Sunday, July 15, 2018
Eighth Sunday after
Pentecost (15th S. Ord. Time)
Chapter 23, verse 10
The dispute was so
serious that the commander, afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces by
them, ordered his troops to go down and rescue him from their midst and take
him into the compound.
Paul’s time the Jewish people were divided into two camps. Paul in his fearlessness
had spoken the truth and it struck a nerve with both sects wanting his death.
How often is truth and reason ignored? Men find it easier to fall into camps
and rationalize or justify their actions. Christ tells us to use reason much as
He did with Thomas and believe. God has given us intelligent foresight as well
as the Holy Spirit.
While ants prepare for the winter, they do not contemplate eternity. While dogs have keen memories, they do not gather wisdom from the accumulated experience of the entire human race as a source of universal truth.
the Present
our Grasp
Looking Ahead
for the Future
Near indeed is his
salvation for those who fear him; glory will dwell in our land.
Is calumny a grievous sin?
When the occasion is important, and the slander is deliberately uttered, with
evil intention, when one’s neighbor is thereby grievously injured, and his good
name damaged, everyone may see how grievous and detestable, in such a case,
this sin is. (Hmm…Fake News?)
Is it sinful to disclose the faults of our neighbor?
To make public the faults and sins of our neighbor uselessly, merely for the
entertainment of idle persons, is always sinful. But if, after trying in vain
to correct his faults and sins by brotherly admonition, we make them known to
his parents or superiors, for his punishment and amendment, so far from being a
sin, it is rather a good work and a duty of Christian charity.
Is it a sin also to listen willingly to calumny?
Yes; for thereby we furnish the calumniator an occasion for sin and give him
encouragement. For which reason St. Bernard says: “Whether to calumniate be a
greater sin than to listen to the calumniator I will not lightly decide.”
What ought to restrain us from calumny? The
1, of the enormity of this sin;
2, of the number of sins occasioned
thereby of which the calumniator, as the occasion of them, becomes partaker;
3, of the difficulty of correcting the
harm done, since we cannot know the full extent of the injury, nor stop the
tongues of people. Finally, we must think on the eternal punishment which
follows this sin. The holy Fathers say that of young persons who are condemned
the greater part is for impurity, but of the old, for calumny.
Below is an
Excerpt from My Sunday Missal,
Confraternity of the Precious Blood
was a certain rich man who had a steward, . . .reported. . .as squandering his
counting of thy stewardship, . . .thou canst be steward no longer'"
children we have access to our Father's "possessions" (Gospel).
"By virtue," of our Baptism, "we (all) cry, . . .Father! unto
our God (Epistle). In the business of salvation, the Father has appointed us as
"stewards" over human goods and Divine graces, to use, not to abuse
them. The Introit recalls that even though we now receive "mercy,"
yet one day we must stand before "Justice." The meaning of this
Gospel story is: "Act prudently," you children of God; use material
treasures so as to make eternal friends; exercise your talents in the spiritual
and corporal works of mercy. Those whom you help to save, will help save you.
According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the origins of ice cream date back to the second century B.C., when several prominent historical figures such as Alexander the Great, King Soloman and Nero Claudius Caesar enjoyed consuming iced beverages and snow. As the centuries passed, the snow and ice was refined into cream ice and eventually, in 1777, ice cream was first advertised in New York. However, ice cream was a rare delicacy for the elite until 1800s when ice houses were built. Since then, it has become a staple dessert for the American people.
National Ice Cream Day Facts &
the summer of 1790, President George Washington spent $200 on ice cream.
Meanwhile, according to Thomas Berry of Duke University, the price of 1
pound of coffee was $0.50 in 1788.
of milk in the US goes towards making ice cream.
World War II, ice cream was served to troops to boost morale while sanctions
and rationing was in effect for the general public. When the war ended,
rationing of ice cream was lifted and Americans celebrated victory with a cold,
creamy treat. In fact, each American consumed more than 20 quarts of ice cream
in 1946.
2014, 872 million gallons of ice cream were produced in the United States.
The average American annually consumes 22 pounds of ice cream.
cream is a nutritious and wholesome food, enjoyed by over ninety percent of the
people in the United States. It enjoys a reputation as the perfect dessert and
snack food. Over eight hundred and eighty-seven million gallons of ice cream
were consumed in the United States in 1983. - President Ronald Reagan,
Proclamation 5219 - National Ice Cream Month and National Ice Cream Day, 1984
National Ice Cream Day Top Events
and Things to Do
ice cream with your family and friends.
free or discounted ice cream. Most ice cream shops giveaway free ice
cream or offer special discounts on National Ice Cream Day.
President Thomas Jefferson's favorite vanilla ice cream.
The recipe believed to have been hand written by Jefferson is archived at
the Library of Congress.
up your ice cream by getting some healthy toppings.
Our favorites:
-Chopped Walnuts
-Fresh Berries
-Raw Cacao nibs
-Goji Berries
-Frozen chopped banana
-Unsweetened shredded Coconut
-Chopped Walnuts
-Fresh Berries
-Raw Cacao nibs
-Goji Berries
-Frozen chopped banana
-Unsweetened shredded Coconut
a non-dairy alternative to milk-based ice cream products. Whether it is
for dietary choices or lactose-intolerance, there are a variety of non-dairy
frozen desserts made from soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk and
rice milk. Here are some non-dairy frozen desserts to try:
- Rice Dream Organic Vanilla
- Luna & Larry’s Organic Coconut Bliss Chocolate Chip Cookie
- Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey
- So Delicious Dairy Free Cashew Milk in Salted Caramel Cluster flavor
- Nada Moo Gotta Do Chocolate Ice Cream
- So Delicious Almond Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
- Rice Dream Organic Vanilla
- Luna & Larry’s Organic Coconut Bliss Chocolate Chip Cookie
- Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey
- So Delicious Dairy Free Cashew Milk in Salted Caramel Cluster flavor
- Nada Moo Gotta Do Chocolate Ice Cream
- So Delicious Almond Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
these counsels slowly. Pause to meditate on these thoughts. They are things
that I whisper in your ear-confiding them-as a friend, as a brother, as a
father. And they are being heard by God. I won't tell you anything new. I will
only stir your memory, so that some thought will arise and strike you; and so
you will better your life and set out along ways of prayer and of Love. And in
the end you will be a more worthy soul."
15. Excuses. You will always find plenty if
you want to avoid your obligations. What a profusion of well-thought-out
nonsense! Don’t stop to consider it. Dismiss it and do your duty.
Daily Devotions
pray for me and this ministry
Pray for Senator
McCain and our country; asking Our Lady of Beauraing to
Pray our Democratic leaders confirm
the new Supreme Court Judge.
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