JUNE 19 Friday in
Octave of Corpus Christi
The inhabitants of Samaria are AFRAID
for the calf of Beth-aven; its people mourn for it and its idolatrous priests
wail over it, —over its glory which has departed from it.
Freedom from Want. The first freedom men
often seek deliverance from is are obstacles or external wants of life such as
poverty, material needs, dishonor, weakness, disease/death, pain, oppression,
slavery and defeat.
1) have a free mind; to understand and to obtain
2) pursue human happiness and emotional
well-being and
3) Man wants his free will.
(Freedom of Speech) The third freedom is
a belief that all men have a right to freewill. If we believe otherwise, we treat
others as objects and may justify and rationalize the use of violence against
1) Individualism
(Pride-self-esteem-I’m OK; your OK livelihood)
2) Hedonism
3) Materialism
(Greed). In order to have true freedom we should seek poverty, chastity and
obedience. Surely the poor are freer
than the rich.
- There are many types of freedom.
- These freedoms must be in the right order.
- We must put our freedoms in the right
- Freedoms are political.
- To be free we need detachment.
- Everything is from God.
- Use lower freedoms do not let them use
- You are free in Christ; without Him you
make your own prison.
- Christ is our true freedom.
- Only Christ.
Solemnity of Most
Sacred Heart of Jesus[2]
Sacred Heart of Jesus is a devotional with long and historic provenance within
Christianity, and in modern times has been established as a Solemnity for the
universal Church.
Sixteenth century
Calvinism and seventeenth century Jansenism preached a distorted Christianity
that substituted for God's love and sacrifice of His Son for all men the
fearful idea that a whole section of humanity was inexorably damned.
The Church always
countered this view with the infinite love of our Savior who died on the cross
for all men. The institution of the feast of the Sacred Heart was soon to
contribute to the creation among the faithful of a powerful current of devotion
which since then has grown steadily stronger. The first Office and Mass of the
Sacred Heart were composed by St. John Eudes, but the institution of the feast was
a result of the appearances of our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1675.
The celebration of the feast was extended to the general calendar of the Church
by Pius IX in 1856.
"I promise you
in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all
those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive
months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor
without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge
in this last moment"
(Jesus to St. Margaret Mary).
the late 19th century, Sr. Mary of the Divine Heart received a message from
Christ. This eventually led the 1899 encyclical letter Annum
Sacrum in which Leo XIII decreed that the consecration of the entire human
race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus should take place on June 11, 1899.
the 100th anniversary of the Feast of the Sacred Heart in a landmark
encyclical, Haurietis
aquas (Latin: “You will draw waters”; written May 15, 1956), Pope Pius
XII began his reflection by drawing from Isaiah 12:3, a verse which alludes to
the abundance of the supernatural graces which flow from the heart of Christ.
Haurietis aquas called the whole Church to recognize the Sacred Heart as an
important dimension of Christian spirituality. Pius XII gave two reasons why
the Church gives the highest form of worship to the Heart of Jesus. The first
rests on the principle whereby the believers recognize that Jesus’ Heart is
hypostatically united to the “Person of the Incarnate Son of God Himself.” The
second reason is derived from the fact that the Heart is the natural sign and
symbol of Jesus’ boundless love for humans. The encyclical recalls that for
human souls the wound in Christ’s side and the marks left by the nails have
been “the chief sign and symbol of that love” that ever more incisively shaped
their life from within.
to Do:
the Catholic Culture Library read Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Sacred
Scripture by Bishop Raymond Burke.
a heart shaped cake or cookies in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The 12 Promises of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
more about this feast here
Doctrinal Explanations and Historical Ideas about the feast visit New Advent
Eugene Lobo, SJ explains the readings for the feast
Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger and Abbot Gueranger on the Sacred Heart of Jesus
a Heart-Shaped Pizza and/or heart Mexican Tin Art (at the bottom of the page),
directions at this site
Rosary for Priests
at Midnight
Global Rosary Relay for Priests begins at the stroke of
midnight on June 19, 2020, when we encircle the world in prayer once again, in
this its eleventh year, with more prayer locations than ever taking part in what
is now recognized as a truly significant and powerful devotional initiative
within the Catholic Church to recognize and bless the work of priests serving
the faithful the world over.
is a message to all priests for this
important day: The Priesthood Is the Love of the Heart of Jesus and the Prayers for
Priests, both for priests to say for themselves, and for lay people
to say for priests.
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus[3]
many pious souls had been accustomed, in the silence of their secluded lives,
to venerate the sacred Heart of Jesus with great devotion, still our divine Savior
desired that the boundless love of His Heart might be known by all men, and
that a new fire of love should thereby be kindled in the cold hearts of
Christians. For this purpose, He made use of a frail and little-known
instrument in the person of Margaret Mary Alacoque, a nun of the Order of the
Visitation, at Parayle-Monial, France. One day, when, according to her custom
during the octave of Corpus Christi, she was deeply engaged in devotions before
the Blessed Sacrament, the divine Savior appeared to her, showed her His Heart
burning with love, and said:
I. Object of this Devotion.
1. A holy devotion,
for therein men venerate in Christ those affections and motions of His Heart by
which He sanctified the Church, glorified His Heavenly Father, and showed
Himself to men as a perfect example of the most sublime holiness.
2. An ancient
devotion of the Catholic Church, which, instructed by St. Paul, the great
apostle, has at all times acknowledged the great beneficence of the divine and
sacred Heart of Jesus.
3. An approved
devotion, for the Holy Scriptures everywhere admonish us to renew the heart, by
changing our lives; to penetrate it with true sorrow, to inflame it with divine
love, and to adorn it by the practice of all virtues. When, therefore, a new
heart is promised us, by which to direct our lives, that can be no other than
the Heart of Jesus, which is to us the pattern of all excellence, and which we must
follow if we would be saved.
4. A perfect
devotion, as being the origin of all other devotions. For the Heart of Jesus is
the inexhaustible treasury from which the blessed Mother of God, and all other
saints have derived their graces, their virtues, their life, their spiritual
goods. Filled first with treasures from this source, different servants of God
have instituted and established other devotions.
5. A profitable
devotion, for thereby we have brought before our eyes the very fountain of life
and grace, and can draw directly from it, increasing in ourselves all virtues,
by adoring this divine Heart, meditating on its holy affections, and endeavoring
to imitate them.
6. A devotion
pleasing to God, for thus we adore God, as Christ requires, in spirit and in
truth, serving Him inwardly in our hearts, and endeavoring to please Him. Finally,
it is:
7. A useful
devotion, since its whole object is to unite us most intimately with Christ as
members of Him, her head, to make us live by and according to His spirit, to
have one heart and soul with Him, and through grace finally to become one with
Him, which is and must be the object of all devotions.
this devotion is, then, so excellent, we cannot sufficiently recommend it to
all who are anxious for their salvation. “While everyone can practice this
devotion, and adore the sacred Heart of Jesus, by himself, there is a greater
blessing when pious souls unite and form a confraternity for practicing the
devotion. Of such confraternities there were in the year 1726 more than three
hundred, and they are now established throughout all Catholic countries.
Hesitate not, Christian soul, to engage in this devotion, and to join in the
adoration of that sacred Heart of Jesus in which all men find propitiation, the
pious, confidence; sinners, hope; the afflicted, consolation; the sick,
support; the dying, refuge ; the elect, joy and delight.
Introit of the Mass for this feast is : “He will have mercy according to the
multitude of His mercies, for He hath not willingly afflicted nor cast off the
children of men; the Lord is good to them that hope in Him, to the soul that
seeketh Him, alleluia, alleluia” (Lamentations iii. 32-35). “The mercies of the
Lord I will sing forever to generation and generation” (Ps.
I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord, for Thou wast angry with me: Thy wrath is turned away, and Thou hast comforted me. Behold God is my Savior. I will deal confidently, and will not fear; because the Lord is my strength, and my praise, and He is become my salvation. You shall draw waters with joy out of the Savior’s fountains. And you shall say in that day: Praise ye the Lord, and call upon His name: make His inventions known among the people: remember that His name is high. Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath done great things: show this forth in all the earth. Rejoice, and praise, O thou habitation of Sion: for great is He that is in the midst of thee, the Holy One of Israel.
2. To show the
infinite love with which He first loved us, and to which the spear should point
3. To show that
there was nothing so dear to Him that He would not give it to us, since, for our
salvation, He shed the last drop of His heart’s blood.
4. To provide, as
it were, an abode in His opened side, according to the words of St. Augustine:
The Evangelist is very cautious in his language; for he said, not the soldier
pierced or wounded His side, but he opened it, that thereby there might be
opened to us the door from which flow into the Church those holy sacraments
without which we cannot enter into true life.
Octave of the Sacred Heart[4]
Enthronement to the
Sacred Heart[5]
Sacred Heart is King of individuals, of families and of the human race. The
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the family is the recognition of the Sacred
Heart as King of the Family. He is King of the family by divine appointment,
conquest and excellence, but He desires to be such by our own personal choice.
The Enthronement is more than a mere blessing of a Sacred Heart picture or the
mere dedication of a family to the Divine Heart; it is a way of life; a
covenant of love with our God. It is the recognition of the Royal Power of
Jesus Christ over the family which pledges to live in union with the Sacred
Heart by love, grace and obedience to His Commandments. In this way the
Enthronement brings
Who Is Its Apostle?
Father Mateo
Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC., a South American priest of the Congregation of the
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Upon his instantaneous cure at
Paray-le-Monial, he was inspired by God to preach everywhere the Enthronement
of the Sacred Heart to verify this promise of the Savior: "I will bless
every dwelling where an image of My Heart is both exposed and honored."
Where Is the
Enthronement to Take Place?
It is intended for homes,
schools, convents, institutions, parishes, dioceses, cities, states and
nations. We especially invite newlyweds as well as established families to
place their homes in the Heart of Christ in this manner, thereby assuring
themselves of special graces in their everyday problems and difficulties.
On Whose Approval?
It began with an oral
command from Pope Pius X (St. Pius X) in 1907. In 1915, Pope Benedict the XV
wrote a letter of approval. All subsequent popes have supported the need for honoring
the Heart of Jesus.
Why Is It So Vital?
It stabilizes the family,
the foundation of the Church and state; whoever rules the family rules society.
It sanctifies the family, creates in the home the Catholic atmosphere and a
spirit of piety, fosters vocations to the higher life, brings back wayward
members, helps and consoles the members of families in times of trial or
mourning. In short, it makes the home thoroughly Christian.
How Is It Carried Out?
The family makes
arrangements with a priest, a qualified lay promoter of the Enthronement
Apostolate or engages in self-study from instruction materials to get prepared
for the Enthronement. If possible, Holy Mass is offered that day in the parish
or in the home as an act of love and reparation. The family is encouraged to
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for Mass and Communion.
Preparation may also include the daily Rosary, a Litany of the Sacred Heart and
reflection on Scriptures. A statue or picture of the Sacred Heart is procured
and a place of honor or "throne" is prepared in the home representing
an altar in the home. There should be room for a Crucifix, candles, flowers and
the Bible.
The steps in the ceremony
- The
Blessing of the home (optional)
- The
Blessing of the Sacred Heart image (this could be done ahead of time if no
priest can be present)
- The placement
of the image of the Sacred Heart and the Bible in the place of honor
- The
recitation of the Apostles Creed
- An
explanation of the Enthronement
- The
Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, a prayer of Thanksgiving and an
Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the family,
- The
signing of the covenant certificate by the family.
Should the Enthronement Take Place?
Immediately, because
family life needs the help of the Sacred Heart during these times of assault
upon Christian values and Catholic doctrine. Zealous efforts to establish the
Social Reign of the King of Love will merit superabundant blessings on the
undertakings of all involved, will make priests' ministry most fruitful in the
salvation of souls and all promoters will have their names inscribed indelibly
and forever in the Heart of Jesus.
Where Can We Order
National Enthronement Center, Box 111, Fairhaven, MA 02719. Tel. (508)
999-2680. Ask for an Enthronement kit.
Twelve Promises[6]
In the apparitions to St. Margaret
Mary Alacoque, Jesus gives these twelve promises for those who are devoted to
His Sacred Heart.
The Twelve Promises of Jesus to Saint
Margaret Mary for those devoted to His Sacred Heart:
- I
will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
- I
will establish peace in their families.
- I
will console them in all their troubles.
- They
shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the
hour of their death.
- I
will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
- Sinners
shall find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.
- Tepid
souls shall become fervent.
- Fervent
souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.
- I
will bless the homes where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and
- I
will give to priests the power of touching the most hardened hearts.
- Those
who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart,
never to be effaced.
- The
all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive
Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of
final repentance; they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without
receiving their Sacraments; My heart shall be their assured refuge at that
last hour.
"Look at this Heart which has
loved men so much, and yet men do not want to love Me in return. Through you My
divine Heart wishes to spread its love everywhere on earth."
also called Freedom Day and Emancipation Day, celebrates the abolition of slavery in the United States. On June 19,
1865, Union soldiers arrived in Texas to deliver news that President Lincoln
has issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the enslaved. Although
Lincoln's Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863, it took nearly two and
half years for word to travel from Washington to Texas. By then, Texas had amassed
more than 250,000 slaves.
Since 1865, Juneteenth has been informally celebrated throughout the country
however in 1980, Texas became the first state to recognize it as an official
holiday. Shortly thereafter, other states also proclaimed the holiday. Today,
Juneteenth is a celebration of African American freedom, heritage and culture
observed through songs, communal cookouts and parades.
Juneteenth Facts & Quotes
According to the International Labor
Organization, almost 21 million people are victims of forced labor today, 11+
million women and girls and
9+ million men and boys.
Juneteenth is a combination of the words June
and Nineteenth about the date that slaves were freed in Texas.
The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance
with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are
free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property
between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing
between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are
advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are
informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that
they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere. - General
Gordon Granger, Major General of the United States Army, Issued June 19, 1865.
...I do order and declare that all persons held
as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and
henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United
States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize
and maintain the freedom of said persons. - President Abraham Lincoln, The
Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863
Juneteenth Top Events and Things to
Read the Emancipation Proclamation. The
proclamation, issued by President Lincoln, declared all persons held as slaves
within any State... shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free
Visit the Whitney Plantation, America's first
slavery museum, to learn about impact of slavery in Southern America. The
museum contains exhibits, artwork, restored buildings and first-person slave narratives
about the lives of those enslaved in Louisiana.
Sing traditional Juneteenth songs. These
include Swing low, Swing Chariot, and Lift
Every Voice and Sing.
Attend the annual Juneteenth Emancipation
Celebration at Emancipation Park, Houston Texas.
Attend a Juneteenth Musical Festival.
These are held across the United States; great ones can be found in
Denver, Berkeley and Atlanta
“I think that I cannot preserve my
health and spirits unless I spend four hours a day at least – and it is
commonly more than that – sauntering through the woods and over the hills and
fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
The world around us is moving at such a hectic
pace, that we often forget to slow down and smell the proverbial roses. Even
our walk is at high speed, pushing every inch of speed we can out of what is
otherwise the most leisurely of modes of locomotion. It isn’t just an
opportunity for us to remember to walk it is, more importantly, an opportunity
for us to take a truly relaxed tack to the day and choose to saunter.
History of Sauntering Day
Saunter: v, a walk in a slow,
relaxed manner, without hurry or effort.
This holiday was formed by W.T. Rabe in 1979 as
a response to the sworn enemy of the Saunter, jogging. Jogging is a grueling
attack on movement, with rapidity and effort being the purpose at hand, and all
joy being drained from getting around by making each step as painful as
possible. Perhaps we’re biased, but we believe the saunter to be the
unquestionably superior alternative. Sauntering doesn’t just mean walking; it
means walking as though the weight of the world has been lifted from your
shoulders. It means being free from stress and strain, and instead focusing on
the pure joy of walking. In fact, sauntering specifically implies that you will
be moving in a joyful manner.
Sauntering Day is your opportunity to
head out into the world and approach it with a deeply relaxed air, a moment of
pure clarity and joy, all while enjoying the beautiful world around you and
everything it has to offer.
How to Celebrate Sauntering Day
Give yourself plenty of time today and do so
with the intent of relaxing and truly enjoying your journey to wherever it is
you have to go. Saunter casually with pure relaxation and take in the scents
and sights. Greet others, and don’t let their urge to move quickly infect
yours. In fact, see if you can get them to slow down and join you on your happy
little saunter. The world will be better for it, and you’ll be happier for it.
Sauntering Day is your opportunity to leave all the rush behind and just…
Saunter… through your day.
When boredom and discouragement
beat against your heart, run away from yourself and hide in My heart.
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
[1] Peter Kreeft, Lecture at Catholic Men’s
Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, 3/21/2015.
[3] Goffine’s Devout Instructions, 1896.
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feast_of_the_Sacred_Heart
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