Saturday, January 23, 2021
holy spouses-nine days for life-Capt. kangaroo
5 I sought the Lord, and he answered me, delivered me from all my FEARS. 6 Look to him and be radiant, and your faces may not blush for shame. 7 This poor one cried out and the Lord heard, and from all his distress he saved him. 8 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who FEAR him, and he saves them. 9 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the stalwart one who takes refuge in him. 10 FEAR the Lord, you his holy ones; nothing is lacking to those who FEAR him. Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you FEAR of the Lord. 11 The rich grow poor and go hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. 12 Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you FEAR of the Lord.
While taking a prayer filled hike in the Round Lake, New York area; I asked our Lord on the hike to communicate to me as we walked along the way. The Lord spoke to my heart and said that in this world there are two kinds of people those that give and those that get. He said amazingly those that get never get enough and those who give always get enough.
As we walked Christ pointed out to me the things that I should be giving to others.
As I started the hike, I noticed the sign with the map of the hike was reversed and if I did not study it closely, I would be lost. Christ urged me to:
· Give good directions.
Walking along I met others walking or riding bikes coming from the opposite direction that looked rather glum and miserable. Christ urged me to greet them. As I did, I noticed their expression changed from glum to happy.
· Give greetings.
Walking along I heard music from a tavern near the trail. Christ urged me to:
· Give music and song to gladden other hearts.
Walking along I met a small turtle that on seeing me tucked into his shell. Christ urged me to:
· Give others respect and privacy.
Walking along I passed a stream and notice the path was shady. Christ urged me to:
· Give refreshment to others.
Finally, as I was walking along as
the Lord answered me, I noticed He had delivered me from all my FEARS.
While there
have been feasts of Mary and Joseph as individual saints, and more recently
also a feast of the Holy Family, no feast honoring their marriage has entered
into the universal liturgical calendar of the Church. At least as early as 1413
Jean Gerson had proposed the Feast of the Betrothal. It was introduced into the
missal for the cathedral of Chartres in 1482 and by the Franciscans and Servite’s
in 1537 and thereafter by many other particular liturgical calendars. Saint
Joseph Marello (canonized on November 25, 2001) also introduced it into the
congregation he founded, the Oblates of St. Joseph. The feast had become so
widespread that it was included in the universal Roman Missal under the section
pro aliquibus locis, when in 1961 the revision of the universal liturgical
calendar suppressed such particular feasts, requiring their reintroduction by
groups wishing to preserve them. In 1989 the feast of The Holy Spouses, Mary
and Joseph, was reintroduced into the proper calendar of the Oblates of St.
Joseph, with its proper texts for Mass and for the Liturgy of the Hours. (In
1991 Fr. Juan Antonio Morán, M.J., in El Salvador also prepared a Mass text for
private use for November 26, when married couples were also invited to renew
their vows.)
The approved
texts for the Oblate version of the Mass are as follows:
Antiphon: Hail
Mary, Mother of God, united by a sacred bond to Joseph, faithful guardian of
your virginal motherhood.
Prayer: Holy
Father, you joined together by a virginal bond the glorious Mother of your Son
and the just man, Saint Joseph, that they might be faithful cooperators in the
mystery of the Word Incarnate. Grant that we who are united with you by the
bond of baptism may live more intimately in our union with Christ and may walk
more joyfully in the way of love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ….
Readings: Isaiah 61:9-11; Galatians 4:4-7;
Luke 2:41-52.
over the Gifts:
Lord, look graciously upon the gifts which we present at your altar on the
Feast of the Holy Spouses, Mary and Joseph, and enkindle in us the spirit of
your love.
Preface: Father, all-powerful and
ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through
Jesus Christ our Lord. You give the Church the joy of celebrating the feast of
the Holy Spouses, Mary and Joseph: in her, full of grace and worthy Mother of
your Son, you signify the beginning of the Church, resplendently beautiful
bride of Christ; you chose him, the wise and faithful servant, as Husband of
the Virgin Mother of God, and made him head of your family to guard as a father
your only Son, conceived by the work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, our
Lord. For this gift of your kindness, we join….
Antiphon: Joseph,
son of David, have no fear about taking Mary as your wife. It is by the Holy
Spirit that she has conceived this child.
after Communion:
Lord, by your holy gifts you have filled us with joy. By venerating the Blessed
Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, her spouse, may we be strengthened in your love-
and live-in continual thanksgiving.
While the
feast is celebrated on January 23 in all Oblate houses for all the faithful,
the recent emphasis in the Holy Spouses Province of the Oblates of St. Joseph
has been to extend a particular invitation to married and engaged couples. They
are invited to look to Mary and Joseph as patrons and intercessors for their
marriage, and to take them as the model husband and wife to strive to imitate
in loving one another selflessly as spouses. Mary and Joseph may be shown to
exemplify the two inseparable ends of marriage, love and life, and to refute
the mentality of contraception and divorce.
Life First[2] 9 Days
for Life
9 Days for Life is a "digital
pilgrimage" of prayer and action focused on cherishing the gift of every
person's life. A multi-faceted novena highlighting a different intention each
day provides reflections, bonus information, and suggested actions. Join
to receive the novena through the 9 Days for Life app, daily emails, or daily
texts. See below for information on how else you can get involved! #9DaysforLife #OurPrayersMatter
Day Three:
Intercession: May all who have experienced sexual abuse receive justice, healing, and God’s peace.
Prayers: Our Father, 3 Hail Mary’s, Glory Be
Reflection: Recent
reports have once again exposed the terrible abuses that many have suffered at
the hands of a member of the Catholic clergy. Our hearts ache for the grave
harm that has been inflicted on our brothers and sisters. Words alone cannot
express our sorrow, shame and disappointment that such affronts to human
dignity have been carried out within our Church. It is our prayer and hope that
all who have experienced abuse will find the healing and justice they so
rightly deserve, knowing that they are never alone. For, “only by confronting
our own failure in the face of crimes against those we are charged to protect
can the Church resurrect a culture of life where the culture of death has
of Reparation (Choose one.)
from one meal today.
the intercession of Our Lady by praying a Rosary for Healing and Protection.
some other sacrifice, prayer, or act of penance that you feel called to do for
today’s intention.
On Oct. 3, 1955, Bob Keeshan stepped onto a nautical-themed set wearing a captain's cap and a jacket with big, kangaroolike pockets. He smiled into the camera and became a television icon. Keeshan would play Captain Kangaroo for 36 years--more than 9,000 performances--to the amusement and betterment of generations of delighted children.
Keeshan died (January 23, 2004) at a hospital in Windsor, Vt., after a long illness. Though no cause of death was announced, he had suffered from cardiac problems since the 1980s. He was 76. Unmistakable with his brushy mustache and bowl haircut, the Captain passed time with his good friend Mr. Green Jeans (Hugh "Lumpy" Brannum), visited with puppet animals such as Bunny Rabbit, whom he scolded for eating too many carrots, and Mr. Moose, who loved knock-knock jokes. The animal characters were voiced by Cosmo "Gus" Allegretti. Ahead of his time in recognizing the importance of early learning, Keeshan's Captain built confidence and intellectual development in children who were having too much fun to notice the lessons. "Play is the work of children," he said. "It's very serious stuff. And if it's properly structured in a developmental program, children can blossom."
Captain Kangaroo most will remember--a grandfatherly figure (though Keeshan was just 28 at the beginning) who spoke directly to the camera, with no audience, no children in the cast, no intermediaries in the conversation he was having with his at-home viewers. "One of the reasons I work in television today," said David Kleeman, executive director of the Chicago-based American Center for Children and Media, "is because, when I was 4 or 5, I said `Hello' to Captain Kangaroo when he came on the screen, and he said `Hello' back to me. I really believed that he was talking to me. And I think he would have agreed. We're losing the generation of children's TV hosts who made a new mass medium personal--who could talk into the camera as though we were the only person on the other side."
In later life Keeshan spoke often about the importance of good parenting. `Role models' "Parents are the ultimate role models for children," he said. "Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent." [Emphasis added]
insisted that viewers must always feel special, never just part of a huge
audience. He screened advertising to assure that what he considered
exploitative commercials would never be shown. Over the years, his stewardship
of "Captain Kangaroo" was abundantly rewarded. The show won six Emmy
Awards, three Gabriel’s for "uplifting" programming from a Catholic
media group and three Peabody Awards.
Eat and
Drink at the Crab, Wine & Beer Festival[4]
to the rising COVID-19 infection rates throughout Mendocino county & in our
coastal community, MCC has made the decision to delay our 2021 fundraiser until
Mendocino County, California is home to a lot of fishermen, grape growers, winemakers and brew masters. This 10-day countywide festival is a celebration of all their efforts. It takes place in the middle of the long winter season when things are a little bit slower, allowing more time to partake in fine seafood, wine and beer.
Saturday Litany of the Hours
Invoking the Aid of Mother Mary
to the sacred heart of Jesus
reparations to the Holy Face
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