Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Narcissism
At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror.
You are the source of all truth. You are the source of all strength.
By the power of your Cross and Resurrection, we beseech You, O Lord
To extend Your saving arm and to send Your holy angels
To defend us as we do battle with Satan and his demonic forces.
Exorcise, we pray, that which oppresses Your Bride, The Church,
So that within ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation
We may turn fully back to You in all fidelity and trust.
Lord, we know if You will it, it will be done.
Give us the perseverance for this mission, we pray.
St. Joseph...pray for us
St. Michael the Archangel...pray for us
(the patron of your parish )... pray for us
(your confirmation saint)...pray for us
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Illustrious son of David, etc.
Light of the patriarchs,
Spouse of the Mother of God,
Chaste guardian of the Virgin,
Foster-father of the Son of God,
Watchful defender of Christ,
Head of the Holy Family,
Joseph most just,
Joseph most chaste,
Joseph most prudent,
Joseph most valiant,
Joseph most obedient,
Joseph most faithful,
Mirror of patience,
Lover of poverty,
Model of workmen ,
Glory of domestic life,
Guardian of virgins,
Pillar of families,
Solace of the afflicted,
Hope of the sick,
Patron of the dying,
Terror of demons,
Protector of Holy Church,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
And prince over all His possessions.
O God, Who in Thine ineffable providence didst choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most Holy Mother, grant that as we venerate him as our protector on earth, we may deserve to have him as our intercessor in Heaven, Thou Who livest and reignest forever and ever. R. Amen.
__ Daily reflection and prayers
__ Litany of the day
__ Pray a Rosary
__ Divine Mercy Chaplet
__ Spiritual or corporal work of mercy
__ Fast/abstain (according to level)
__ Exercise (according to level/ability)
__ Refrain from conventional media (only 1 hr. of social)
__ Examination of conscience (confession 1x this week)
No one had a bad word to say about
her, for she FEARED God greatly.
Think what it would be like if you
could hear what others say about you? Would no one have a bad word to say about
you? How is Judith described?
was a widow of a successful man “Mannasseh” who died of heat stroke during a
barley harvest.
the war she had been a widow for 3 years and 4 months choosing not to remarry.
lived in a tent on the roof of her house and mourned her husband and
fasted except for the Holy Days.
was beautiful and very lovely to behold.
maintained her husband’s property which she owned.
Judith, Instrument of Yahwah
had been declared between God and Nebuchadnezzar, god against God. Each
divinity has an acting human representative. Judith and Holofernes. Judith is a
model of Jewish observance. She is a widow whom all knows that she is under the
protection of God. She is a strong woman, with the fear of God. Judith counsels
the elders of the city Bethulia, that is a mountain stronghold that prevents
Holofernes from marching on Jerusalem. The people are thirsty the cisterns are
empty all is hopeless, and the elders want to quit. Judith challenges their
resolve. She scolds the elders for limiting God to human understanding. "You cannot plumb the
depths of the human heart or grasp the workings of the human mind; how then can
you fathom God, who has made all these things, or discern his mind, or
understand his plan?” Judith prepares for war with prayer. Her call for
action has 3 parts.
must set an example because the fate
of the nation, the temple, and the people depend on them.
must be grateful to God for this test
their affliction is a proof of God’s love for them.
must remember that God tests those He
loves and never doubt his fidelity in the midst of their sufferings.
Judith’s prayer illustrates three
principles of Holy War
in God. Do not trust in horses or chariots. Trust in armament is the same as
trusting in another god-it is idolatry.
comes from God. Frequently the power of God comes from a chosen person, Moses,
David, Jesus, Peter and Judith or Mary Mother of God. The weapons of God are
not the same as man. God’s chosen instrument is sometimes weak.
belongs to the lowly and vulnerable. The weak have no hope except in the power
of God. Judith calls on God to win the victory.
14th Amendment to US
Constitution ratified, 1868[1]
This amendment to the Constitution granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.
current law, U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants are automatically
considered U.S. citizens. Select states and certain Federal lawmakers are
hoping to change that. In an effort to end birthright citizenship – which has its origins in English
common law – for
children of unauthorized immigrants born in the United States, state and
federal lawmakers have proposed everything from state-level legislation to a
constitutional amendment. They claim that by repealing birthright citizenship,
the United States will deter immigrants from coming to the United States and
giving birth to what they term "anchor babies" through whom
unauthorized family members allegedly then obtain legal status. Proponents for a
repeal of birthright citizenship are drafting state-level legislation to deny
privileges of U.S. citizenship to the U.S.-born children of unauthorized
aliens. Because citizenship is within the purview of the federal government,
and not the states, the proponents hope that doing so will ultimately trigger a
Supreme Court review of the law.
Position of the Catholic Church
address legitimate concerns surrounding immigration law enforcement in the
United States, the Catholic Church believes that our country must pass
immigration reform laws to ensure the rule of law, while simultaneously
ensuring that the laws that rule are rooted in the reunification of family and
respectful of the human dignity of the immigrants in our midst. The Church
opposes the repeal of birthright citizenship because it would render innocent
children stateless, depriving them of the ability to thrive in their
communities and reach their full potential. The Church believes that a repeal
of birthright citizenship would create a permanent underclass in U.S. society,
contravening U.S. democratic tradition; undermining the human dignity of
innocent children who would be punished though they did nothing wrong; and
ultimately weakening the family. Because of this, the Church opposes efforts
underway for its repeal.
World Hepatitis Day[2]
Hepatitis Day seeks to raise awareness for the spectrum of Hepatitis diseases.
Hepatitis diseases cause inflammation of the liver cells. There are five main
types of hepatitis, A, B, C, D and E. It is estimated that around 250 million
people worldwide are infected with Hepatitis C and 300 million people are
Hepatitis B carriers.
World Hepatitis Day was proclaimed by the World Health Organization. It is
celebrated annually on July 28th.
Hepatitis Day Facts
Hepatitis A is usually transmitted by consuming contaminated food or water or coming into contact with an infected person's feces.
Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease. It is transmitted through exposure to infected blood or body fluids.
Hepatitis B is spread via blood of an infected person.
can also be caused by alcohol and other toxins and infections.
Life Matters: Embryo
The Nuremberg Code (1947) was prompted by the horrific and often deadly experimentation on human beings in Nazi concentration camps that came to light during the “Doctors’ Trials” before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. The main principles of the Nuremberg Code require that experiments involving human subjects cause no unnecessary risk, be undertaken with the full and informed consent of the subjects and must never knowingly cause serious injury or death. Nazi doctors were not the first, nor the last, to perform inhumane and sometimes disabling research on unsuspecting human subjects living in poverty, in prisons, mental health institutions, and orphanages. The Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study, and the Willowbrook (Long Island) State School experiments—in which children with mental disabilities were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis—are just a few examples of cases in which doctors put the pursuit of knowledge and “cures” ahead of the lives and well-being of individual human beings. The Nuremberg Code inspired other declarations of medical and research ethics. In 1948, the World Medical Association approved a statement addressing the ethics of physicians, the Declaration of Geneva. As originally adopted, it read in part: “I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of conception; even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.”
in Honor of Saint John Marie Vianney[4]
Trust in God
Saint John Marie Baptist
Vianney, what confidence the people had in your prayers! You could not leave
your old rectory or your humble church without being surrounded by imploring
souls, who appealed to you as they would have appealed to Jesus Himself during
His earthly life. And you, O good Saint, gave them hope by your words, which
were full of love for God. You, who had always counted entirely on the heart of
God, obtain for me a deep filial trust in His Providence. As the hope of divine
goods fills my heart, give me courage and help me to always obey the
Commandments of God. Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your
intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for ... (mention
silently your special intentions).
Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Every Wednesday is
Dedicated to St. Joseph
The Italian culture has
always had a close association with St. Joseph perhaps you could make
Wednesdays centered around Jesus’s Papa. Plan an Italian dinner of pizza or
spaghetti after attending Mass as most parishes have a Wednesday evening Mass.
You could even do carry out to help restaurants. If you are adventurous, you
could do the Universal Man Plan: St. Joseph style. Make the evening a family
night perhaps it could be a game night. Whatever you do make the day special.
Devotion to the 7 Joys and Sorrows of St.
Do the St.
Joseph Universal Man Plan.
Litany of the Most
Precious Blood of Jesus
Total Consecration
to St. Joseph Day 13
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
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