3 First Friday
ST. HUBERT patron of hunters
1 Maccabees, Chapter 12, Verse 28
this little soap opera continues, we last see that Jonathan took care of the
Greek Apollonius. In many ways this little ditty is like the gang warfare in
Chicago or LA. Amazingly the area is about the same size. As the story continues,
we see more betrayal. Demetrius forms an alliance with Ptolemy to take
Alexander’s turf and add it to Egypt’s. Then, begins the all-out turf war,
cross and double cross with no real winners; Jonathan then saw
that the time was right, he chose men and sent them to Rome to confirm and
renew the friendship with the Romans. He also sent letters
to the Spartans and other places to the same effect. He is hedging his bet.
Now we come to this verse where Demetrius sends a large army to attack
Jonathan. Jonathan is prepared for this and when Demetrius’ army discovers how
prepared they are they flee by a rouse. Clever little cowards: like all bullies
when confronted they exit stage left. It seems that men haven’t really changed
much since the days of Jonathan Maccabee. Perhaps this is why it is not
included in the protestant bible who wants to see we are in need of God’s help.
We must admit our failures; repent and strive to live our baptismal vows.
of Baptismal Promises[1]
V. Do you reject Satan?
R. I do.
V. And all his works?
R. I do.
V. And all his empty promises?
R. I do.
V. Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
R. I do.
V. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the
Virgin Mary was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now
seated at the right hand of the Father?
R. I do.
V. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic
church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of
the body, and life everlasting?
R. I do.
V. God, the all-powerful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a new
birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and forgiven all our sins. May he also keep
us faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
(This is a family service that is
directed by one of the parents. The family members renew their baptismal vows
and sprinkle themselves with the Easter water,)
us remember that with our ladies’ help we can live up to these promises.
First Friday[2]
Prayer Video - First Friday Devotion
Jesus made the following 12
promises to St. Margaret Mary in favor of those who consecrate to the Sacred
Heart, in a spirit of reparation, the First Friday of each month.
1. I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of
2. I will establish peace in their homes.
3. I will comfort them in all their afflictions.
4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.
5. I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.
6. Sinners will find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.
8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
9. I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart is exposed and honored.
10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
11. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart.
12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love
will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine
consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in My
disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be
their safe refuge in this last moment.
The Church grants a Plenary indulgence to those who attend Mass and receive
Communion in honor of The Sacred Heart of Jesus on the First Friday of each
month for nine (9) consecutive months.
First Friday Devotion Prayers
The following prayers are recommended in the First Friday Devotion.
Litany of The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Act of Reparation to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Memorare to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer of Adoration and Love to The Sacred Heart
Prayer of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament
Prayer of Trust in the Sacred Heart
Prayer of Consecration
Litany of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lord, have mercy
on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother,
have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of Infinite Majesty, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Sacred Temple of God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, abode of justice and love, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all treasures of wisdom and knowledge, have mercy
on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells the fullness of divinity, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, patient and most merciful, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our offenses, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, obedient to death, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our peace and our reconciliation, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who trust in Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, delight of all the Saints, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.
V. Jesus, meek and humble of heart.
R. Make our hearts like to Thine.
Let us pray.
Almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of Your most beloved Son and
upon the praises and satisfaction which He offers You in the name of sinners;
and to those who implore Your mercy, in Your great goodness, grant forgiveness
in the name of the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, who livest and reignest with
Thee forever and ever. Amen.
Act of
Reparation to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Jesus, Divine
Savior, deign to cast a look of mercy upon Your children, who assemble in the
same spirit of faith, reparation, and love, and come to deplore their own
infidelities, and those of all poor sinners, their brethren. May we touch Your
Divine Heart by the unanimous and solemn promises we are about to make and
obtain mercy for ourselves, for the world, and for all who are so unhappy as
not to love You. We all promise that for the future:
For the forgetfulness and ingratitude of men, we will console you, O Lord.
For the way you are deserted in your holy tabernacle, we will console you, O
For the crimes of sinners, we will console you, O Lord.
For the hatred of the impious, we will console you, O Lord.
For the blasphemies uttered against you, we will console you, O Lord.
For the sacrileges that profane your sacrament of love, we will console you, O
For the outrages against your divinity, we will console you, O Lord.
For the injuries of which you are the adorable victim, we will console you, O
For the coldness of the greater part of your children, we will console you, O
For the contempt of your loving invitation, we will console you, O Lord.
For the infidelity of those who called themselves your friends, we will console
you, O Lord.
For the abuse of your grace, we will console you, O Lord.
For our own unfaithfulness, we will console you, O Lord.
For the incomprehensible hardness of our hearts, we will console you, O Lord.
For our long delay in loving you, we will console you, O Lord.
For our tepidity in your holy service, we will console you, O Lord.
For your bitter sadness at the loss of souls, we will console you, O Lord.
For your long waiting at the door of our hearts, we will console you, O Lord.
For the heartless scorn that grieves you, we will console you, O Lord.
For your loving sighs, we will console you, O Lord.
For your loving tears, we will console you, O Lord.
For your loving imprisonment, we will console you, O Lord.
For your loving death, we will console you, O Lord.
Let us pray: O Jesus! Divine Savior, from whose Heart comes forth this
bitter complaint, "I looked for one that would comfort me, and I found
none," graciously accept the feeble consolation we offer You, and aid
us so powerfully by Your grace, that we may, for the time to come, shun more
and more all that can displease You, and prove ourselves in everything, and
everywhere, and forever Your most faithful and devoted servants. We ask it
through Your Sacred Heart, O Lord, who live and reign with the Father and the
Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
Memorare to
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Remember, O most kind Jesus, that
none who have had recourse to Your Sacred Heart, implored its assistance, or
called for mercy, have ever been abandoned. Filled, and animated by this same
confidence, O divine Heart, Ruler of all hearts, I fly to You, and oppressed
beneath the weight of my sins, I prostrate myself before You. Despise not Your
unworthy child, but grant me, I pray, an entrance into Your Sacred Heart.
Sustain me in all my combats and be with me now, and at all times, but
especially in the hour of my death. O gracious Jesus! O amiable Jesus! O loving
Jesus! Amen.
Prayer of
Adoration and Love to the Sacred Heart
I adore Thee, I love Thee, I praise
Thee, I cry to Thee for mercy, I return Thee thanks, I invoke Thee and confide
myself entirely to Thee, O most holy and adorable Heart of my Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, who for the salvation of us all didst submit Thyself to the
rigors of Divine Justice, and didst voluntarily accept a birth accompanied with
poverty, sorrow and contempt, a life of labor and contradictions, but of
kindness for all, and a death full of opprobrium, confusion and sorrow, and
who, in fine, for the love of those who wish to be saved through Thy divine
charity, dost remain in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar to the end of time.
Accomplish, O most adorable Heart, Thy wishes in my poor and miserable heart,
which I dedicate and consecrate to Thee forever. Grant that it may live in the
sentiments of love and gratitude which it owes Thee, that it may at all times
breathe only Thy honor and glory, in order that it may expire in the waters of
perfect contrition. Amen.
Prayer of
Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament
Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God,
Whom I believe to be really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,
receive this most profound act of adoration to supply for the desire I have to
adore Thee unceasingly, and in thanksgiving for the sentiments of love which
Thy sacred Heart has for me in this sacrament. I cannot better acknowledge them
than by offering Thee all the acts of adoration, resignation, patience, and
love which this same Heart has made during its mortal life, and which it makes
still and which it shall make eternally in heaven, in order that through it I
may love Thee, praise Thee, and adore Thee worthily as much as it is possible
for me. I unite myself to this divine offering which Thou dost make to Thy
divine Father, and I consecrate to Thee my whole being, praying Thee to destroy
in me all sin and not to permit that I should be separated from Thee eternally.
Prayer of
Trust in The Sacred Heart
In all my
temptations, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my weaknesses, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my difficulties, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my trials, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my sorrows, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my work, I place my trust in You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In every failure, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In every discouragement, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In life and in death, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In time and in eternity, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Prayer of
I, _______, give myself to the
Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I consecrate to Him my person and my
life, my actions, pains, and sufferings, so that henceforth I shall be
unwilling to make use of any part of my being except for the honor, love,
and glory of the Sacred Heart.
My unchanging purpose is to be all His and to do all things for the love of Him
while renouncing with all my heart whatever is displeasing to Him.
I take you, O Sacred Heart, as the only object of my love, the guardian of my
life, the assurance of my salvation, the remedy of my weakness and inconstancy,
the atonement for all my faults, and the sure refugee at my death.
O Heart of love, I place all my trust in You, for I fear everything from my own
wickedness and frailty, but I hope for all things from Your goodness and
Consume in me all that can displease You or resist Your holy Will. Let Your
pure love imprint You so deeply upon my heart that I shall nevermore be able to
forget You or be separated from You. May I obtain from all Your loving kindness
the grace of having my name written in You, for I desire to place in You all my
happiness and all my glory, living and dying in virtual bondage to You.
St. Hubert[3]
Late in the eighth century, so runs the story, a hunter
named Hubert, neither better nor worse than he should have been, was tracking a
stag through the forest of the Ardennes. As he readied himself to shoot the
animal with his arrow, he was startled when the stag turned suddenly in its
flight, and he saw between its antlers a luminous cross. This experience caused
Hubert to change his way of life, and he never hunted again. Yet only a few
centuries later he was known as the patron of hunters, and is a saint greatly
honored in France and Belgium.
Saint Hubert lived a full life. He became bishop of Tongres
and traveled through his huge diocese on horseback and by boat, preaching and
building churches to the glory of God. He was the friend of the great of his
day — Pepin of Heristal and Charles Martel among them — and also of the poor.
In particular his heart went out to prisoners, and he would secretly place food
for them before their dungeon windows. As he died, he said to those about him,
"Stretch the pallium over my mouth for I am now going to give back to God
the soul I received from Him."
In parts of France and Belgium there has long been a custom
of holding stag hunts on Saint Hubert's Day, and the hunters gather before the
chase for Mass and the blessing of men and horses and dogs. After the hunt is
over, those taking part gather for a bountiful breakfast consisting of fish,
meat, salad, cheese, and dessert. Naturally the meat is venison of some sort,
and the salad may well be one of dandelion greens.
Excerpted from Feast Day
Patron: Archers; dog bite; dogs; forest workers;
furriers; hunters; hunting; huntsmen; hydrophobia; liege, Belgium; machinists;
mad dogs; mathematicians; metal workers; precision instrument makers; rabies;
smelters; trappers.
Things to Do:
Have roast venison in honor of St. Hubert,
patron of hunters.
Have some Jagermeister.
Feast of the day: Wild
Boar Bolognese Sauce.
· Join the International Order of Saint Hubertus.
Please pray for the soul of a great priest and friend of mine who I had
the pleasure of knowing while stationed in Belgium-Father Paul Wolff as it was,
he who introduced me to St. Hubert.
The Wolff of the Ardennes
Men are frequently blinded by fear and as a result often
harmed themselves. The grace of God gives confidence to see the right and to
stand when called. Father Paul was called to stand and became General Patton’s
guide during the “Battle of the Bulge” while he was still a teen. Father Paul
Wolff was 15 years old when he first joined the Belgium resistance during the
years of the Nazi occupation of World War II. He was the youngest member of the
Belgium resistance. Unfortunately, he and other members of his group were
captured and at 17 he was tortured, condemned to death and imprison in the Nazi
Prison in Liege, Belgium. There he languished yet his faith would not allow him
to lose all hope and the resistance still worked to get him and the others
(256) out. Part of the plan was to get a radio to the prisoners. To do this the
resistance secreted small parts of a crystal radio inside bars of soap.
Interestingly these were “Lever” brother bars of soap and were large about the
size of a brick. Father Paul related that during the Nazi occupation not all
Jews were in German prisons if they were of use to the Nazi’s. In this case the
soap bars were made by the Lever Jews and the radio parts were easily hidden
inside the soap bars. Father Paul stated that when they received the soap, they
then washed their hands raw in wearing away the soap to get to the radio part.
Then after several bars they constructed the radio which was the Morse code
type. Father Paul typed in code in English which he spoke along with German and
French the words over and over “SOS SOS 256 prisoners in Liege prison condemned
to death SOS SOS.” They hoped someone would get the message and somehow, they
would be rescued. All they had was hope.
Father also related that it drove the Nazi’s crazy because
they intercepted the message but never suspected it was coming from the prison.
Father Paul said that in the cell they were in there was only one barred
window, but it was so high that to look out it required a person to stand on
the shoulders of a fellow prisoner. He further relayed that they when they
would see women that were friendly with the guards coming and going, they would
call them the nastiest things they could think of calling them. Yet one day
during an air raid while the guards were hiding as deep as they could go; one
of these young women (secret agent) came and taking the heel of her shoe wrote
on the pavement that during the air raid they are going to be rescued by
commandoes and they were. Father Paul stated neither he nor the others ever
lost hope.
After his escape he went underground. He
was a friend of King Leopold III. He served as General Patton's Belgian guide
during the battle of the bulge.
December 24, 1944
Father Paul communicated to me the tale
about the battle of the bulge that has not been recorded in history. During
WWII the US Army was segregated and black men were not mixed with white men.
Black men mostly served in support roles such as transportation and as cooks,
etc. During the Battle of the Bulge’ Hitler sent in a special operations team
to confuse and destroy the American Army. It was composed of American NAZI’s
and German’s, who spoke perfect American slang, knew the culture, baseball
stuff, etc. These Spec Ops were equipped with American Uniforms and equipment
that was captured by Gen. Rommel from North Africa. Father Wolff was at a
meeting with Gen. Patton, Bradley, Eisenhower, and the English Gen. Montgomery
in Luxembourg City on the evening of Dec. 24th, 1944. The Generals were very
excited and afraid because of the effect these NAZI spec ops were having in the
warzone and since they had murdered many men. They did not know what to do. Patton,
who was a visionary, suddenly stood up and said, I know exactly what to do.
From this time forward nothing in the American Army will move without a black
American in the group. Patton knew there were no black NAZI’s. As a result,
black units were moved forward and integrated and as far as I know this was the
first time in American History since the Civil War. As a result, the NAZI spec
ops team was neutralized.
Fitness Friday-Basic Elk
Hunting Workout Program[4]
Elk hunters who want to
consistently harvest elk on public land need to be in top physical
condition. For those of you who have had success in the past, you know
that once your elk is on the ground, the real work begins. Typically, the most
physically demanding part of any elk hunt is carrying 70 to 100 pounds of elk
meat and gear out of the backcountry. Doing this multiple times in a short
period will truly test your physical limits. Bottom line: elk are massive
animals that live in rugged country – bring your “A” game and be ready for a
I realize most of us don’t
have time to spend 2 hours in the gym every day getting ready to go on a fall
elk hunt. However, no matter where you are on the fitness spectrum, there is
always room for improvement, and it requires some dedication and determination
to get results. When I am out elk hunting, there is no greater sense of
accomplishment than spotting an elk or hearing a bull down in the bottom of a
deep canyon, and knowing I can go after that elk with no physical reservations.
Basically, if I can see it or hear it, I can hunt it.
In this week’s feature
article, I would like to introduce you to a basic workout program that will
help you build both strength and endurance. I like this program because
it can be personalized based on your current strength and conditioning level and
can be done in less than an hour in the gym per workout. In other
words, I believe the results of this program will benefit both those who
regularly exercise and those who need to get started. Elk season is less than
six months away. It’s go time!
I have used this program
for 90 days and it works! The program requires you to work out three
times a week and focuses on only five lifts (Squats, Bench Press, Overhead
Press, Barbell Rows, and Dead Lifts). Because of the focus on strength and endurance,
all of these lifts are full body lifts meaning they focus on large, major
muscle groups rather than small isolation muscle groups. It is
recommended that these lifts be broken up into an A workout and a B Workout
(see chart below).
Squat – 5X5
Bench Press – 5X5
Barbell Rows – 5X5
Squat – 5X5
Overhead Press – 5X5
Deadlift* – 3X5
Since your legs will get
you in and out of the mountains, you will be doing squats for both
workouts. You will perform each of these lifts by doing 5 sets of 5 reps except
for the deadlift, which you will do 3 sets of 5 reps. If you’re new to lifting,
just start with the 45-pound bar. If you have experience lifting, 45 lbs may
seem a little light. However, you will increase the weight by 5 lbs every
time you complete your 5 sets of 5 reps. I recommend you start with lower
weight and make sure your form is correct before you get into the heavier
30 Day Sample Workout
Week 1 –
Monday (Workout A), Wednesday (Workout B), Friday (Workout A)
Week 2 –
Monday (Workout B), Wednesday (Workout A), Friday (Workout B)
Week 3 –
Monday (Workout A), Wednesday (Workout B), Friday (Workout A)
Week 4 –
Monday (Workout B), Wednesday (Workout A), Friday (Workout B)
Remember that after you
complete all sets for a given workout, increase the weight by 5 lbs. for the
next workout. (This means adding 2 ½ lbs. to each side of the bar)
Technically you will be adding 10 lbs. per week when doing the same workout
twice in that week.
Catechism of the Catholic
III. How is This Sacrament
1517 Like
all the sacraments the Anointing of the Sick is a liturgical and communal
celebration, whether it takes place in the family home, a hospital or
church, for a single sick person or a whole group of sick persons. It is very
fitting to celebrate it within the Eucharist, the memorial of the Lord's
Passover. If circumstances suggest it, the celebration of the sacrament can be
preceded by the sacrament of Penance and followed by the sacrament of the
Eucharist. As the sacrament of Christ's Passover, the Eucharist should always
be the last sacrament of the earthly journey, the "viaticum" for
"passing over" to eternal life.
1518 Word
and sacrament form an indivisible whole. The Liturgy of the Word, preceded by
an act of repentance, opens the celebration. the words of Christ, the witness
of the apostles, awaken the faith of the sick person and of the community to
ask the Lord for the strength of his Spirit.
1519 The
celebration of the sacrament includes the following principal elements: the
"priests of the Church" - in silence - lay hands on the sick;
they pray over them in the faith of the Church - this is the epiclesis
proper to this sacrament; they then anoint them with oil blessed, if possible,
by the bishop.
These liturgical actions indicate what grace this sacrament confers upon the
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Today's Fast: An
increase of the Faithful.
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
Friday Fish: Halibut
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