Divine Mercy Novena Day 4

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