Start March 12 to December 12

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Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

  Candace’s Corner- Make Recipes with ginger, turmeric, cloves, and cinnamon  ·           Since today is the Feast of St. John Paul II and o...

Monday, March 19, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Begins-happiness day

Jeremiah, Chapter 40, Verse 9
Gedaliah, son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, swore an oath to them and their men: “Do not be afraid to serve the Chaldeans. Stay in the land and serve the king of Babylon, so that everything may go well with you.

Israel has been warned and finally they are captured by the Chaldeans and taken to Babylon. God has promised to bring them back after they have been chastised for not trusting God nor taking actions as He directed. God wants us to take action to ensure the Kingdom is here and now. To do this we must have faith but we must also prepare for success.

John Maxwell, noted author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Series states that all Christian leaders need to learn the proper balance between faith and preparation or planning.[1]

Law#4-The Law of Navigation: Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. To make it happen, you have to take action. You must do what you know needs doing. You must do it when it needs to be done. Don’t wait. You can make it happen. Knowing how is not the key. Taking action is.

Where should you start?

1.      Follow your conscience. What do you feel you should do? What do you want to do?
2.      Consider your passion. What do you get excited about? What do you need to do?
3.      Consider your natural talents. What are you naturally good at without much effort? What hobbies do you have? What interests do you have?
4.      Consider what society needs and values. What do you love to do so much you would do it for free, but people are willing to pay others to do? What do you see others doing that you would like to do?

If you want to find your purpose, you must get on the seldom traveled road to significance filled with setbacks, roadblocks, obstacles, and detours. This road leads to your purpose. You must develop the vision in order to see where you want to be next. Then, you must take the steps to move from where you are to where you want to be. You should always be grateful for where you are and what you have, but you should never be satisfied.[2]

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it. (Lk. 11:28)

Vernal Equinox-Spring Begins Top Events and Things to Do[3]

·         Visit a nursery and purchase seeds or plants.
·         Start your spring cleaning.
·         Plan your flower beds and garden.
·         Put away winter clothes and prepare summer clothes.

International Day of Happiness[4]

The International Day of Happiness seeks to celebrate and promote world happiness as a fundamental human goal. It recognizes the need for a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth, one that promotes sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness and well-being of all people.
At the UN Conference on Happiness in 2012, the United Nations proclaimed the International Day of Happiness. The day was celebrated for the first time on March 20, 2013 in an effort to highlight the importance of global happiness and its impact on world development and peace.

International Day of Happiness Facts & Quotes

·         There are currently about 1.8 billion young people in the world, more than ever before, creating an unprecedented opportunity for economic and social progress. Many studies have proved the link between happiness and productivity.
·         Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Ghandi
·         At this time of grave injustices, devastating wars, mass displacement, grinding poverty and other manmade causes of suffering, the International Day of Happiness is a global chance to assert that peace, well-being and joy deserve primacy. — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

International Day of Happiness Top Events and Things to Do

·         Print out and hang up posters of the Ten Keys to Happier Living. Research has proven that these ten keys have a positive impact on happiness and well-being.
·         Make the effort to cross an item off of your bucket list. We all have dreams and goals and fulfilling them creates happiness and a sense of accomplishment.
·         Give to others. Whether it's donating to a charity of your choice, volunteering or giving a thoughtful gift, studies have found that giving makes us happier.
·         Reduce the stress in your life. According to the American Psychological Association, these are the 5 best ways to manage stress:
1) Take a break from the stressor
2) Exercise
3) Smile and laugh
4) Get social support
5) Meditate
·         Watch a movie about happiness. Our suggestions: Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014), Eat, Pray, Love (2009), The Pursuit of Happiness (2008), Bruce Almighty (2003), Click (2006) and The Bucket List (2007).

Don’t Worry Be Happy[5]

Action for Happiness has developed the 10 Keys to Happier Living based on a review of the latest scientific research relating to happiness. Everyone’s path to happiness is different, but the research suggests these Ten Keys consistently tend to have a positive impact on people’s overall happiness and well-being. The first five (GREAT) relate to how we interact with the outsideworld in our daily activities*.

The second five (DREAM) come more from insideus and depend on our attitude to life.

Giving-Do things for others
Relating-Connect with people
Exercising-Take care of your body
Awareness-Live life mindfully
Trying out-Keep learning new things

Direction-Have goals to look forward to
Resilience-Find ways to bounce back
Emotions-Focus on what’s good
Acceptance-Be comfortable with who you are
Meaning-Be part of something bigger

True Happiness[6]

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- True happiness can be found by strengthening one's friendship with God through a love for sacred Scripture and the sacraments, Pope Benedict XVI said. Christians today can find many role models in the saintly men and women who lived throughout history. The pope described the life of the 13th-century Benedictine mystic, St. Gertrude the Great. Far from being a historical figure stuck in the past, this "exceptional woman" remains for today's faithful "a school of Christian life, a principled life, and she shows us that at the heart of a happy and real life is friendship with Jesus". St. Gertrude entered the monastery at a very young age and was an extremely talented student. She loved literature and music and was diligently devoted to her studies. However, when she was 24, she grew disgusted with her secular pursuits. She said the sense of turmoil and anxiety she felt was a gift from God, who was giving her a sign that she needed to "tear down that tower of vanity and curiosity." While her ardent love of learning helped bring her to religious life, the saint said it had gone too far and it was driven by pride. From that moment on, St. Gertrude began to intensify her relationship with God. She switched her studies from humanistic subjects to theological works, and in her monastic life, she went from living what she called being "negligent" to a life of intense prayer and missionary zeal. St. Gertrude represents one of the most famous female mystics in church history, and she's called "the Great" because of her "exceptional natural and supernatural gifts." She displayed "a very profound humility, an ardent zeal for the salvation of others, an intimate communion with God through contemplation and a readiness to come to the aid of the needy". "True happiness is the goal in our life," and the only way to find that kind of happiness is in forging a friendship with God. "This friendship you learn through a love for sacred Scripture, a love for the liturgy and (by cultivating) a deep faith and a love for Mary in order to truly get to know God better".

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         Nineveh 90 Day 79
·         Manhood of the Master-Day 3 week 8
·         Lenten Calendar Day 35
·         Do 50 min. in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
·         Please pray for me and this ministry

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