Start March 12 to December 12

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Voting now till November 5-we hope?!

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Resist and he will flee-Day 40

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

  Candace’s Corner- Make Recipes with ginger, turmeric, cloves, and cinnamon  ·           Since today is the Feast of St. John Paul II and o...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Proverbs, Chapter 29, Verse 25
Fear of others becomes a snare, but the one who trusts in the LORD is safe.

Fear of others the political correctness of the bible. With this fear we are apprehensive of what others may think of us over a concern of what God thinks of us. We all fall into the trap of wishing for as many likes as we can get on our Facebook page. We cater to the approval of others often letting our Lord take the back seat.

God’s Laws Do Not Depend on Popular Votes of Approval[1]

Since the French Revolution, revolting from God’s ways has been the norm for governments and people.  Before the French Revolution, Emperors and Empresses, Kings and Queens received from God, via the Catholic Church, authority to rule. They were bound to rule by obeying God’s Rules. There were good Catholic popes, bishops emperors and kings. There were also bad popes, bishops, emperors and kings who abused the authority God had given them to rule. But each one of them, at death, have had to give a detailed account of how they had used the divine authority they had been given to rule. In fact everyone has some sort of authority, and we will have to give a strict account to God as to how we used His authority for the good or the bad. I as a priest will have to give an account of how I used my priestly authority over the parishioners under my care.  I will have to give an account of all the money, buildings and programs that I have had under my care while I was an associate pastor and as pastor. Each one of you, bishops, religious and priests reading this, will also have to give an account of how you used your God given authority over God’s flock. For us who have been vigilant in guiding God’s flock to heaven, there will be a reward. For each one of us who have been lazy, there will be punishment. But each one of us who has abused our God given authority to persecute holy priests and people, or mislead our people by telling them not to worry about sin, the devil and eternal damnation, it will be one horrible awakening into eternal chastisement. The road to Hell is paved with skulls of bishops and priests”.

Each husband will give an account of how he ruled over his wife and children. Each parent will have to give an account of the way they have raised their children. Each teacher, each principal, each government leader; each Emperor, King, Empress, Queen, and those under their orders, will also be rewarded or terribly chastised for how they did or did not implement God’s rules on their subjects. They will also have to give a detailed account on how they spent God’s money and treated God’s people placed under their care.

I am totally in favor of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.  He is the head of the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests and religious. The Church is head of the Emperors and Kings and those subject to their authority. Under this system, when the Holy Roman Empire existed, there was all sorts of great Christian growth as well as cultural growth: the great cathedrals, universities, hospitals, buildings, art, all over the world, was created in this divinely ordered society where God was the center of government and society. His divinely revealed laws were the laws that men lived by even though people broke them. This didn’t just start under the great Catholic Emperor Constantine. We can see it under the rule of the Judges of the Old Testament, who ruled by God’s authority, inforced His laws and guided by His wisdom. Under this divine system these judges/prophets were able to guide the Jewish people into a flourishing society. Under King David we see the great development and peace of Israel. When King Solomon ruled on the throne of his father King David, he did not ask for riches or a long life, but for divine wisdom. When he was faithful to The True God and lived by His wisdom, he built the great Temple and palace and had wealth unknown before his time. But when he became overcome by his lust and all his wives, he succumbed to allowing his wives to bring into God’s kingdom the abomination of worshipping of devil gods. From then on the kingdom of Israel went down and was eventually divided. And so his-story (King Saul, King Solomon and all the other Kings who abused God’s authority) goes on through out time.

Jesus, when He showed his Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1671, gave an important message to King Louis XIV of France. He was told to consecrate France to Jesus’ Sacred Heart and there would be great success in all his battles and in France. He was also instructed to put the Sacred Heart on the flag of France to remind everyone that France belongs to God, not the king. King Louis XIV never did what Jesus asked. King Louis XV also failed to comply with what Jesus asked for. When King Louis XVI came to rule, again, he did not obey Jesus’ request. After France financed the American Revolt against Britain, they ended up deep in debt. So, to try to resolve the problem, King Louis XVI called together the Estate General. From there, the other Estates were formed to try to solve the financial crisis. The 1st. Estate consisted of clergy. The 2nd consisted of Nobles. The 3rd. consisted of mostly bourgeois lawyers and other representatives. This is when democracy took power away from the king. No longer was it God, from above, who was giving authority through the His Church, to the kings and queens. Now, through democratic voting, authority was given to the leaders from below. What ever was the desire of the people who had the most power became law and Man became god.

From this democracy came the “Reign of Terror” in France where thousands and thousands of bishops, priests, religious and lay people were put to death by the guillotine. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their kingdom and heads. Blood flowed so profusely in Paris that people could not stand the stench. It literally saturated the soil and would squish up when walking on the soil around where they were daily killed. So when we think of voting on what is or is not moral, sanctioning what is or is not popular, we are giving into the authority of people and not the Divine Revealed Laws of God. The consequences of this are evident every time you watch the news filled with murders, raping, stealing and wars. And yet everyone, Catholics and non alike, want to judge what is and what is not moral by democratic decision. When will we wake up to the reality we are selfish.

·         We want pleasure.
·         We are greedy.
·         We will steal and kill to get our drugs.
·         We will use and then discard our sex partners.
·         We will kill unborn babies, up to 9 months, because it is lawful and convenient.
·         People say it is good to blow up innocent people for political reasons.
·         Cartoon child pornography is ok because of freedom of speech.

Wake up, open your closed mind, society is leading itself into self destruction. It is not too late to humbly recognize what simple common sense is telling us: the world is going to hell. Now let us admit that popular opinion has led us to where we are; wars, drugs, violence, crime and broken families everywhere.

God created us. Jesus died for us. Let us humbly submit to His divine loving laws while we still have somewhat of a chance to survive. Let us give Jesus His due and obey Him as our King and resubmit society under Him and His laws. It is so good to be a traditional Catholic and believe in the Kingdom of Christ the King. And Mary is our Queen too.

Blessed the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commands. His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth; the upright generation shall be blessed.

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

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