Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Day 11 Total Consecration to St. Joseph
Mary's Knight and Warrior
1 Corinthians,
Chapter 7, Verse 15
the unbeliever separates, however, let him separate. The
brother or sister is not bound in such cases; God has called you to PEACE.
Paul here is talking about the keeping of your marriage vows. If possible, you are to live in peace with your spouse but if you cannot it is better to separate but there is a stipulation you must remain chase and not remarry. We must remember our physical marriage is a sign of our eternal wedding with the Holy Spirit. Peace is the target or mark in a marriage.
the military, units of archers are men who are expert at hitting a mark or
is the act of violating God's will. Sin can also be viewed as anything that
violates the ideal relationship between an individual and God, or as any
diversion from the ideal order for human living. To sin has been defined as
"to miss the mark" to have a hardened heart, a loss of love for God,
a disposition of the heart to depart from God because of inordinate self-love
need to live the Shema Israel. Every day, every action of ours should be
metaphorically speaking target practice aiming to love God with our whole
heart, mind, soul and strength. We should exemplify this with the proper
attitude toward wealth and be completely occupied with good deeds
and almsgiving.
Let us never forget that Satan does his
utmost to destroy mankind. In a thousand ways he plots and wars against God and
tries to usurp His throne. On this subject, the following instruction given by
Our Blessed Mother to Venerable Mary d' Agreda, is worth quoting: "My
daughter," she says, "by no power of human words wilt thou in this
mortal life ever succeed in describing the evil of Lucifer and his demons
against men, or the malice, astuteness, deceits and ruses, with which, in his
wrath, he seeks to bring them into sin and later on to eternal torments. He tries
to hinder all good works . . . All the malice of which his own mind is capable,
he attempts to inject into souls. Against these attacks, God provides admirable
protection if men will only co-operate and correspond on their part."
Among the means provided by God for our protection, is the ready recourse we
may have at all times to the strengthening Blood of Christ. "This
Blood," declares St. John Chrysostom, "has the power to drive away
the evil spirits and to draw to our side the good angels, aye, the King of
Angels, and to blazen the way to Heaven." Fortified by the Precious Blood,
let us place ourselves under the leadership of St. Michael and unfurl
everywhere the banner of our Faith, without fear
of godlessness. If Satan tries to induce us to sin, and promises honors,
riches, happiness on conditions that we omit a good work, or commit an evil
deed, let us ever oppose the tempter with the energetic words: Who is like unto
God? God is my only treasure, my highest Good, His Blood is upon me, and "though
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil." If in time of temptation, we have the courage
to rebuke the evil one and call upon the assistance of our leader, St. Michael,
the enemy will surely be put to flight. But if we wish to enjoy the great
Archangel's protection, we must also imitate his virtues, particularly his
humility and his zeal for God's glory.
"O great St. Michael, take us 'neath thy shield, Thy mighty power in our favor wield!"[1]
St. Gertrude[2]
St. Gertrude the Great, a Cistercian nun, is one of the most lovable German saints from medieval times, and through her writings she will remain for all ages a guide to the interior life. When she was twenty-five years old (1281), Christ began to appear to her and to disclose to her the secrets of mystical union. Obeying a divine wish, she put into writing the favors of grace bestowed upon her. Her most important work, Legatus Divinae Pietatis, "The Herald of Divine Love,".
The Gift of Frequent Communion[3]
All too few of us are blessed with the opportunity for daily Mass and Communion. Even St. Gertrude herself had trouble doing that (primarily due to her illnesses). In one of her writings, she relates a conversation with Jesus in which they talked about the graces given to daily communicants…with a surprising statement about when graces are NOT given.
Here’s an excerpt from St. Gertrude’s writings:
said, “How far above me in beatitude will those priests be who communicate
every day to fulfill the duties of their ministry!”
is true,” replied Our Lord, “that those who celebrate worthily shall shine in
great glory, but the love of him who communicates with pleasure should be
judged of very differently from the exterior magnificence that appears in this
mystery. There will be one reward for him who has
with desire and love.
will be another for him who approaches with fear and reverence.
another for him who is very diligent in his preparation.
those who habitually celebrate through custom only shall have no share in My
–The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great
How many of us Catholics judge our sanctity by the numbers of Masses and Communions we experience? Holiness is not a numbers game, but a “heart game.” The most eloquent prayers–even the Mass itself–are of little value without engagement of the heart. But prayers fueled by love, devotion and confidence will move the highest mountains.
Reflection: At Communion time, we must always be aware of the awesome significance of what we are about to do. Our hearts must be in the game. It is Christ Himself, Creator of the Universe, whom we receive in the form of the Host.
Before approaching the table of the
Lord, we pray to be worthy; we pray to be in the moment when God blesses us
with this indescribable Eucharistic miracle. We pray to be prepared.
Every Wednesday is
Dedicated to St. Joseph
The Italian culture has
always had a close association with St. Joseph perhaps you could make
Wednesdays centered around Jesus’s Papa. Plan an Italian dinner of pizza or
spaghetti after attending Mass as most parishes have a Wednesday evening Mass.
You could even do carry out to help restaurants. If you are adventurous, you
could do the Universal Man Plan: St. Joseph style. Make the evening a family
night perhaps it could be a game night. Whatever you do make the day special.
· Devotion to the 7 Joys and Sorrows of St.
Do the St.
Joseph Universal Man Plan.
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Today's Fast: The
poor and the suffering.
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
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