Saturday, October 5, 2024
Vinny’s Corner
· How to celebrate Oct 5th
o Start your day with some delicious polenta dishes?
§ Look up simple recipes online and try your hand at making this versatile cornmeal dish.
o Later, sip on some homemade mead as a nod to National Mead Day. You can easily make mead at home with basic ingredients like honey, water, and yeast.
o Wrap up your day by snuggling up with a warm apple betty dessert in honor of National Apple Betty Day. Use simple pantry staples to whip up this comforting treat and enjoy the cozy flavors.
· As evening falls, channel your inner spy with a James Bond movie marathon for Global James Bond Day. Dress up in your best spy attire and indulge in some classic 007 action.
· Throughout the day, remember to be kind and show gratitude on National Be Nice Day.
· End your day with a podcast featuring military stories in honor of National Military Podcast Day.
OCTOBER 5 First Saturday
was no longer able to say a word to Abner, he FEARED him so.
is a twisted tale of the leaders of Israel that are being divided in loyalties
to either David or the son of Saul “Ishbaal”. Money, Power, Sex and Violence
are involved. Hmmm sounds like this could be America splitting between
following God or following the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Aspire to live a tranquil life, to
mind your own affairs, and to work with your [own] hands, as we instructed you,
that you may conduct yourselves
properly toward outsiders and not depend on anyone.
1 Thessaonians
Ishbaal[1] was one of the four sons of King
Saul, born c. 1047 BC. He was chosen as the second king over the Kingdom
of Israel, which
then consisted of all the twelve tribes of the Israelites, after the death of
his father and three brothers at the Battle of Mount Gilboa. He was proclaimed
king over Israel by Abner, the captain of Saul's army after
his father and brothers were slain in the battle of Gilboa. He was 40 years old
at this time and reigned for two years. Upon the death of King Saul, the tribe
of Judah seceded from the rule of the House of Saul by proclaiming David as its
king, and war ensued. David's faction eventually prevailed, but the war did not
come to a close until Abner joined David.
Ishbaal and Abner Quarrel[2]
the war between the house of Saul and the house of David, Abner was gaining
power in the house of Saul. Now Saul had had a concubine, Rizpah, the daughter
of Aiah. And Ishbaal, son of Saul, said to Abner, “Why have you slept with my
father’s concubine?” Enraged at the words of Ishbaal, Abner
said, “Am I a dog’s head from Judah? As of today, I have been loyal to the
house of Saul your father, to his brothers and his friends, and I have kept you
out of David’s clutches; and today you charge me with a crime involving a
woman! May God do thus to Abner, and more, if I do not carry out for David what
the Lord swore to him—that is, take away
the kingdom from the house of Saul and establish the throne of David over
Israel as well as Judah, from Dan to Beer-sheba.” Ishbaal was no longer able to
say a word to Abner, he feared him so.
First Saturday[3]
The Five First Saturday’s devotion is one of the principal points of the Fatima message. It centers on the urgent need for mankind to offer reparation and expiate for the many injuries that the Immaculate Heart of Mary suffers from the hands of both impious and indifferent men.
On the First Saturday during 5 Consecutive
Months, the Devotion consists of:
1. Going to Confession,
2. Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion,
3. Saying five decades of the Rosary,
4. Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary.
All this offered
in REPARATION for the sins of blasphemy and ingratitude committed against
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
During the third apparition on July 13, 1917, Our Lady
revealed that she would come to ask for the consecration of Russia to her
Immaculate Heart and for the Communion of Reparation of the Five First
Saturdays. Consequently, she asked for the devotion in 1925 and the
consecration in 1929. While staying at the House of the Dorothean Sister in
Pontevedra, Portugal, Sister Lucia received a vision on December 10, 1925,
where the Blessed Mother appeared alongside a Boy who stood over a luminous
cloud. Our Lady rested one hand on the Boy’s shoulder while she held on the
other hand a heart pierced with thorns around it. Sister Lucia heard the Boy
say, "Have pity on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother which is covered
with thorns with which ingrate men pierce it at every moment with no one to
make an act of reparation to pull them out." Our Lady expressed her
request in the following words, "See, my daughter, My Heart surrounded
with thorns with which ingrates pierce me at every moment with blasphemies and
ingratitude. You, at least, make sure to console me and announce that all those
who for five months, on the first Saturdays, go to confession, receive
Communion, say five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes
meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the purpose of making
reparation to Me, I promise to assist them at the hour of death with all the
graces necessary for the salvation of their souls." A few days
afterward, Sister Lucia detailed this vision in a letter addressed to Monsignor
Manuel Pereira Lopes, her confessor when she resided in the Asylum of Vilar in
the city of Oporto, Portugal.
Why Five Saturdays?
Sister Lucia’s confessor questioned her about the reason
for the five Saturdays, asking why not seven or nine. She answered him in a
letter dated June 12, 1930. In it she related a vision she had of Our Lord
while staying in the convent chapel part of the night of the twenty-ninth to
the thirtieth of the month of May, 1930. The reasons Our Lord gave were as
follows: The five first Saturdays correspond to the five kinds of offenses and
blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They are:
Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception
Blasphemies against her virginity
Blasphemies against her divine maternity, at the same
time the refusal to accept her as the Mother of all men
Instilling, indifference, scorn and even hatred towards
this Immaculate Mother in the hearts of children
Direct insults against Her sacred images
Let us keep the above reasons firmly in our minds.
Devotions have intentions attached to them and knowing them adds merit and
weight to the practice.
Modifications to the Five First Saturdays
Devotion to facilitate its observation.
The original request of Our Lady asks one to confess and
receive Communion on five consecutive first Saturdays; to say five decades of
the Rosary; to meditate during 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary for
the purpose of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in reparations
for the sins of men. In subsequent private visions and apparitions however,
Sister Lucia presented to Our Lord the difficulties that devotees encountered
in fulfilling some conditions. With loving condescension and solicitude, Our
Lord deigned to relax the rules to make this devotion easy to observe:
Confession may be done on other days other than
the First Saturdays so long as one receives Our Lord worthily and has the
intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Even if one forgets to make the intention, it
may be done on the next confession, taking advantage of the first occasion to
go to confession.
Sister Lucia also clarified that it is not
necessary to meditate on ALL mysteries of the Rosary on each First Saturdays.
One or several suffice.
With much latitude granted by Our Lord Himself, there is no
reason for the faithful to hesitate or delay this pious practice in the spirit
of reparation which the Immaculate Heart of Mary urgently asks.
This devotion is so necessary nowadays.
The culture of vice and sin remains unabated even as one
reads this. Abortion, blasphemy, drug abuse, pornography, divorce and bad
marriages, religious indifference, the advances of the homosexual agenda and
others are just some of society’s many plagues that cut deeply into the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. We must
console Our Lady amidst all these insults and injuries to her and her Divine
Son. She asks for reparation, she pleads for our prayers, she hopes for our
amendment of life. Let us listen to her maternal pleas and atone for the
ingratitude of men. The First Five Saturday’s devotion stimulates the spirit of
reparation; it instills a tender love for the Holy Sacraments of Confession and
the Blessed Eucharist. It nurtures a holy affection for the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and the Rosary. Above all, it is an excellent means to maintain one in the
state of grace while immersed in the daily spiritual battles and prosaic
existence in the neo-pagan world that we live in. Let us not delay in observing
this devotion for it too gives us hope for eternal salvation.
Feast of St. Faustina[4]
Faustina was born in the 20th century and canonized in the year 2000. Jesus
chose her to deliver to the modern world a message as old as eternity. It is
the message of his love for all
people, especially sinners. Jesus said to Faustina, "Today I am sending
you with my mercy to the people of the whole world." It is his desire to
heal the aching world, to draw all people into his merciful heart of love. On February 22, 1931, Jesus
appeared to Faustina as the King of Divine Mercy. He asked her to have a picture
painted of him as she saw him — clothed in white, with red and white rays of
light streaming from his heart. The rays represent the blood and water that
flowed from the side of Jesus on the cross. Under the image are the words,
"Jesus, I trust in you." Many people did not believe Faustina at
first. The sisters in her own convent thought that Jesus could not possibly
have selected her for this great favor. After all, she was an uneducated
peasant girl. Her superiors often refused to give her permission to carry out
Jesus' requests. Church theologians, too, doubted her word. Jesus told Faustina
that he loved her obedience and that his will would be done in the end.
Faustina was canonized by the first Polish pope, John Paul II, on April 30,
2000. The first Sunday after Easter was declared Divine Mercy Sunday.
Things to
Read a short biography of Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska from the
Read the Holy Father's April 30, 2000, Homily at the solemn Mass
celebrated for the canonization of Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska.
From the Directory on Popular Piety and Liturgy:
Devotion to the Divine Mercy
In connection with the octave of Easter, recent
years have witnessed the development and diffusion of a special devotion to the
Divine Mercy based on the writings of Sr. Faustina Kowalska who was canonized
30 April 2000. It concentrates on the mercy poured forth in Christ's death and
resurrection, fount of the Holy Spirit who forgives sins and restores joy at
having been redeemed. Since the liturgy of the Second Sunday of Easter or
Divine Mercy Sunday — as it is now called — is the natural locus in which to
express man's acceptance of the Redeemer's mercy, the faithful should be taught
to understand this devotion in the light of the liturgical celebrations of
these Easter days. Indeed, "the paschal Christ is the definitive
incarnation of mercy, his living sign which is both historico-salvific and
eschatological. At the same time, the Easter liturgy places the words of the
psalm on our lips: "I shall sing forever of the Lord's mercy" (Ps
89[88]: 2).
Read more from our Catholic Culture library
about the Divine Mercy devotion, in particular, a short description of The Divine Mercy devotion
St. Faustina came from Poland. John Paul II was
also Polish and had a great devotion to the Divine Mercy. He made it a feast
day on the second Sunday after Easter. Find out more about Poland and its
customs. It's a very Catholic country, with deep devotion to Our Lady. A
wonderful book that gives a wonderful understanding of the culture is the
Pope's biography A Witness to Hope by George Wiegel.
Try your hand at a Polish dish or two. Perhaps
practice making some of the favorite foods for the Polish Wigilia (Christmas
Eve Dinner) Pierogi (or Pirohi) is one of the most popular Polish foods but do
some research to find other recipes.
· You can get her diary here:
- Polish Vodka
- Nina's Cucumber Salad
- Beef and Beet Borscht
- Sausage and Sauerkraut
- Real NY Jewish Rye Bread
- Kruschicki
of the Catholic Church
811 "This is the sole
Church of Christ, which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic and
apostolic." These four characteristics, inseparably linked with each
other, indicate essential features of the Church and her mission. the
Church does not possess them of herself; it is Christ who, through the Holy
Spirit, makes his Church one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, and it is he who
calls her to realize each of these qualities.
812 Only faith can recognize
that the Church possesses these properties from her divine source. But their
historical manifestations are signs that also speak clearly to human reason. As
the First Vatican Council noted, the "Church herself, with her marvellous
propagation, eminent holiness, and inexhaustible fruitfulness in everything
good, her catholic unity and invincible stability, is a great and perpetual
motive of credibility and an irrefutable witness of her divine mission."
"The sacred mystery of the
Church's unity" (UR 2)
813 The Church is one because
of her source: "the highest exemplar and source of this mystery is the
unity, in the Trinity of Persons, of one God, the Father and the Son in the
Holy Spirit." The Church is one because of her founder: for "the
Word made flesh, the prince of peace, reconciled all men to God by the cross, .
. . restoring the unity of all in one people and one body." The
Church is one because of her "soul": "It is the Holy Spirit,
dwelling in those who believe and pervading and ruling over the entire Church,
who brings about that wonderful communion of the faithful and joins them
together so intimately in Christ that he is the principle of the Church's
unity." Unity is of the essence of the Church:
What an
astonishing mystery! There is one Father of the universe, one Logos of the
universe, and also one Holy Spirit, everywhere one and the same; there is also
one virgin become mother, and I should like to call her "Church."
814 From the beginning, this
one Church has been marked by a great diversity which comes from both the
variety of God's gifts and the diversity of those who receive them. Within the
unity of the People of God, a multiplicity of peoples and cultures is gathered
together. Among the Church's members, there are different gifts, offices,
conditions, and ways of life. "Holding a rightful place in the communion
of the Church there are also particular Churches that retain their own
traditions." The great richness of such diversity is not opposed to
the Church's unity. Yet sin and the burden of its consequences constantly
threaten the gift of unity. and so the Apostle has to exhort Christians to
"maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
815 What are these bonds of
unity? Above all, charity "binds everything together in perfect
harmony." But the unity of the pilgrim Church is also assured by
visible bonds of communion:
- profession of one faith received from the Apostles;
-common celebration of divine worship, especially of the sacraments;
- apostolic succession through the sacrament of Holy Orders, maintaining the
fraternal concord of God's family.
816 "The sole Church of
Christ [is that] which our Savior, after his Resurrection, entrusted to Peter's
pastoral care, commissioning him and the other apostles to extend and rule
it.... This Church, constituted and organized as a society in the present
world, subsists in (subsistit in) in) the Catholic Church, which is governed by
the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him."
The Second
Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism explains: "For it is through
Christ's Catholic Church alone, which is the universal help toward salvation,
that the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained. It was to the
apostolic college alone, of which Peter is the head, that we believe that our
Lord entrusted all the blessings of the New Covenant, in order to establish on
earth the one Body of Christ into which all those should be fully incorporated
who belong in any way to the People of God."
Daily Devotions
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Today's Fast: True
Saturday Litany of the Hours
Invoking the Aid of Mother Mary
in the Home for Preschool: October
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
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