Total Consecration to St. Joseph

Total Consecration to St. Joseph
Start February 16 for Feast of St. Joseph March 19

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

2 Maccabees, Chapter 8, Verse 16
Maccabeus assembled his forces, six thousand strong, and exhorted them not to be panic-stricken before the enemy, nor to fear the very large number of Gentiles unjustly attacking them, but to fight nobly.

Judas sums up their theological position before the battle succinctly: Our opponents trust in weapons and strategy, whereas we simply trust in an all-powerful God.[1]

Fight or die[2]

One of the greatest temptations in the Catholic life is that of complacency. We go through the motions, attending Mass on Sunday and maybe going to a parish program or two, but the Faith never really penetrates deep into our souls. It remains a superficial reality; just another thing to do in our comfortable, civilized lives. We love to complain about the problems in the Church—rending our garments over this bad bishop or this corrupt priest. We ask: Where are the saints of the modern Church? Where are the holy men and women who can be shining lights in this dark world? We lament the state of things, never realizing that it is that God has called us to be saints. It is we who must strive for sanctity as if our lives depended on it—because they do.

Fight for the Crown of Eternal Life

Jesus Christ is calling you and me to rise above satisfaction and mediocrity and to pursue greatness. He does not want us to muddle through the Christian life. He wants us to fight nobly for the crown of eternal life. “Fight your way in at the narrow door,” he tells us, “There are many who will try and will not be able to enter.” Now, realize that this spiritual combat does not necessarily mean grandiose outward actions. Most of us are not meant to found a religious order or to convert a far flung nation. The saints constantly tell us that holiness is found in sanctifying our everyday actions, however small they may be. Even so the point is, no one coasts into heaven effortlessly. It doesn’t work that way. We have a powerful enemy who works day and night to destroy us. Every day we encounter temptations internal and external that, if consented to, will destroy our souls. Men, a survey has revealed that 50%—that is 1 in 2—Christian men are addicted to pornography. If you think I am exaggerating the spiritual dangers, you are wrong. There is a war for your soul, and if you are not watchful, if you are not vigilant, if you are not intensely focused on the pursuit of holiness, you will fall away.

Choose Today Who You Will Serve

Holiness begins with a choice: God or the world. Whom will you serve? You can’t have it both ways. As with any war, there is no middle ground. You either fight or die. “You cannot please both God and the world at the same time,” says St. John Vianney, “They are utterly opposed to each other in their thoughts, their desires, and their actions.” In other words, you can’t pursue the world’s values and ideals while calling yourself a Christian and a Catholic. You can’t hold on to pet sins, abusing God’s mercy by asking his forgiveness, all the while having no real intention to change.

Take up Your Cross

Christ is calling you to take up your Cross and follow him. Doing so will bring you more happiness and more joy than you can possibly imagine. But it will also cost you the comfort and ease the world promises. “You are like crusaders united to fight against the world,” said St. Louis de Montfort, “not like Religious who retreat from the world; lest they be overcome, but like brave and valiant warriors on the battlefield, who refuse to retreat or even yield an inch. Be brave and fight courageously.” Men, if you’ve been mediocre, if you’ve been comfortably complacent, I challenge you today to follow Christ passionately, with all that you are and have. Clothe yourselves in the armor of God and take up the weapons of prayer and penance, calling on the powerful intercession of Our Lady, Help of Christians. Resolve in your heart to do battle, for eternal life, and then “Be brave and fight courageously.” Your soul depends on it.

St. Michael Helper of the Sick and Dying[3]

Saint Michael the Archangel was the protector of Israel and is also traditionally known as “The Medicine of God.” Saint Michael as the military captain of the church of God has a great interest in the happenings of his people, their calamities and he does not overlook their calls for his aid. Let us therefore have recourse to him in times of sickness. He will most certainly come to our assistance bringing the healing graces of the Redeeming Blood. Yet, if it is the will of the father that we depart from this world Saint Michael does not abandon us for he is especially our advocate at our hour of death and assists at every deathbed for it is part of his office to receive the souls of the elect on their quitting the flesh. When the last hour of our earthly career draws near we are confronted by that awful moment when our soul must leave the body which it has loved so much, to pass through the narrow portal of death, satanic hosts like raving lions will make a last attack upon our souls. But we need not fear (but be at peace) if during life we have had devotion to the Precious Blood and have been faithful in venerating St. Michael and imploring his aid. He will cover us with his strong shield and lead us safely through the midst of our enemies.

35 Promises of God[4] cont.

“If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.”-James 1:5

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         Battle for the Soul of America-Day 39


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