Saints, Feast, Family
- Traditions passed down with Cooking, Crafting, & Caring -
April 19
Saint of the day:
Patron Saint of against procrastination,
of emergencies, expeditious solutions, merchants, navigators, programmers, and hackers revolutionaries
Friday of the Third Week of Easter
Job, Chapter 5, Verse 21-22
From the scourge of the tongue you
shall be hidden, and you shall not FEAR approaching ruin. 22
At ruin and want you shall laugh;
the beasts of the earth, do not fear.
What is
to be observed and avoided in conversation? How we are to bear the evil
tongues of others?[1]
IT IS A matter of as
great importance to guard the tongue as it is the pupil of the eye, because
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Prov.
Be prudent in every conversation,
suppressing that immoderate inclination which rashly hurries most people on to
pass sentence upon their neighbor without due examination and deference to the
case in question.
Your conversation ought not to be of
an idle nature. "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
speaketh." (Matt. 12:34).
Almost every discourse among men turns
on the life, morals and pursuits of others; and there are almost as many judges
passing sentence upon each one as there are inhabitants in his city. You have
plenty to do with your own vices—find fault with these and correct them. Do not
divulge your own secrets, or those of others which you are obliged to conceal.
Many have fallen into great disputes
because they revealed their secrets to imprudent persons to whom they ought not
to have confided them. The person who knows how to hear much and say little
approaches near to the Divinity.
Nothing can be secure from the darts
of the tongue: It is not arrested by the power of kings nor by the virtue of
saints; the one needs not dread the sword, and the other cannot fear censure,
yet neither can hide from calumny. Christ Himself, when living among men, did
not escape the scourge of the tongue.
There is no enemy among the vices more
powerful than censure. When anyone speaks ill of you, he teaches you what you
ought to avoid.
Do you wish to escape the darts of
the envenomed tongue?
Disdain them. If you
observe silence, you shall receive no wound. Esteeming much the judgment of the
good, you need not fear the insolence of the calumniator. It concerns you but
little what others may think of you; in your own conscience you have a more
certain and incorruptible witness. Interrogate your conscience and believe it.
Thus, neither ought you to disturb the
calmness of your mind, although the wicked should calumniate and tear you to
pieces. To be disturbed at every rumor is to have but little regard for
oneself. Children strike with their little hands the mouth of their father; the
infant pulls the hair of its mother, gnawing her bosom, tearing her cheeks and
spitting on them, and we call none of these things an injury, because he who
does them is incapable of conceiving such an act.
Do you also entertain the same
sentiments for those who calumniate you as parents cherish for their children?
If once you let
yourself be moved by anger on account of an injury, becoming weak-minded
thereby, you honor him who is the cause of it. It is necessary, then, that you
should have the glory of being admired by him, from whom you could bear to
suffer disdain. But this is the vice of a base soul and a little mind. You
shall always be unhappy if you imagine yourself despised.
of the Catholic Church
II. Prayer of Petition
2629 The vocabulary of
supplication in the New Testament is rich in shades of meaning: ask, beseech,
plead, invoke, entreat, cry out, even "struggle in prayer." Its
most usual form, because the most spontaneous, is petition: by prayer of petition
we express awareness of our relationship with God. We are creatures who are not
our own beginning, not the masters of adversity, not our own last end. We are
sinners who as Christians know that we have turned away from our Father. Our
petition is already a turning back to him.
2630 The New Testament contains
scarcely any prayers of lamentation, so frequent in the Old Testament. In the
risen Christ the Church's petition is buoyed by hope, even if we still wait in
a state of expectation and must be converted anew every day. Christian
petition, what St. Paul calls {"groaning," arises from another depth,
that of creation "in labor pains" and that of ourselves "as we
wait for the redemption of our bodies.
For in this hope we were saved." In the end, however, "with
sighs too deep for words" the Holy Spirit "helps us in our weakness;
for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes
for us with sighs too deep for words."
2631 The first movement of the
prayer of petition is asking forgiveness, like the tax collector in the
parable: "God, be merciful to me a sinner!" It is a prerequisite
for righteous and pure prayer. A trusting humility brings us back into the
light of communion between the Father and his Son Jesus Christ and with one
another, so that "we receive from him whatever we ask." Asking
forgiveness is the prerequisite for both the Eucharistic liturgy and personal
2632 Christian petition is
centered on the desire and search for the Kingdom to come, in keeping with the
teaching of Christ. There is a hierarchy in these petitions: we pray first
for the Kingdom, then for what is necessary to welcome it and cooperate with
its coming. This collaboration with the mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit,
which is now that of the Church, is the object of the prayer of the apostolic
community. It is the prayer of Paul, the apostle par excellence, which
reveals to us how the divine solicitude for all the churches ought to inspire
Christian prayer. By prayer every baptized person works for the coming of
the Kingdom.
2633 When we share in God's
saving love, we understand that every need can become the object of petition.
Christ, who assumed all things in order to redeem all things, is glorified by
what we ask the Father in his name. It is with this confidence that St.
James and St. Paul exhort us to pray at all times.
Angel of God[2]
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.
APFT Aquatic Exercises
Source: Department of the Army Field Manual,
FM 21-20 Physical Fitness Training
Side Leg-Raises. Stand in
chest to shoulder-deep water with either side of the body at arm’s length to
the wall of the pool, and grasp the edge with the nearest hand. Raise the
outside leg sideward and upward from the hip. Next, pull the leg down to the
starting position. Repeat these actions. Then, turn the other side of the body
to the wall, and perform the exercise with the other leg. DURATION: 30 seconds
(15 seconds per leg).
Leg-Over. Stand in
chest-to shoulder-deep water, back facing the wall of the pool. Reach backward
with the arms extended, and grasp the pool’s edge. Next, raise one leg in front
of the body away from the wall, and move it sideward toward the other leg as
far as it can go. Then, return the leg to the front-extended position, and
lower it to the starting position. Repeat these actions with the other leg, and
continue to alternate legs. DURATION: 30 seconds ( 15 seconds per leg).
Rear Leg Lift. Stand in
chest-to shoulder-deep water with hands on the pool’s edge, chest to the wall.
Raise one leg back and up from the hip, extend it, and point the foot. Then,
pull the leg back to the starting position. Alternate these actions back and
forth with each leg. DURATION: 20 seconds (10 seconds each leg).
Alternate Toe Touch. Stand in waist-deep water. Raise the
left leg as in kicking while touching the elevated toe with the right hand. At
the same time, rotate the head toward the left shoulder, and push the left arm
backward through the water. Alternate these actions back and forth with each
leg and opposite hand. DURATION 2 minutes.
Side Straddle Hop. Stand in waist deep water with
hands on hips and feet together. Jump sideward and land with feet about two
feet apart. Then, return to the starting position, and repeat the jumping
action. DURATION 2 minutes.
Stride Hop. Stand in waist-deep water with hands on hips
and feet together. Jump, moving the left leg forward and right leg backward.
Then, jump again moving the right leg forward and left leg backward. Repeat
these actions. DURATION 2 minutes.
The Bounce. Stand in waist-deep water with hands on hips
and feet together. Jump high with feet together. Upon landing, use a bouncing
motion, and repeat the action. DURATION: 1 minute.
Rise on Toes. Stand in chest-to shoulder-deep
water with arms at sides and feet together. Rise up using the toes. Then, lower
the body to the starting position. Repeat the action. DURATION: 1 minute.
Side Bender. Stand in waist-deep water with the left arm
at the side and the right arm extended straight overhead. Stretch slowly, bending
to the left. Recover to the starting position, and repeat the action. Next,
reverse to the right arm at the side and the left arm extended straight
overhead. Repeat the stretching action to the right side. DURATION: 1 minute.
Walking Crawl. Walk in waist- to chest-deep water.
Simulate the overhand crawl stroke by reaching out with the left hand cupped
and pressing the water downward to the thigh. Repeat the action with the right
hand. Alternate left and right arm action. DURATION: 2 minutes.
Bouncing. Stand in chest-deep water, arms at sides. Bounce on the left
foot while pushing down vigorously with both hands. Repeat the action with the
right foot. Alternate bouncing on the left and right foot. DURATION: 2 minutes.
Bounding in Place with Alternate Arm Stretch, Forward. Bound in place in
waist-deep water using high knee action. Stretch the right arm far forward when
the left knee is high and the left arm is stretched backward. When the position
of the arm is reversed, simulate the action of the crawl stroke by pulling down
and through the water with the hand. DURATION 1 minute.
Poolside Knees Up, Supine. Stand in chest-to shoulder-deep water, back against the wall
of the pool. Extend the arms backward, and grasp the pool’s edge. With feet
together, extend the legs in front of the torso, and assume a supine position.
Then with the legs together, raise the knees to the chin. Return to the
starting position, and repeat the action. DURATION: 2 minutes (maximum effort).
Twisting Legs, Supine. Stand in chest-to shoulder-deep water, back against the wall
of the pool. Extend the arms backward, and grasp the pool’s edge. With feet
together, extend the legs in front of the torso, and assume a supine position.
Then, twist the legs slowly to the left, return to the starting position, and
twist the legs slowly to the right. Repeat this twisting action. DURATION: 1
minute (2 sets, 30 seconds each).
Scissor Kick. Float in chest- to shoulder- deep water on either side of
the body with the top arm extended, hand holding the pool’s edge. Brace the
bottom hand against the pool’s wall with feet below the water’s surface. Next,
assume a crouching position by bringing the heels toward the hips by bending
the knees. Then, straighten and spread the legs with the top leg extending
backward. When the legs are extended and spread, squeeze themback together
(scissoring). Pull with the top hand, and push with the bottom hand. The
propulsive force of the kick will tend to cause the body to rise to the water’s
surface. DURATION 1 minute (2 sets, 30 seconds each, maximum effort).
Push Away. Stand in chest-to shoulder-deep water facing the pool’s wall
and at arm’s length from it. Grasp the pool’s edge, and bend the arms so that
the body is leaning toward the wall of the pool. Vigorously push the chest back
from the wall by straightening the arms. Then, with equal vigor, pull the upper
body back to the wall. Repeat these actions. DURATION: 2 minutes (maximum
Push-Ups. Stand in chest to shoulder- deep water facing the pool’s wall.
Place the hands on the edge or gutter of the pool. Then, raise the body up and
out of the water while extending the arms. repeat this action. DURATION: 2
minutes (4 sets, 30 seconds each with 5-second rests between sets).
Front Flutter Kick. Stand in chest to shoulder-deep water facing the pool’s
wall. Grasp the pool’s edge or gutter and assume a prone position with legs
extended just below the water’s surface. Then, kick flutter style, toes
pointed, ankles flexible, knee joint loose but straight. The Iegs should
simulate a whip’s action. DURATION 1 minute (2 sets, 30 seconds each).
Running. Move in a running gait in chest-to shoulder-deep water with
arms and hands under the water’s surface. This activity can be stationary, or
the exerciser may run from poolside to poolside. Runners must concentrate on
high knee action and good arm movement. DURATION 10 to 20
The Engine. Stand in chest-to shoulder-deep water, arms straight and in
front of the body and parallel to the water with the palms facing downward.
While walking forward, raise the left knee to the left elbow, then return to
the starting position. Continuing to walk forward, touch the right knee to the
right elbow, and return to the starting position. Be sure to keep the arms
parallel to the water throughout the exercise. DURATION 1 to 2 minutes (2
NIC’s Corner-“Little by little, one goes far”
Highly Sensitive Person: 5 Things That Are Draining Your Energy Without You Realizing[4]
If you identify as a highly sensitive person (HSP) in 2023, you’ll likely be familiar with a general feeling of overwhelm and emotional exhaustion.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and overloaded all at the same time?
Us too. Here are the five things in your life that might be draining your energy without you even realizing.
It sounds
obvious being too available is a quick way to drain anyone, but especially
HSPs. Yes, it’s tempting to agree to every brunch plan, birthday party and
family day, but it’s essential to make sure you have enough time to recoup
between. The same goes for agreeing to emotional labour, too.
As Boyer
urges: “Check your boundaries, my friend!” If
you don’t have the capacity to be there for a friend, be honest and tell them
so. A good friend will understand and respect your limits.
productive as it may feel, research actually suggests
that multitasking takes a serious toll on output. Our brains lack the ability
to perform multiple tasks at the same time, so in moments where we think we’re
multitasking, we’re likely just switching quickly from task to task.
For HSPs,
this can be particularly taxing on their already fraught nervous
Instead, Boyer advises batching similar tasks together as often as you can.
“You’ll be amazed at how much more you get done this way,” she says.
more often than not, it’s the minutiae of life that slowly wears us down”
out your wardrobe,
filing paperwork and stocking up your cupboards are never anyone’s favourite
chores, but having small tasks sit on your to-do list week after week takes up
valuable mental space and unconsciously drains your energy. Actually, the best
way to tackle it is by just doing the task. It might feel like a slog at first,
but she promises you’ll feel much better for it.
“As an
HSP, you’re taking in everything in your environment,” explains Boyer. So it’s
important to set yourself up for success with a calming, mess-free area, no
matter the size of your home. “ Tidying
changing a paint color, or reorganizing a space can do wonders for your
energy,” she adds.
again, the key here is setting boundaries. “When we’re always accessible, we
take ourselves out of the flow, give away our energy, and de-prioritise
ourselves,” stresses Boyer. It can be hard, but checking yourself when you feel
like you’re acting on your people
pleasing tendencies
or allowing others to trauma
on you can be a vital first step in protecting yourself.
Fun things to do in Arizona.
Beware of others’ butts when in the water!
Also in the ocean
Daily Devotions
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Today's Fast: Conversion
of Sinners
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
Fillet of Flounder in Tomato Sauce
reparations to the Holy Face
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