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Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

  Candace’s Corner- Make Recipes with ginger, turmeric, cloves, and cinnamon  ·           Since today is the Feast of St. John Paul II and o...

Friday, September 21, 2018

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ember Saturday

1 Corinthians, Chapter 14, Verse 32-33
32 Indeed, the spirits of prophets are under the prophets’ control, 33 since he is not the God of disorder but of peace.

Peace is not maintained in anarchy. Paul is expressing the need for order in church meetings and for rules of order. Paul concludes with specific directives regarding exercise of the gifts in their assemblies and enunciates the basic criterion in the use of any gift: it must contribute to “building up.”

Leaders Organize not Hesitate[1]

He that hesitates is lost. Yet, to act to quickly is also to be rash. Paul wrote to bring order to a church in chaos. Like our modern world churches can be in chaos when there is no leadership. The Corinthian’s were abusing their gifts and calling attention to themselves rather than to Christ. Paul therefore suggests for them to do everything “decently and in order.” John Maxwell submits that there is a leadership lesson that can bring peace to chaos.

  1. Identify and pursue your top priorities (v.1).
  2. Seek to practice what will benefit the most people (v.2-12).
  3. Communicate clearly (v. 7-8).
  4. See things through the eyes of an outsider (v. 23-25).
  5. Order activities simply for the purpose of adding value to others (v. 26-33).
  6. Make sure everything is done in an appropriate manner (v. 40).

Ember Saturday of September-Commemoration of Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles (both of which occur in the Jewish calendar around this time), two important foreshadowings of the Christ event.[2] 

Fall begins (Northern H.)[3]
Fall begins in the Northern Hemisphere when the Sun is perpendicular to the equator.  This day has equal hours of day and night.  The first day of Fall is also called the Autumnal Equinox.  In many areas it coincides with harvests.  The first day of Fall happens between each year between September 22 and 24.
Fall begins (Northern H.) Facts & Quotes
·         The Harvest Moon is the full moon which occurs closest to the autumnal equinox.
·         The Fall Equinox is also known as: Alban Elfed, Cornucopia, Feast of Avilon, Festival of Dionysus, Harvest Tide, Mabon, Night of the Hunter, Second Harvest Festival, and Wine Harvest.
·         The Earth takes 365.25 days to make one complete revolution around the Sun.  This results in the first day of Fall beginning 6 hours later each year and moving a full day backwards on Leap Years.
·         During the fall, the leaves on many trees die and fall to the ground. 500 years ago, expressions like fall of the leaf and fall of the year were quite common in the English-speaking world.  The term fall as the name for this season comes from these early expressions.
·         How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light and color are their last days - John Burroughs

Fall begins (Northern H.) Top Events and Things to Do

·         Take a hike and enjoy the colorful leaves.
·         Visit a Nature Center or Nature Museum near you.
·         Plant cold weather plants or begin to protect your summer plants from the winter elements.
·         Rake leaves into piles and then jump in them.
·         Visit an apple orchard and pick some fresh apples. Use some of them to make a delicious apple pie or apple crisp for dinner.

Oktoberfest (Sep 22-Oct 7)[4]

Oktoberfest is a 16-day folk festival celebrated in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.  It is also the world’s largest Volksfest, which are German events that combine beer festivals with traveling funfairs.  Oktoberfest first emerged on October 12, 1910 when King Ludwig I married Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen. Citizens of Munich celebrated the marriage in fields leading to the city gates.  These fields were named ‘Theresienwiese’ in honor of the Princess.  The wedding celebrations ended on October 17th with horse races and until 1960, horse races were held annually. Eventually, carnivals, amusement rides, food booths, beer tents and parades were all added to the celebrations. Today, Oktoberfest is still held annually at the Theresienwiese fairgrounds in Munich although there are no longer any horse races.  Oktoberfest celebrations have also spread globally, becoming synonymous with beer and German culture. This festival usually starts on the third weekend of September and ends on the first weekend of October.

Oktoberfest Facts

·         According to tradition, beer tents at the Oktoberfest can only sell beer that has been brewed in Munich.  The beer has to adhere to the Bavarian Purity Requirements called Reinheitsgebot.

·         The six breweries allowed at the Oktoberfest include:
1) Augustiner
2) Hacker Pschorr
3) Hofbräu
4) Löwenbräu
5) Paulaner
6) Spaten
·         Since Oktoberfest is still held on the Theresienweise, locals refer to Oktoberfest as Wies'n.
·         Beer served at the Oktoberfest is poured in mugs called Maß.  A Maß is made of clear glass, so that the consumer can see whether the Maß is full or not.  Maß also contains a calibration mark to which beer must be filled and the calibration mark has to amount to 1-liter.  If a Maß is not completely filled, or the calibration mark falls below the true 1-liter position, or if there is no calibration mark, then the seller can be prosecuted for committing fraud.  Verein gegen betrügerisches Einschenken is a Munich-based organization that monitors whether glasses are being completely filled or not.
·         Traditional German clothing for Oktoberfest includes a Sennerhut.  Sennerhut is a woollen hat that may have symbols of a person’s hometown or is embroidered with bright flowers.  For a measure of good luck, some people add goat hair on the hat.  Men traditionally wear Lederhosen, which are leather breeches, while women wear Dirndl.  A dirndl is a dress that consists of a bodice, blouse, skirt and apron.
·         In 2015, 5,900,000 visitors attended Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.  Approximately 7.3 million liters of beer was consumed and the average 1-litre mug of beer cost approximately 10.22 euros ($12).

Oktoberfest Top Events and Things to Do

Attend the real Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.
·         Try traditional Oktoberfest food:
1) Bavarian Brez’n, a soft pretzel that is served with sausage and mustards
2) Sausages including Bratwurst, Weisswurst, or Currywurst
3) Slow roasted ox
4) Rotisserie chicken
5) Schweinshaxe which is a pickled ham served with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes
·         Celebrate Oktoberfest at beer gardens in the United States.  Here are some recommendations:
1) Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2) Founders Brewing Co. in Grand Rapids, Michigan
3) Lagunitas Brewing Company in Petaluma, California
4) Fremont Brewing Company in Seattle, Washington
5) Draught House Pub & Brewery in Austin, Texas
6) Frankford Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
7) Radegast Hall & Biergarten in Brooklyn, New York
8) Cisco Brewers in Nantucket, Massachusetts
9) Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens in San Diego, California
10) Der Biergarten in Atlanta, Georgia
11) Rhein Haus in Seattle, Washington
12) Wurstküche in Los Angeles, California
13) Four Peaks, Town Lake, Tempe, Arizona
·         Host an Oktoberfest party.  Try different German beers and Oktoberfest dishes including sausages and soft pretzels and even dress up in traditional Oktoberfest clothing called Tracht, including a dirndl for women and a lederhosen for men.

35 Promises of God[5] cont.

10.  I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”-Josh 1:9

The Way[6]

"Read these counsels slowly. Pause to meditate on these thoughts. They are things that I whisper in your ear-confiding them-as a friend, as a brother, as a father. And they are being heard by God. I won't tell you anything new. I will only stir your memory, so that some thought will arise and strike you; and so you will better your life and set out along ways of prayer and of Love. And in the end you will be a more worthy soul."

55.  You say that you don't know how to pray? Put yourself in the presence of God, and once you have said, 'Lord, I don't know how to pray!' rest assured that you have begun to do so.

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         Pray the 54 Day Rosary
·         Total Consecration Day 11

[1] John Maxwell, The Maxwell Leadership Bible.

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