Start March 12 to December 12

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Voting now till November 5-we hope?!

Face of Christ Novena

Face of Christ Novena
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The Code

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Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Night at the Movies Black Robe  Christopher’s Corner   This day in 1964 was the release date of the movie, “My Fair Lady.” It is one ...

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 6 

Saint of the day:

Saint Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa

Patron Saint of Missionaries of the Crusade

Vinny’s Corner

·         Roy Rogers King of Cowboys RIP 1998


Today Party like you are Capt. Kidd

Capt. Kidd arrested 1699

Tomorrow Start


Let Freedom Ring: 40 Days to Freedom from the Devil[1]


July 7-August 15, 2024


It is right and good for us to prepare ourselves as her retainers in her battle with Satan from now until the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven


Through acts of reparation, fasting, penance, charity, and prayer (both personal and sacramental) we call upon the power of God to release ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation from all demonic influence and oppression.



Each day will be broken into prayer, reflection, and reparation.


A reflection (rotating from Fr. Peckman, Fr. Altman & Fr. Heilman) will be written for each day on a particular manifestation of the demonic and the sin it leads to. It will commend a corresponding virtue to cultivate. 


Prayers of reparation and exorcism will be followed by a litany

·         Monday: Litany of Humility

·         Tuesday: Litany of St. Michael the Archangel

·         Wednesday: Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Thursday: Litany of St. Joseph

·         Friday: Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

·         Saturday: Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

·         Sunday: Litany of the Blessed Sacrament

Acts of Reparation and Penance

Factoring into this will be variables of age, ability, and availability.

* To pray a Rosary for the Intention of exorcism of the day's area of reflection 

* To pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet in reparation for the sin caused by the area of the day's reflection 

* To commit one act of either a spiritual or corporal works of mercy for either one who has been harmed by our sin or who has harmed us by their sin. 

* To commit to fasting or abstinence days as prescribed below. 

* To commit to a prescribed time of exercise based on one's abilities

 * To commit to going to confession once a week (where available)

 * To refrain from all use of the conventional media throughout the 40 days and to limit one's use of social media to one hour a day for non-business or evangelical use.


Understanding that age, health, and the Covid 19 pandemic are current factors...

·         Black level: (For clerics)

o   Acts of reflection and prayer remain intact. Added is a commitment to a Holy Hour every day.

§  Cleric commits to fasting 3xs a week (unless age or medical condition is an issue).

§  Cleric commits to abstaining from sweets, soda, junk food, and fast food for all 40 days.

§  Clerics with medical conditions and over the age of 65 commit to a half hour of exercise. Otherwise, they commit to one hour of exercise, with the understanding that one can exercise and pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet at the same time.

§  They also commit to making more time for the confessional, daily Mass, and praying the entirety of the Divine Office (all hours) for the 40 days.

§  The prayer, reflection, some acts of reparation can be done during Holy Hour and/or exercise time.

§  Clerics commit to confession once a week. Clerics, in a special way, should offer the prayers for those placed under their pastoral care and do their acts of reparations for those harmed by the actions of any cleric, including themselves.

·         Blue level: Recommended for those called to go "All In!"

o   Acts of Reflection and prayer remain intact.

§  Person commits to fasting 3xs a week (Wednesday, Friday, and any other day, save Sunday).

§  Abstinence from sweets, soda, junk food, and fast food for all 7 days.

§  One hour of exercise with the understanding that one can exercise and pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet simultaneously.

·         Red Level: Recommended for those who do not think they can do the blue level:

o   Acts of Reflection and prayer remain intact.

§  Person commits to fasting 2xs a week on Wednesdays and Fridays.

§  Abstinence from sweets, soda, junk food, and fast food for the other four days.  

§  One hour of exercise, with the understanding that one can exercise and pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet at the same time

·         White Level: Recommended for pregnant women, senior citizens, those with serious medical conditions:

o   Acts of Reflection and prayer remain intact.

§  Abstinence 3xs a week from sweets, soda, junk food, & fast food instead of fasting.

§  Half hour of exercise instead of an hour. That other half hour can be used to do spiritual reading.

§  It should be noted that praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet can be done while exercising


Prayer for Freedom from the Devil

(We will all pray the following prayer each day)

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror.

You are the source of all truth. You are the source of all strength.

By the power of Your Cross and Resurrection, we beseech You, O Lord

To extend Your saving arm and to send Your holy angels

To defend us as we do battle with Satan and his demonic forces.

Exorcise, we pray, that which oppresses Your Bride, the Church,

So that within ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation

We may turn fully back to You in all fidelity and trust.

Lord, we know if You will it, it will be done.

Give us the perseverance for this mission, we pray.


Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception ... pray for us

St. Joseph ... pray for us

St. Michael the Archangel ... pray for us

(the patron of your parish) ... pray for us

(your confirmation saint) ... pray for us


First Saturday



Deuteronomy, Chapter 20, Verse 1

When you go out to war against your enemies and you see horses and chariots and an army greater than your own, you shall not be AFRAID of them, for the LORD, your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, will be with you.

God imagines the world without war; this is why He sent His son to bring peace to the world. Yet, we are still at war for our enemy is not just evil men but the devil and his cohort. Therefore, when our enemy brings forth horse and chariot and all manner of evils; do not be afraid for the victory has already been won! Trust in Jesus who will send St. Michael the Archangel to defend us and cover us with his strong shield and lead us safely through the midst of our enemy. Our prayer then is having fought the good fight and having a lifetime of devotion to the Blood of Jesus that when the last hour of our earthly life draws near, and we await the awful moment when our soul must leave our bodies it will be St. Michael that will defend us in our most vulnerable moments protecting us from the satanic hosts when they make their final assault upon our souls.

First Saturday Devotion[1]

Five consecutive Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The practice of the First Saturday devotion was requested by Our Lady of Fatima, who appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, multiple times starting in 1917. She said to Lucia, the oldest of the three children: “I shall come to ask . . . that on the First Saturday of every month, Communions of reparation be made in atonement for the sins of the world.” Years later she repeated her request to Sr. Lucia, the only one still living of the three young Fatima seers, while she was a postulant sister living in a convent in Spain: “Look, my daughter, at my Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce me at very moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console me, and say that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the rosary, and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries of the rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.” 

Conditions to Fulfill the First Saturday Devotion

There are five requirements to obtain this promise from the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On five consecutive first Saturdays of the month, one should:

1. Have the intention of consoling the Immaculate Heart in a spirit of reparation.

2. Go to confession (within eight days before or after the first Saturday).

3. Receive Holy Communion.

4. Say five decades of the Holy Rosary.

5. Meditate for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary with the goal of keeping Our Lady company (for example, while in church or before an image or statue of Our Lady).

Read How to Make Your First Saturday Rosary Meditation According to Sr. Lucia

Why Five Saturdays?

Our Lord appeared to Sr. Lucia on May 29, 1930, and gave her the reason behind the five Saturdays devotion. It is because there are five types of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception

2. Blasphemies against Our Lady’s perpetual virginity

3.  Blasphemies against her divine maternity, in refusing at the same time to recognize her as the Mother of men

4.  Blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children, indifference or scorn or even hatred of their Immaculate Mother

5.  Offenses of those who outrage Our Lady directly in her holy images

Never think that Jesus is indifferent to whether or not His mother is honored!

St. Maria Goretti[2]

St. Maria Goretti was born of a poor family in Corinaldi, Italy, in 1890. Near Nettuno she spent a difficult childhood assisting her mother in domestic duties. She was of a pious nature and often at prayer. In 1902 she was stabbed to death, preferring to die rather than be raped. 

"It is well known how this young girl had to face a bitter struggle with no way to defend herself. Without warning a vicious stranger (actually Alessandro Serenelli who lived with his father in the same house as the Goretti's.) burst upon her, bent on raping her and destroying her childlike purity. In that moment of crisis, she could have spoken to her Redeemer in the words of that classic, The Imitation of Christ: "Though tested and plagued by a host of misfortunes, I have no fear so long as your grace is with me. It is my strength, stronger than any adversary; it helps me and gives me guidance." With splendid courage she surrendered herself to God and his grace and so gave her life to protect her virginity.

"The life of this simple girl—I shall concern myself only with highlights—we can see as worthy of heaven. Even today people can look upon it with admiration and respect. Parents can learn from her story how to raise their God-given children in virtue, courage and holiness; they can learn to train them in the Catholic faith so that, when put to the test, God's grace will support them and they will come through undefeated, unscathed and untarnished.

"From Maria's story carefree children and young people with their zest for life can learn not to be led astray by attractive pleasures which are not only ephemeral and empty but also sinful. Instead, they can fix their sights on achieving Christian moral perfection, however difficult and hazardous that course may prove. With determination and God's help all of us can attain that goal by persistent effort and prayer. 

"Not all of us are expected to die a martyr's death, but we are all called to the pursuit of Christian virtue. This demands strength of character though it may not match that of this innocent girl. Still, a constant, persistent and relentless effort is asked of us right up to the moment of our death. This may be conceived as a slow steady martyrdom which Christ urged upon us when he said: The kingdom of heaven is set upon and laid waste by violent forces.

"So, let us all, with God's grace, strive to reach the goal that the example of the virgin martyr, Saint Maria Goretti, sets before us. Through her prayers to the Redeemer may all of us, each in his own way, joyfully try to follow the inspiring example of Maria Goretti who now enjoys eternal happiness in heaven." 

Excerpted from a homily at the canonization of Saint Maria Goretti by Pope Pius XII 

Imprisoned for murder she appeared to him in his cell and forgave him and he was subsequently converted. Most importantly, he sat next to her mother at the beatification, who also forgave him.

Patron: Against impoverishment; against poverty; children; children of Mary; girls; loss of parents; martyrs; rape victims; young people in general. 

Things to Do:


  • Please visit this The Pilgrimage of Mercy: Tour of St. Maria Goretti's Major Relics for more information on St. Maria, in particular this article for a more detailed account of St. Maria Goretti's life and Alessandro Serenelli's conversion.
  • This saint's feast day is a wonderful launching point to teach our children about purity, chastity and modesty. Sex education should be taught by the parents with a Catholic approach. Young girls can use St. Maria as a model.
  • A highly recommended book is St. Maria Goretti: In Garments All Red by Rev. Godfrey Poage. Young teens to adult will enjoy this account of her life. 

National Fried Chicken Day[3] Remember it was this humble bird that that crowed calling Peter to conversion and repentance-if you can go to confession and confess with Peter, “Yes, Lord, You Know That I Love You”. 

·         The bird gets the spotlight on Fried Chicken Day, and stomachs are rumbling already. Move over vegetarians, there’s a deep-fried chicken leg and breast coming this way!

·         To add more pizzazz to the day, coat the legendary southern food in spices and yell “Yeehaw!” Cover the chicken with a mixture of cayenne pepper, garlic powder and paprika to put the spring back in the step. A little hot sauce? Sure, let’s go all out! Serve the mouth-watering fried food with chicken gravy to up the yum-factor even more.

·         Pair the succulent bird with waffles for a classic combo. Or, why not make chicken the star of the show and add a tasty side dish? Lip-smacking sides include buttermilk biscuits, cold potato salad or coleslaw. With fried chicken on the plate, the taste is sure to taste clucking good! 

Wiener Backhendl

Viennese fried chicken has a history that goes back to the 18th century, when it was in vogue as a dish for the aristocracy and upper classes. Serve backhendl with lemon wedges and parslied potatoes, potato salad or a tossed green salad. Backhendl is popular in Munich as a dish served at Oktoberfest celebrations. Also known as Backhähnchen or poulet frit à la viennoise.

4 to 6 servings


  • Chicken, cut into serving pieces -- 3 pounds
  • Lemon juice -- 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper -- to season
  • Flour -- 1 cup
  • Eggs, beaten with a little water -- 2
  • Breadcrumbs -- 1 1/2 cups
  • Oil for deep frying


  1. Toss the chicken in a large bowl with the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Set aside to marinate for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Put the flour in one bowl, the eggs in another bowl and the breadcrumbs in a third bowl. One at a time, dip the chicken pieces first in the flour, then in the egg, and finally in the breadcrumbs to coat. Set the breaded chicken pieces on a baking sheet to let the coating set.
  3. Heat about 2 inches of oil to 375°F in a deep skillet or Dutch oven. Deep fry the chicken pieces for 10 minutes, turning to brown both sides.
  4. Reduce heat to low and continue to cook for another 20 minutes, turning often. Drain on paper towels and serve hot.

Wiener Backhendl Variations


  • Finishing in the Oven: After browning, remove the chicken pieces to a rack-lined baking sheet and finish cooking in a 350°F oven for about 20 to 25 minutes.


Catechism of the Catholic Church




Article 2-WE BELIEVE

II. The Language of Faith

170 We do not believe in formulae, but in those realities they express, which faith allows us to touch. "The believer's act [of faith] does not terminate in the propositions, but in the realities [which they express]." All the same, we do approach these realities with the help of formulations of the faith which permit us to express the faith and to hand it on, to celebrate it in community, to assimilate and live on it more and more.

171 The Church, "the pillar and bulwark of the truth", faithfully guards "the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints". She guards the memory of Christ's words; it is she who from generation to generation hands on the apostles' confession of faith. As a mother who teaches her children to speak and so to understand and communicate, the Church our Mother teaches us the language of faith in order to introduce us to the understanding and the life of faith.

Daily Devotions

·         Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Authentic Feminism

·         Saturday Litany of the Hours Invoking the Aid of Mother Mary

·         Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Rosary


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