Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Tuesday of the Third Week in Advent 

Job, Chapter 39, Verse 22

He laughs at FEAR and cannot be terrified; he does not retreat from the sword. 

Here is the full response of God to Job about his creation of the horse. In only men could have the courage of the horse. 

Do you give the horse his strength, and clothe his neck with a mane? Do you make him quiver like a locust, while his thunderous snorting spreads terror? He paws the valley, he rejoices in his strength, and charges into battle. He laughs at fear and cannot be terrified; he does not retreat from the sword. Around him rattles the quiver, flashes the spear and the javelin. Frenzied and trembling he devours the ground; he does not hold back at the sound of the trumpet; at the trumpet’s call he cries, “Aha!” Even from afar he scents the battle, the roar of the officers and the shouting.

Spiritual Crib[1] 

A special devotion that can be performed during Advent to prepare for the coming of the Infant Savior. It can be adapted for adults and/or children and applied as is appropriate to your state in life. 

·         9th day, December 19th: THE OX—Silence Today we may speak nothing unnecessary, much less give way to distracting thoughts. On the contrary, hold interior converse with God by loving aspirations to Him. 

Evening Antiphon[2]

Come to deliver us, and tarry not.

O Root of Jesse, who stands for an ensign of the people, before whom kings shall keep silence and unto whom the Gentiles shall make supplication: Come to deliver us, and tarry not. 

O Root of Jesse 

"Come to deliver us and tarry not." The world cries out for Christ its King, who shall cast out the prince of this world (John 12:31). The prince of this world established his power over men as a result of original sin. Even after we had been delivered from the servitude of Satan through the death of Christ on the cross, the prince of this world attempts to exercise his power over us. "The devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour" (I Pet. 5:8). In these trying times, when faith in Christ and in God has largely disappeared, when the propaganda of a pagan culture is broadcast everywhere, and the forces of evil and falsehood rise up to cast God from His throne, who does not feel the power of the devil? 

Does it not appear that we are approaching that time when Satan will be released from the depths of hell to work his wonders and mislead, if possible, even the elect? (Apoc. 20:2; Matt. 24:24.)

"Come, tarry not." Observe how thoroughly the world of today has submitted to the reign of Satan. Mankind has abandoned the search for what is good and holy. Loyalty, justice, freedom, love, and mutual trust are no longer highly regarded. Establish, O God, Thy kingdom among us, a kingdom established upon truth, justice, and peace. "Come, tarry not." "Thy kingdom come." 

God’s Handiwork[3] 

Every Christmas although the same in many ways is always new for each Christmas expresses a hope learned from a lifetime of praising God. For every Christmas if we open our eyes to truth, we will see the handiwork of God, the rock of our salvation. Perhaps in these final days of anticipation it would do us well to reflect on the virtues of Mary Christ’s very own mother and in these final days in some way reflect them in our own lives. 

Humility the first of Our Lady’s virtues 

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


“These are the few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of one's self; to mind one's own business, not to want to manage other people's affairs; to avoid curiosity, to accept contradictions and correction cheerfully; to pass over the mistakes of others, to accept insults and injuries; to accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked, to be kind and gentle even under provocation; never to stand on one's dignity, to choose always the hardest.”Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living


Evergreen Day[4]

Every year one thing remains the same around the holidays, people everywhere have to decide at what point before the big day they’re going to go out and hunt down a Christmas tree. Look for an Evergreen Day is about the last opportunity you have if you haven’t already gotten yours to ensure you have a tree for the Holidays. Even if you’ve already got your tree for this year, this is a great opportunity to go out and familiarize yourself with the other types of Evergreens in your neighborhood, and discover that these regal giants are around you all year round. Look for an Evergreen Day was originally established by the National Arborist Association to create a day to appreciate the beauty of these trees outside of the confines of merely being bedecked with glittering lights and ornaments even in the depths of winter these noble trees keep their foliage, providing that wonderful green and white contrast that is so representative of deep winter. Evergreens have played an important role in many societies throughout the ages, selected for religious observances due to their seemingly eternal nature even in a season of death, ·but that’s not the only place they’re represented, the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest were entirely reliant on the red cedar for multiple aspects of their culture. Whether they were making clothing, fishing line, ropes, or building their homes or canoes, the red cedar was vital a vital part of their lives. Going back even further, most people have heard about how Socrates was made to drink a glass of hemlock tea, which he did with his normal unflinching nature. Hemlocks are a shade tolerant evergreen with short striped needles. As you can tell, knowing the difference between your evergreens could one day save your life!

How to celebrate Look for an Evergreen Day

·         The best way to celebrate is to grab a book of local flora/fauna, and head out to identify all the different types of evergreen plants that grow in your part of the world· There are literally thousands of different varieties from every place in the vegetable kingdom, so there are certain to be multiple examples in your local area.

·         Obviously, if you haven’t gotten your tree yet, then Look for an Evergreen Day is when it should happen· By understanding the difference between Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, and the dozens of other varieties of Christmas Tree available, you’ll know which ones will have the most even spread, which ones will be the most dense, and will best compliment your home and decorating scheme.

Christmas Tree[5]

The Christmas tree has become one of the most accepted traditions of the modern world at Christmas. Here we have a short explanation of the Christian symbolism.

It's not always possible to set up a tree at Christmas Eve but waiting until the 3rd or 4th Sunday of Advent is a good compromise.


There is a beautiful symbolism in the traditional Christmas tree which is so popular in our country. The tree represents the long period of waiting for the coming of the Christ, Who is represented by a star or some other shining ornament at the top of the tree. The ornaments, candles and lights represent His gifts and graces to us. This meaning of the Christmas tree should be made clear to all the children of the family — they will love the element of mystery they find here.

In Germany and in many other countries, candy, cookies and nuts are hung on the branches. The children love this. These articles represent good things which can be eaten as well as looked at.

Therese Mueller suggests that the best time to put up the tree is on Christmas Eve, and not before. All of the symbolism points to the Nativity of Our Lord and premature erection of the tree and crib takes something from the meaning of these things (Cf. Family Life in Christ, Liturgical Press: Collegeville, MN, p. 15).

Activity Source: How to Make Your House a Home by Rev. Bernard Stokes, O.F.M., Family Life Bureau, Washington D.C., 1955

Festival Of Winter Walks

It’s the Festival of Winter Walks — it’s a touch chilly out there, so bundle up before you join the fun! As the chill of winter sets in and the landscape transforms into a picturesque scene of frosty beauty, the festive season beckons us to enjoy the chill of the outdoors. The annual holiday season festival has been a cherished tradition for families to enjoy for over 30 years. It’s a time to invite all your friends and family to grab their warmest outdoor gear and enjoy the icy splendor of nature.

History of the Festival Of Winter Walks

The Festival of Winter Walks was founded by a United Kingdom walking charity called the Ramblers Association. The charitable organization is dedicated to well… rambling. The group was established in 1935, and since organizing, they have championed public access for all people to head outdoors and enjoy the beauty and joy that can only be found in the countryside. They also stand by the belief that walking is part of leading a healthy lifestyle and a right. They often lead advocacy efforts to keep historic trails open equally to all.

They started celebrating the Festival of Winter Walks over thirty years ago, and the event promotes walking as an enjoyable way to stay fit. But more than that, it reminds everyone to take the time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, even when the outdoor temperatures turn colder.

With a long commitment to protecting public access to walkways and advocating within local communities around the UK, the Ramblers’ Festival of Winter Walks is a wonderful symbol of both outdoor adventure and unity.

How to Celebrate the Festival Of Winter Walks

Celebrating the Festival Of Winter Walks is all about stepping out of your comfy home and into a wonderfully wintery wonderland and making the most of the season’s unique beauty. So go ahead and grab your warm, non-slippery boots. Here are some fun ways to partake in this frosty fiesta:

Embark on a Themed Winter Walk

Why settle for a regular stroll when you can have a wintery adventure during the Festival Of Winter Walks? Organize a ‘Frosty Fauna’ walk to spot winter wildlife, or a ‘Frozen in Time’ historical tour of your local area. Pull on your warmest winter gear and set out to explore the hidden winter gems you might otherwise overlook in your neighborhood.

Host a Winter Walk Challenge

Gather your friends and family — it is time to host a Winter Walk Challenge. Who can spot the most winter birds? Make it a fun competition for all who take you up on the invite. After walking, end the get-together with hot cocoa and warm pastries as rewards.

Winter Picnic

No, picnics aren’t just for summer! Pack a thermos of delicious hot soup, some crusty freshly baked bread, and a waterproof blanket. Find a scenic spot during your walk and enjoy a hearty winter feast. Just watch out for curious squirrels!

Nature’s Treasure Hunt

Turn your walk into a treasure hunt. To hold a Festival Of Winter Walks scavenger hunt, you will need to invite any friends who might be down for some winter fun. Then, create a list of winter-specific items to find. Some good things could be a holly bush, a frozen pond, or animal tracks in the snow. A treasure hunt will give you a fun way to engage kids (and adults!) with the natural world.

Reflective Solo Walk

For a more reflective experience, take a solo walk. Use this time to reflect on the year gone by and get yourself mentally prepared for the next year. The peaceful winter setting is perfect for setting your intentions and a bit of mindful meditation.

Hot Chocolate Hop

You’ve heard of — or perhaps even participated in — a pub crawl. Give that idea a fun twist during the Festival of Winter Walks and organize a Hot Chocolate Hop. Plan a route that includes a stop at a local café or a friend’s house for a hot chocolate break. You could even set up a small outdoor station with a portable stove for making hot chocolate. Enjoying a warm, sweet drink halfway through the walk is a perfect way to keep spirits high and bodies warm.

Have a Winter Walking Nature Photography Contest

Get your artistic friends together for a friendly competition. Invite them to bring their cameras or smartphones and capture the outrageous beauty of the wintry landscape. After the walk, have a photography contest where everyone votes on categories like ‘Best Winter Landscape,’ ‘Funniest Snow Photo,’ or ‘Most Artistic Ice Formation.’ Have some fun prizes on hand — maybe some ice themed novelty items.

Catechism of the Catholic Church





1762 The human person is ordered to beatitude by his deliberate acts: the passions or feelings he experiences can dispose him to it and contribute to it.

Daily Devotions

·         Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Today's Fast: Conversion of Sinners

·         Jesse Tree ornament: David: 1 Sam. 17:12-51 Symbols: slingshot, 6-pointed star.

·         Make reparations to the Holy Face-Tuesday Devotion

·         Pray Day 5 of the Novena for our Pope and Bishops

·         Religion in the home: Preschool for December

·         Tuesday: Litany of St. Michael the Archangel

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Make reparations to the Holy Face

·         Light a candle for a loved one

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Rosary


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