Friday, May 17, 2024
Friday of the Seventh Week of
Exodus, Chapter 3, Verse 6
I am the God of your father, he
continued, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses
hid his face, for he was AFRAID to
look at God.
is Moses first encounter with the Living God. Moses responded with natural fear thus he tried to hide himself just
as Adam did in the garden. Yet, how does one hide from God. The beginning of
Holiness is to not try to hide but to face our Lord manfully and admit we are
what we are, and He is what He is. After this Moses was 100 percent for God; he
was His man. Moses here began a journey with God that eventually led to the
birth of Christ true God and true man and we beheld him face to face.
Today try and be 100% for God.
As iron,
cast into the fire, loses its rust and becomes bright with the flame, so too a
man who turns his whole heart to Me is purified and all sluggishness and
changed into a new man.[1]
Catechism of the
Catholic Church
Article 1-"THE
III. The Prayer of
the Church
2767 This indivisible gift of the Lord's words and of the
Holy Spirit who gives life to them in the hearts of believers has been received
and lived by the Church from the beginning. the first communities prayed the
Lord's Prayer three times a day, in place of the "Eighteen
Benedictions" customary in Jewish piety.
2768 According to the apostolic tradition, the Lord's
Prayer is essentially rooted in liturgical prayer:
[The Lord] teaches us to make prayer in common for all our
brethren. For he did not say "my Father" who art in heaven, but
"our" Father, offering petitions for the common body.
In all the liturgical traditions, the Lord's Prayer is an
integral part of the major hours of the Divine Office. In the three sacraments
of Christian initiation its ecclesial character is especially in evidence:
2769 In Baptism and Confirmation, the handing on (traditio)
of the Lord's Prayer signifies new birth into the divine life. Since Christian
prayer is our speaking to God with the very word of God, those who are
"born anew". . . through the living and abiding word of
God" learn to invoke their Father by the one Word he always hears.
They can henceforth do so, for the seal of the Holy Spirit's anointing is
indelibly placed on their hearts, ears, lips, indeed their whole filial being.
This is why most of the patristic commentaries on the Our Father are addressed
to catechumens and neophytes. When the Church prays the Lord's Prayer, it is
always the people made up of the "new-born" who pray and obtain
2770 In the Eucharistic liturgy the Lord's Prayer appears
as the prayer of the whole Church and there reveals its full meaning and
efficacy. Placed between the anaphora (the Eucharistic prayer) and the
communion, the Lord's Prayer sums up on the one hand all the petitions and
intercessions expressed in the movement of the epiclesis and, on the other,
knocks at the door of the Banquet of the kingdom which sacramental communion
2771 In the Eucharist, the Lord's Prayer also reveals the
eschatological character of its petitions. It is the proper prayer of "the
end-time," the time of salvation that began with the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit and will be fulfilled with the Lord's return. the petitions
addressed to our Father, as distinct from the prayers of the old covenant, rely
on the mystery of salvation already accomplished, once for all, in Christ
crucified and risen.
2772 From this unshakeable faith springs forth the hope
that sustains each of the seven petitions, which express the groanings of the
present age, this time of patience and expectation during which "it does
not yet appear what we shall be." The Eucharist and the Lord's Prayer
look eagerly for the Lord's return, "until he comes."
Apostolic Exhortation[2]
Veneremur Cernui – Down in Adoration
of The Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of
to Priests, Deacons, Religious and the Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Phoenix
on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Part I
Eucharist – Mystery to Be Revered
The Eucharist is the supernatural food that keeps us going along the difficult
journey towards the Promised Land of eternal salvation: “Whoever eats my
flesh has eternal life”. To see the truth of these words, we must turn to
the context for which they were spoken.
The Mass as the new Exodus from Slavery of Sin
The Eucharist comes to us through the Mass. Our normal experience of the
Eucharist is at Mass, the central ritual – or liturgical – celebration which
takes place every day and is a weekly obligation for the faithful. What we
often call the Sacrifice of the Mass is the place where the Church has always
believed we eat and drink the Body and Blood of Christ. The Mass must be
understood within the context of the Last Supper where “Jesus took bread […]
and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body’ […] Then
he took a cup, […] he gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This
is my blood of the covenant’” (Mt 26:26-28).
At the Last Supper, which the Church commemorates today, Jesus took part in and
forever transformed the Jewish Passover ritual meal. It is here we see the
context in which Jesus desires His Body and Blood to be consumed as food. This
is the context where we discover the beauty of the grand mystery of the
Eucharist as the fulfillment of both the Jewish Passover and the Covenant of
To be continued…
Pinot Grigio Day[3]
Pinot Grigio complements any meal but sometimes it’s best by itself. Lorrie
If you’re a wine aficionado, you know that there’s nothing quite like the fresh taste of a great vintage of wine to go with an incredible meal. There are so many vintages to choose from it can sometimes be a challenge to find the perfect pairing. Thankfully, there’s Pinot Grigio, an incredible wine that’s been known for hundreds of years in the world’s most respected wine regions. Pinot Grigio Pinot Grigio Day celebrates this astonishing wine and its ability to be paired with just about anything, or just enjoyed on its own.
of Pinot Grigio Day
Pinot Grigio has a long history, as
we already mentioned above, and shares part of its genetic heritage with Pinot
Noir and Pinot Gris. As the years went by it came to be one of the most popular
vintages to be grown and produced, with over 15,000 Hectares being used to grow
the grape necessary to produce it. If you’ve never had this fine wine and want
to know how it tastes, it has been described as having an acidic,
lighter-bodied flavor, most of the noted as having a recognizable ‘spiciness’
to them.
Depending on where you’re getting
your Pinot Grigio from it may come under a different name, with examples being
the Auxerrois Gris from Alsace, the Grauer Monch from Germany, and the Rulander
from Romania. While the basic profile of the wine remains the same, there are
variations based on where and how its produced that lead to sweeter and drier
varieties being available. Pinot Grigio Day is your opportunity to go out and
buy a bottle or ten and start sampling a delicious variety of what the world
has to offer in the way of excellent wines.
to celebrate Pinot Grigio Day
As we already mentioned there’s no
better way to celebrate this day than by getting yourself a fine bottle of
Pinot Grigio and pouring it out with some friends. Given that there are
multiple varieties of this wine it could be good to schedule a wine tasting
where everyone brings a bottle of Pinot Grigio from a different region, to
ensure that everyone gets the chance to enjoy the wide world of Pinot Grigio.
Don’t let this holiday pass you by without taking the time to appreciate one of
viticultures finest products.
Things you can do with Pinot Grigio
besides drinking it!
Of course, having a delicious glass
of Pinot Grigio is the best way to celebrate this day! However, there are a
number of other things that you can do with Pinot Grigio, aside from drinking
it. There are so many different recipes that call for Pinot Grigio. So, why not
celebrate with a delicious meal incorporating Pinot Grigio and a glass of the
wine to wash it down with? Fish dishes always work really well with this type
of wine. Nevertheless, there are many other recipes whereby Pinot Grigio can be
Did you know that you can use Pinot
Grigio in a pie and tart crust? You have probably heard about creating a tender
pie crust with vodka. However, you can also use this delicious white wine. The
science is very similar. Unlike water, gluten is not created when flour and
alcohol or mixed together. If you overwork gluten, baked goods can end up
tough. Therefore, you can enjoy a much more tender crust if you use less
gluten. Moreover, the touch of Pinot Grigio is going to add a bit of sweetness
to the crust as well, so it’s a win-win!
If you’re looking for a great
dinner idea to go with your bottle of white wine on Pinot Grigio day, how about
a chicken cacciatore? In some countries, the tomato-based version of this dish
is more well-known. However, with this version, chicken is served with a white
sauce. You can prepare this with red chillis, oil, and garlic. You can then add
some olives and a bottle of pinot grigio, cooking it for a long time so that
all of the flavors are melded together properly. Ten minutes before you are
finished cooking, add plenty of fresh rosemary to the sauce.
If this doesn’t sound like the
right dish for you, how about a pasta carbonara? You can add more flavor to
your pasta dish by adding a splash of Pinot Grigio to the pan after the
pancetta has been sauteed. You won’t look back after trying this version. There
is a gamey aftertaste to the smoked pancetta cubes. However, you can get rid of
this with the Pinot Grigio, which makes the pure pancetta flavor outstanding.
It really takes your dish to the next level, and this is a sort of concept that
can be applied to a lot of different dishes when it comes to adding Pinot
Last but not least, why not create
your own cocktail with Pinot Grigio? Of course, you’re still going to be
technically drinking it, but we’ve bent the rules a little bit for this one!
There are some amazing Pinot Grigio cocktails on the Internet. Spend some time
looking for a recipe you love. One of our favorites is a Hugo Spritzer. To make
this cocktail, you will need your favorite Pinot Grigio (or any old bottle!)
combined with soda water, elderflower syrup, mint leaves, some wedges of lime,
and some ice. It’s a refreshing cocktail, which goes down a treat.
Forces Day Build Up
The United
States Coast Guard (USCG) is the coastal defense,
search and rescue,
and maritime law enforcement
branch of the United States Armed Forces
and one of the country's eight uniformed services.
The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the
U.S. military branches for having a maritime
law enforcement mission with jurisdiction in
both domestic and international waters and a federal
regulatory agency
mission as part of its duties. It operates under the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be
transferred to the U.S. Department of the Navy
by the U.S. President
at any time, or by the U.S. Congress
during times of war. Congressional authority transfers happened twice: in 1917,
during World War I, and in 1941,
during World War II.
Created by the U.S. Congress on 4 August 1790 at the request of Alexander Hamilton
as the Revenue-Marine, it is the oldest continuous seagoing service of the
United States. As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton headed the
Revenue-Marine, whose original purpose was collecting customs
duties at U.S. seaports. By the 1860s,
the service was known as the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service
and the term Revenue-Marine gradually fell into disuse. The modern Coast Guard
was formed by a merger of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S. Life-Saving Service
on 28 January 1915, under the U.S. Department of
the Treasury. In 1939, the U.S. Lighthouse Service
was also merged into the Coast Guard. As one of the country's six armed
services, the Coast Guard has been involved in every U.S. war from 1790 to the
Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan.
Fitness Friday-Coast
Guard Physical Health[5]
Coast Guard Fitness Policy Overview
Fitness is embedded in our culture. Coast Guard members must submit a Personal
Fitness Plan, and spend a minimum of 180 minutes per week of dedicated physical
fitness activity – workload and operations permitting. Civilian employees are
authorized to participate in physical fitness activities during the work day,
up to three hours per week, workload and operations permitting.
Coast Guard Fitness Program
Resources are available to help you begin your fitness training—either
individualized or for your whole team. Tools will help you track your progress
and access resources, while getting coaching and encouragement along the way.
Health Coach
CG SUPRT provides free, one-on-one health coaches. Call 1-855-CGSUPRT
Health Promotion Resource Manuals and Forms
- Coast Guard Health Promotion Manual - COMDTINST M6200.1E
- Coast Guard Weight and Body Fat Standards
Program Manual - COMDTINST M1020.8H
- CG-6049 Personal Fitness Plan
- SF-600 Command Weight Referral Form
- CG-6200 Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire (PAR-Q)
Fitness Resources
- CG SUPRT Health and Wellness Coaching: Call 1-855-CGSUPRT (247-8778)
- Human
Performance Resource Center:
Great site for fitness and nutrition info
- Unit Fitness Instruction (Sample)
- Aerobic Work out Log
- Strength Training Log
Nutrition and Weight Resources
- CHOOSEMYPLATE.GOV Supertracker: Nutrition information from the USDA
- Caloric Calculator
- Operation
Supplement Safety: Will
answer all of your supplement questions.
Weight Probation Resources
Command shall refer member to their Primary Care Manager (PCM) by filling out Section 1 of the (SF-600 Command Weight Referral Form). PCM's shall fill out Section 2. Members shall inform command of any medical problems with losing weight or starting an exercise program. Additional resources are located on the Body Fat Probation Resources page.
delicious resource full with information on food groups, health goals and your
budget—all to promote a healthier eating lifestyle.
Trying to break the
habit of smoking? This site shares basic information on tobacco that you should
know, including unsavory facts on tobacco consumption on our bodies. It also
shares resources and tips on how to take control and quit for good.
NIC’s Corner-Coast
Guard hunks and Movies
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Individuals
with Mental Illness note: We pray for
Politian’s separately
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
[1] Paone, Anthony J., Our Daily Bread,
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