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Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Monday, October 21, 2024

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Monday, April 2, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter Tuesday

Ezekiel, Chapter 3, Verse 9
Like diamond, harder than flint, I make your brow. Do not be afraid of them, or be terrified by their looks, for they are a rebellious house.

This verse is suggesting that Ezekiel needs to knock heads or confront his adversaries. At times if we truly love a person, it may be that we may need to confront them. Our love should will the real good of another as other and take action to realize that good. To help make things go right so that the person we love is ultimately becoming the best version of themselves. This was the love of Christ.

According to John Maxwell[1] leaders and followers of Christ need to allow God to shape them into being the kind of person they need to be according to the situation. Maxwell suggests that when we are approaching a new and different situation we should ask ourselves the following questions using reason and not fear.

o   Do the circumstances tell me it is time to move forward?
o   Are others ready and willing to move?
o   Is it the right time to make a change?
o   Do I have a team that has the gifts and influence to lead?
o   Do we have the opportunity to be successful?
o   Do we possess the resources to move now?
o   Am I the right person to lead the way?

If we can answer in the affirmative to the majority of these questions God may be making our brow or will strong to make positive changes in our lives and those around us.

Easter Tuesday[2]

Why does Jesus greet His disciples with the words, “Peace be to you?”

1.      Because He came to restore to men that peace with God, with themselves, with their neighbor, which sin had destroyed.
2.      Because peace is a mark of the children of God, as discord is of sinners.
3.      Because peace is the greatest of all goods. Therefore it is that He will have His apostles, after His example, give the greeting of peace on entering a house.
4.      Finally, Because He desired to encourage His disciples to confidence by His friendliness.

Why did Our Savior retain the marks of His wounds after His resurrection?

·         To show that it was the same body which had been wounded during His passion, and to show that He was really risen from the dead.
·         To teach us that we too shall, in like manner, rise with our bodies.
·         To make known to us the greatness of His love, through which He has graven us, as it were, on His hands and feet, and in His heart.
·         To impart to us confidence in His endless mercy, and to encourage us to combat against the world, the flesh, and the devil.
·         To prepare a place of refuge, and an inexhaustible fountain of consolation for all the miserable, afflicted, and tempted.
·         To terrify the impenitent, whom, on the Day of Judgment, He will show how much He has suffered for them, and that they have been the cause of their own destruction. Oh, let us endeavor to think often on the wounds of Jesus, that we may thereby be encouraged to lead pious lives acceptable to God.


O Jesus, grant that the precious blood which flowed from Thy wounds for me and all sinners may not be lost.

Instruction on what we ought to believe concerning the Holy Scriptures.

He opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures.” Luke xxiv. 45.

Is it free to everyone to read and explain Holy Scripture according to his own opinion? No; that must be done with submission and conformity to the teaching of the Church. Questions of faith cannot be settled by appealing to the Holy Scriptures alone, since they themselves are liable to be misunderstood. For this reason the Church has done wisely in making the printing, reading, and explaining of Holy Scripture depend upon the permission of lawful spiritual superiors.

What, therefore, must one do who desires to read the Holy Scriptures?

§  He must read them, only with the permission of the ecclesiastical superiors.
§  With the subjection of his own opinion to the decisions of the Church, and the interpretation of the holy fathers.
§  With suitable preparation, by prayer and fasting, as St. Thomas of Aquinas did, and with devotion and care.

See, the eyes of the lord are upon those who fear him, upon those who hope for his kindness, to deliver them from death and preserve them in spite of famine.

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         Manhood of the Master-Day 3 week 10
·         Divine Mercy Novena/Hike Day 5
·         Please pray for me and this ministry

[1] John Maxwell, The Maxwell Leadership Bible, 2002.
[2] Goffine’s Devout Instructions, 1896.

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