Thursday, November 14, 2019


Psalm 47, Verse 3-5
3 For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared, the great king over all the earth, 4 Who made people subject to us, nations under our feet, 5 Who chose our heritage for us, the glory of Jacob, whom he loves.

Sounds arrogant; doesn’t it? The fact is God is the ruler of the earth! If you do His will you are blessed both here in this life and the next. If you don’t it is like standing on the beach in a CAT 5 Hurricane and boasting that you are a good surfer.

Preaching God's Forgiveness[1]

Much has been written about the great challenges the Church faces in contemporary culture. The great modern "isms" confront a us daily—relativism, individualism, and consumerism, to name a few.

·         Relativism holds that absolute truth and enduring values are illusory.

·         Individualism gives "strong emphasis [to] the individual and individual choice, which often eclipses the sense of community or of the common good."

·         Consumerism puts "focus on material satisfaction to the detriment of spiritual values".

Given this cultural climate, it is hardly surprising that there is a lack of a sense of sin and a dropping rate of participation in Church life. In fact, the heart of every person in Christ must be about the heart of Jesus Christ, and the central mystery of his life, the Paschal Mystery: "The person and mission of Jesus, culminated in his Death and Resurrection, this is ultimately the central content of all the Scriptures". People of God can understand their own lives properly and be able to see their own experience in the light of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus". In a culture often dominated by relativism, individualism, and consumerism, the proclamation of the salvation of Christ is truly Good News. It allows people to see there is another way; it paves the way for conversion; it brings hope. God can open up a space in the human heart, a space that he alone can fill. Christ is about calling persons back to fruitful participation in the Sacrament of Penance, especially if it has been years since their last confession.

Purgatory is Temporary[2]

Purgatory is not eternal. Its duration varies according to the sentence pronounced at each particular judgment. It may be prolonged for centuries in the case of the guiltier souls, or of those who, being excluded from the Catholic communion, are deprived of the suffrages of the Church, although by the divine mercy they have escaped hell. But the end of the world, which will be also the end of time, will close for ever the place of temporary expiation. God will know how to reconcile His justice and His goodness in the purification of the last members of the human race, and to supply by the intensity of the expiatory suffering what may be wanting in duration. But, whereas a favorable sentence at the particular judgment admits of eternal beatitude being suspended and postponed and leaves the bodies of the elect to the same fate as those of the reprobate; at the universal judgment, every sentence, whether for heaven or for hell, will be absolute, and will be executed immediately and completely. Let us, then, live in expectation of the solemn hour, when "the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God." He that is to come will come, and will not delay, as the Doctor of the Gentiles reminds us; His arrival will be sudden, as that of a thief, we are told, not only by St. Paul, but also by the prince of the apostles and the beloved disciple; and these in turn are but echoing the words of our Lord Himself: "As lightning cometh out of the east and appears even unto the west: so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be."

Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage.

Things to Do

·         Say a prayer for the Poor Souls; for instance, recite the Little Litany of the Holy Souls.
·         Offer up some small sacrifice for the relief of the most abandoned soul. "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins" (Mc. 12:46).

World Diabetes Day[3]

World Diabetes Day aims to raise awareness of diabetes, a disease that raises blood sugars. Diabetes can result in problems with other organs and significantly increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and death.  As of 2015, approximately 1 in 10 adults worldwide is diabetic, a problem which poses a massive burden on nations as it threatens their health and economic prosperity. In 1991, World Diabetes Day was established by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in an effort to address the increasing number of diabetes cases and its burden on countries.  Currently, diabetes prevalence is highest in the Middle East and Southern Asia while it is lowest in Sub Saharan Africa. Diabetes, especially type 2, has been linked to obesity and a sedentary, inactive lifestyle and thus World Diabetes Day also serves to promote a healthy and active lifestyle that can drastically reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

World Diabetes Day Facts & Quotes

·         According to the World Health Organization, about 350 million people in the world have diabetes. The organization expects this number to double in the next two decades.
·         More than 80% of deaths related to diabetes occur in low and middle-income countries.
·         Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of the world's diabetes cases.
·         50% of people with diabetes die due to heart disease and stroke (cardiovascular diseases).
·         I was determined to share my positive approach and not let diabetes stand in the way of enjoying my life - Paula Deen, celebrity chef

World Diabetes Day Top Events and Things to Do

·         Visit your doctor if you are overweight, obese, do not regularly exercise and do not eat a balanced diet. These are all factors that can cause diabetes.
·         Participate in one of the American Diabetes Association's fundraising activities which include, The Tour de Cure, Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, Rip's B.A.D. Ride or you can create your own fundraising event by using the organizations' online tools.
·         Watch a documentary about diabetes and diabetes-related topics such as obesity, sugar consumption and fast food. Our favorites are: Sugar Babies, The Human Trial, Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days and Diabetes Cure Documentary
·         Learn about ways to control and lower the risk of developing diabetes. The American Diabetes Association provides some great ways to reduce your risk which include:
1) Eat a healthy balanced diet
2) Exercise regularly
3) Ensure that you are not overweight or obese
4) Remove unnecessary processed foods with high sugar content from your diet
5) Get checked for high blood pressure or abnormal cholesterol levels
·         Try the Iceman’s Universal Man Plan
·         Learn about the symptoms and signs of diabetes. Many cases of diabetes go undiagnosed for long periods of time while causing irreversible damage to the body. Some common signs and symptoms include:
-Frequent urination
-Constant Thirst
-Blurred vision

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         54 Day Rosary day 13
·         Iceman’s 40 devotion


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