Sunday, February 6, 2022
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Luke, Chapter 5, verse
9 For
astonishment at the catch of fish they had made seized him and all those with
him, 10
and likewise James and John, the
sons of Zebedee, who were partners of Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be AFRAID;
from now on you will be catching men.”
the boat came to shore these fishermen; forsook everything. They gave up their
careers, businesses, families and were committed 100 percent to the mission of
Christ and they followed Him. Is there anything or anyone in this world that
you would give up everything to follow? These men were not perfect specimens as
disciples; yet; our Lord chose them: and through them as imperfect as they
were, He created His bride the Holy Roman Catholic church; which is still ran
by far from perfect men. If today, you hear his voice saying do not be afraid;
follow Him!
Sunday: Day of Joy, Rest and Solidarity
The fulfilment of the Sabbath
59. This aspect of the Christian
Sunday shows in a special way how it is the fulfilment of the Old Testament
Sabbath. On the Lord's Day, which — as we have already said — the Old Testament
links to the work of creation (cf. Gn 2:1-3; Ex 20:8-11)
and the Exodus (cf. Dt 5:12-15), the Christian is called to
proclaim the new creation and the new covenant brought about in the Paschal
Mystery of Christ. Far from being abolished, the celebration of creation
becomes more profound within a Christocentric perspective, being seen in the
light of the God's plan "to unite all things in [Christ], things in heaven
and things on earth" (Eph 1:10). The remembrance of the
liberation of the Exodus also assumes its full meaning as it becomes a
remembrance of the universal redemption accomplished by Christ in his Death and
Resurrection. More than a "replacement" for the Sabbath, therefore,
Sunday is its fulfilment, and in a certain sense its extension and full
expression in the ordered unfolding of the history of salvation, which reaches
its culmination in Christ.
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany[2]
Church, mixed with good and bad (as in the Parable of the Sower), prays that
"wavering hearts" may be guided by God.
GOSPEL. Matt. xiii. 24-30
At that time Jesus spoke this parable to the multitude, saying: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seed in his field: but while men were asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among the wheat, and went his way. And when the blade was sprung up, and had brought forth fruit, then appeared also the cockle. And the servants of the good man of the house coming said to him: Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? whence then hath it cockles? And he said to them: An enemy hath done this. And the servants said to him: Wilt thou that we go and gather it up? And he said: No; lest perhaps gathering up the cockle, you root up the wheat also together with it. Suffer both to grow until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers: Gather up first the cockle and bind it in bundles to burn; but the wheat gather ye into my barn.
What is to be understood by the kingdom of heaven?
The Church of God, or the congregation of the faithful upon earth.
What are we to understand by the good seed and the cockle?
By the good seed is meant good Christians, children of God, who bring forth thousandfold fruit of good works; the cockle denotes heretics, infidels, and bad men. We are also to understand by the good seed the word of God, and by the cockle false doctrines and principles.
Who are they that are asleep?
1. Those secular and ecclesiastical superiors who neglect the Obligations of their office, fail to watch over their flock, and to punish the guilty. In this case it is easy for the devil to corrupt the congregation by false doctrine, by mockery of religion, by bad example, and immoral books.
2. Those Christians who cease to use the means of salvation by absenting themselves from divine service, by omitting to receive the sacraments, to hear the word of God, or to do good works.
Why does not God gather up the wicked, who are the cockle, ard destroy them?
1. On account of His long-suffering and patience towards the sinner, whom He gives the opportunity of doing penance.
2. Out of love for the just and righteous; for should He exterminate the wicked, the just would lose the opportunity of exercising many virtues, such as patience, meekness, mercy, purity, and perseverance to the end, whereby they acquire the merits of eternal life.
Aspiration. O Jesus, who hast sown the good seed of Thy divine word in our hearts, grant that it may bring forth in us, many fold, the fruit of eternal life. Defend us against the enemy, that he may not sow in us false and wicked doctrines to destroy our good works; preserve us from the sleep of sin and sloth, that we may watch against the temptations of the world, the devil, and the flesh, and, having overcome them, may die happily. Amen.
National Marriage Week [1]
tabernacle of love
Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) every year, it is an opportunity to focus on building
a culture of life and love that begins with promoting and defending marriage
and the family.
Marriage Week USA is part of an international event seeking to mobilize
individuals, organizations, and businesses in a common purpose to strengthen
marriage in communities and influence the culture. For information and
resources, visit:
Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 6) is another internationally recognized event held
every year on the second Sunday of February. For more information visit:
relationships don’t happen by accident[2]
Just like that sweet
little vegetable patch in your backyard, the more you nurture and nourish your
relationship the happier you’ll both be. And what does that look like? Quality
nourishment requires pausing, listening, and paying attention to your partner.
It requires that you learn to love people in ways that are meaningful to them
and listen when they tell you what their needs are.
Here are 10 ways you can
nudge your relationship into a happier, healthier, more fulfilling version of
pretending to be someone you’re not and just be yourself instead
When we are who we
really truly are – weird hobbies and all – magic happens. Being true to
ourselves allows us to navigate life and relationships free of hang-ups,
emotional baggage, or expectations. In the beginning stages of relationships,
many of us focus on showcasing our best selves in an attempt to garner love and
affection. We become ridiculously, painfully focused on making a good
impression. But being who you really are and being who you think someone wants
you to be – it’s hard to do those two things simultaneously. Take a deep
breath, release those shoulders, and stop pretending and polishing yourself.
Just be right here, who you are, today.
Smile at
your loved one
To the best of your
ability, greet your partner with a smile when you see each other for the first
time that day. Imagine how good that would feel – after a tough day at work and
sitting in traffic, you walk through the door and are greeted with a smile and
a kiss from the person you love most. Wouldn’t that be an amazing way to start
your evening? This is not to say you’re never allowed to share the low points
of your day, but maybe save them for dinner – rather than the first five
minutes that you see your sweetie. Other great times to smile at your partner:
across a crowded party, before you part ways for the day, when you know they
need encouragement.
things change
We’re living, breathing
organisms – subject to the changing tides of emotion and circumstance. It can
be emotionally crippling to get too attached to the “status quo” – not just in
your romantic relationships but in life. Change is inevitable. Next week your
partner might wake up and want to change careers, move to the east coast, or
have kids (like, soon). Can you allow space for that? Could you create a new
life with him while he pursued something new? And, of course, things will
change for you – your passions, your career, your family, your health. When
your partner tells you that they’ve got some big changes in mind – a new
workout plan, a move to the country, no more dairy – do your best to listen
with an open mind and heart.
Work out
Exercise gives you
energy and is a wonderful way to show your partner that you’re
interested in your health and you want to stay healthy for them. Trying new
workouts together also helps you bond! Take a couple’s yoga class, a hip-hop
dance class, or try rock climbing. Even if you’re terrible, later you’ll be
able to laugh together about his terrible downward dog or your total failure to
pop ‘n lock.
If you
want quality time with your significant other, plan it
You’ve heard this advice
before and that’s because it works! Make time for thrilling exciting things –
not just birthdays and anniversaries. As your weekend winds down, take a few
minutes to schedule in at least one fun date each week – whether that’s trying
a new restaurant, going for a hike, or catching a movie at the second-run
theater. Fun things happen when you make time and space for them.
your needs
Some people like to text
every day. Some people need a lot of alone time. Some people want their partner
to plan exciting dates. All of these needs are equally legitimate. But
your partner will never know what your needs are if you don’t tell them. You
don’t need to open a first date with a checklist, but once things are clicking
along, it’s okay to say, “I want you to feel loved and appreciated. How can I
do that?” and when you’ve heard their suggestions, you can share yours. When
they do what you asked? Offer lots and lots of acknowledgement and
without any expectations
I know it’s incredibly
tempting (so tempting!) to keep a mental list of all the nice things you’ve
done for your sweetie.
Picked up a new yoga mat because I saw hers
was deteriorating
Made a reservation for dinner Friday
Bought his mom’s birthday present
This mentality will only
end in tears and resentment. We can nourish our relationships by removing the
expectation that they to do the same things that we have done for them. Let
your partner give to you because they want to, not because they feel as though
they owe you.
stop caring about how you look!
Male or female, we’ve all
done this, right? Constantly hanging out in our old gym clothes and dirty hair,
eating pizza for dinner three times a week. You want to find your partner
attractive and – not surprisingly – they want to find you attractive.
Help them do that by keeping up with your workouts and saving the sweatpants
for alone time.
intimacy and independence
It might sound
counterintuitive, but you can connect while also retaining autonomy.
Don’t stop doing the things that filled you up now that you’ve found a partner.
Keep attending those pottery classes, keep working on your novel – and keep
telling your partner all about it and why you love it. Just as important? Give
them the space to pursue a few passions without you. You’ll both be that much
more excited to come home and tell each other about your adventures.
10. Inspire your partner by loving yourself fiercely
The more you love
yourself; the more others will follow your lead. We’ve all witnessed it: the
confident woman who maintains healthy boundaries always seems to attract
amazing partners. Do your best to identify your needs and meet those needs
yourself. Need creative inspiration? Rather than trying to date an artist or
force your accountant boyfriend to take drawing classes, buy a DSLR and get to
shooting. Crave a more active social life? Don’t hassle your introverted
girlfriend into house parties and nights out. Call up your most outgoing
friends and schedule a night out, complete with cute shoes and cocktails. We
teach people how to treat us and when you nourish yourself with love and
respect, the world – and your partner – take notice.
February 4-13
For fabulous winter fun, head to the annual Winter Festival in Quebec City. Snow rafting, ice canoe racing, a bartending competition, snow baths (clothing optional), a snow sculpture competition and a masquerade ball are among the many activities.
Daily Devotions
· Today in honor of the Holy Trinity do the Divine Office giving your day to God. To honor God REST: no shopping after 6 pm Saturday till Monday. Don’t forget the internet.
· Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Today's Fast: Authentic Feminism
· Devotion of the Seven Sundays: St Joseph-1st Sunday
· Carnival: Part Two, the Final Countdown
· Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus
· Make reparations to the Holy Face
· Rosary
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