Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Charm is deceptive
and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears
the LORD is to be praised.
Woman is the key to the salvation of the world. It is
the miracle of God that the salvation of mankind was deposited in the care of
the Virgin Mary and likewise in the physical sense the material world through
the modern woman who is faithful to the precepts of the Lord. Such a woman
knows the secret to raising children to be happy and successful is to do it in
a home overflowing with love. A woman of faith truly knows:
is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in distress. Therefore, we
fear not, though the earth be shaken, and mountains plunge into the depths of
the sea.
hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of woman is being
acknowledged in its fullness, the hour in which women acquire in the world an
influence, an effect, and a power never hitherto achieved. That is why, at this
moment when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women
impregnated with a spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid humanity in not
falling.” (Closing speeches Vatican Council II, 12/8/65).
Mary is a perfect role model for all women, of course, but for women who work
in particular. According to St. Louis de Montfort, Mary has principle virtues,
which when practiced help to lead us to her Son and create a home and world
that celebrates the greatness of the Lord.
Profound Humility: Are you focused on others more than
yourself? Do you recognize the work of the team, or are you taking credit for
the work? Do you care who gets the credit? Does this impact the way you treat others?
Angelic Sweetness: Is your approach nurturing and
relational? Do you avoid calumniation of fellow co-workers and supervisors?
Even when difficult, do you respond to others at work by extending grace and
Ardent Charity: How can you demonstrate great love at
work? This is not the same love as a spousal love, of course. How do you approach
your employees? Your supervisors? Your clients? Your customers? Is your
approach focused on valuing a relationship more than a material good? Are you
able to articulate information and ideas in a mutually respectful way?
Heroic Patience: Do you really listen at work? Are you
able to rise above a situation in order to assist others as they learn new
tasks? Do you hold your temper or judgment about your supervisor when you
disagree with them? Are you willing in your attitude to seek understanding of
others, even when it is difficult?
Divine Wisdom: Recalling your baptism, and especially
your confirmation, do you recall and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your
work decisions? Do you pray for guidance? Do you seek Biblical and Church
tradition answers and solutions? Do you show gratitude to God when you
recognize divine wisdom at work?
virtues bring us to a very feminine leadership style: one steeped in
relationship building, not shying away from truth or faith, but approaching
others in grace. When practiced at work, these virtues of Our Lady can lead us
to Holiness and a fulfilled leadership at work.
Isaias Iviii. 9-14.
THUS, saith the Lord God: If thou wilt take away the chain
out of the midst of thee, and cease to stretch out the finger, and to speak
that which is good for nothing. When thou shalt pour out thy soul to the
hungry, and shalt satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall thy light rise up in
darkness, and thy darkness shall be as the noonday. And the Lord will give thee
rest continually, and will fill thy soul with brightness, and deliver thy
bones, and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a fountain of water
whose waters shall not fail. And the places that have been desolate for ages
shall be built in thee: thou shalt raise up the foundations of generation and generation:
and thou shalt be called the repairer of the fences, turning the paths into
rest. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy own will in
My holy day, and call the Sabbath delightful, and the holy of the Lord
glorious, and glorify Him, while thou dost not thy own ways, and thy own will
is not found, to speak a word : then shalt thou be delighted in the Lord, and I
will lift thee up above the high places of the earth, and will feed thee with
the inheritance of Jacob thy father. For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
vi. 47-56.
At that time: When it was late, the ship was in
the midst of the sea, and Jesus alone on the
land. And seeing them laboring in rowing (for the wind was against them), and
about the fourth watch of the night He cometh to them walking upon the sea, and
He would have passed by them. But they seeing Him walking upon the sea, thought
it was an apparition, and they cried out. For they all saw Him and were
troubled. And immediately He spoke with them, and said to them: Have a good
heart, it is I, fear ye not. And He went up to them into the ship, and the wind
ceased: and they were far more astonished within themselves: for they
understood not concerning the loaves; for their heart was blinded. And when
they had passed over, they came into the land of Genesareth, and set to the
shore. And when they were gone out of the ship, immediately they knew Him: and
running through that whole country, they began to carry about in beds those
that were sick, where they heard He was. And whithersoever He entered, into
towns or into villages or cities, they laid the sick in the streets, and
besought Him that they might touch but the hem of His garment: and as many as
touched Him were made whole.
Prayer. May
Thy faithful, O Lord, be confirmed by Thy gifts, that, receiving them, they may
seek them, and seeking may receive them forever.
Lenten Calendar[3]
Read: Today we
honor another Lenten saint, St. Frances of Rome, who
gave most of her great wealth to the poor.
Reflect: When we give
alms, we can give money, our time, and/or our talents. We sacrifice our comfort
for the sake of others. How have you viewed almsgiving during this penitential
season? Has giving of your time, talent, or treasure brought about a change of
Pray: The ease with
which we are able to give alms may depend largely on how much we earn. For
those out of work, the challenge is greater still. Today, we pray for those in
our life who may be between jobs or looking for work.
Act: Daylight
Savings Time begins tomorrow. Remember to set your clocks forward an hour
tonight and start the week and the season off right by getting to Mass on time
Daylight Savings time had begun in an effort to
help save energy and provide workers with more hours of serviceable daylight
during the long summer days. Daylight Savings Time was first introduced in
the U.S. in 1918. However, it was not until 1966, when the Uniform Act
was passed, that all states had to either observe DST or pass a state law to
Daylight Saving Time Begins Facts
Benjamin Franklin first proposed the idea of DST in 1784.
He wrote An Economical Project for the Journal of Paris, wherein he
discussed the cost of oil for lamps as well as working while it was dark and
sleeping while it was day.
Daylight Savings Time changes at 2:00 a.m. This time is
selected in an effort to provide the least amount of inconvenience to
businesses and citizens.
Hawaii and Arizona do not use DST. Up until 2006,
Indiana only used DST in part of the state.
Daylight Saving Time Begins Top Events and Things to Do
Move your clocks forward 1 hour before bed on Saturday night
before the Daylight-Saving Time day in March.
Go to bed an hour earlier Saturday night before the
Daylight-Saving Time day.
Get outside and enjoy the extra hour of daylight.
Replace the batteries in the smoke alarm and carbon dioxide
Clean out the medicine cabinet. Dispose of all
medicines properly.
Today imagine that God came to you
and said you can move back time for two hours for any moment in your life. What
would you change? Think of that before going to confession.
How to Celebrate Meatball Day
day, like other culinary holidays should be enjoyed with family or friends
gathered around. The most difficult part of preparing for Meatball Day is going
to be picking what nation’s recipe you will use. Lucky for you, this is a
yearly occurrence, so you can pick a new nation each year to try if you like.
Or you could be truly adventurous and try more than one at a time!
can be an appetizer, a side dish or the star of the meal. To celebrate, you and
your friends who like to cook can have a playful evening by letting each person
bring their own dish and then you can select a favorite! Think if it as the
home version of Iron Chef! With a little craftiness, a prize could even be
offered to grace the winner’s mantle.
is your favorite way to enjoy meatballs? There are so many ways to make them. Have
you added them added to your pizza or on a sandwich? Do you prefer to stick to
the traditions of your family or try to create something new? This is the time
to shine! An entire day devoted to meatball goodness.
doesn’t matter if you are a chef or a first-time cook. Making a meal with
meatballs is easy but has the wonderful side effect of making you look like the
star of your kitchen. Just do a search with your favorite search engine for
meatball recipes and pick the one that sounds yummy (that might be all of
them!). Don’t forget to record your adventure by taking a few pictures and use
#meatballday on social media to share!
The weapon of Sacred Sacraments
Baptism. Baptism is a sacrament of liberation and deliverance
from Satan and his realm.
Reconciliation. Each time we sin, the Devil strengthens his
grip on us; that is why it’s so important to go to sacramental Confession
The Eucharist. Mass is a great defense against the assault of
the Devil. Before Him the all-conquering power, the demons must flee. “We must
return from that Table like lions breathing fire, having become terrifying to
the Devil!”
Confirmation. To confirm means to make strong.
Anointing of the Sick. Illness, especially serious illness,
can be a trial in which Satan comes to tempt us to be overcome by fear,
discouragement, doubt, and even despair.
6. Matrimony. The
Devil’s first attack on the human race was focused on a married couple. The
home must become a sanctuary, a holy place, a fortress against Satan’s
7. Holy Orders.
The sacrament through which Christ’s mission for the Church continues to be
exercised until the end of the world.
these counsels slowly. Pause to meditate on these thoughts. They are things
that I whisper in your ear-confiding them-as a friend, as a brother, as a
father. And they are being heard by God. I won't tell you anything new. I will
only stir your memory, so that some thought will arise and strike you; and so
you will better your life and set out along ways of prayer and of Love. And in
the end you will be a more worthy soul."
end your examination with an act of Love — of Love-sorrow: for yourself, for
all the sins of men. And consider the fatherly care of God in removing the
obstacles in your way lest you stumble
Daily Devotions
comment on your “Coffee with
Goffine’s Devout Instructions, 1896
Paul. Manual for Spiritual Warfare. TAN Books.
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