Saturday, October 19, 2024


Vinny’s Corner

·         Today is Adventure Day: An adventure was what happened when you set out to take life by the hand and live it.

·         Another pagan festival Pronouns Day St. Jogues is turning over in HIS grave.

·         Gin and Tonic Day

·         How to celebrate Oct 19th

o   You wake up to a text from a friend suggesting an impromptu day of fun.

§  Afterwards, engage in some self-reflection for Evaluate Your Life Day. Think about your goals and make a plan to kickstart some positive changes.

§  Embrace Bridge Day by exploring a local bridge or hiking trail.

o   Take a break to enjoy some seafood bisque for lunch in honor of National Seafood Bisque Day.

§  Then, spend the afternoon making new friends.

§  Strike up conversations with strangers or attend a local event for National New Friends Day.

§  Keep the good times rolling by playing fetch with your furry companion for National Fetch Day. The joy on their face is sure to brighten your day.

o   As the sun sets, relax like a sloth for International Sloth Day. Give yourself permission to unwind and enjoy some leisurely activities.

§  Lastly, wrap up the evening by sipping on rakija as a nod to Rakija Day. Reflect on the day’s adventures and newfound friendships with gratitude. It may have been a motley assortment of celebrations, but the memories created will surely bring a smile to your face.

OCTOBER 19 Saturday-Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues

1 Chronicles, Chapter 14, Verse 17

Thus, David’s fame was spread abroad through every land, and the LORD put the FEAR of him on all the nations.


Great leaders are great followers of the Lord.


You're Going Down, Philistines[1]

·         Back in Jerusalem, David is sitting pretty. He takes on a few more wives and they start producing princes and princesses.

·         Obviously, the Philistines are worried. They just got rid of Saul and now some other more powerful, more holy, awesome king has risen up in his place.

·         So, they set out to attack David.

·         But David (who's pretty smart) asks God what he should do. God tells David it's okay to go out and crush the Philistine army.

·         And that's just what David does. Well, he actually beats them into surrendering and then burns them alive, but still.

·         When Philistine soldiers attack again, David consults God. This time, Yahweh gives him some specific battle directions and David's victorious. God's pretty good at war games.

·         David's victories against the Philistines make him famous and all the other nations start to fear Israel. That's just how David and God like it.

Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues

Martyrs in North America[2] 

Today in the dioceses of the United States the Church celebrates the optional memorial of Sts. Issac Jogues and John de Brébeuf (priests and martyrs) and their companions (martyrs). They were Jesuit missionaries who died as martyrs in North America where they preached the Gospel.


·         Pray to the Holy Spirit to renew the evangelization of distant countries as well as the re-evangelization of our own nation.

·         More Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than in the previous nineteen centuries combined. For example, pastors are being arrested and sometimes shot in China and Cuba. Believers are forbidden to buy goods or own property in Somalia. Christians who testify to their faith in Iran or Saudi Arabia may be put to death for blasphemy. Mobs have wiped out whole villages of Christians in Pakistan. Pray for courageous and zealous missionaries in these countries where the Church is persecuted.

·         Support the Indian Missions in the USA.

·         Visit the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York. This site offers a wonderful gallery of pictures of the shrine.

·         Learn more about each of the martyrs. You might also like to read this definitive scholarly biography, Saint Among Savages: The Life of St. Isaac Jogues, by Francis Talbot, S.J.

·         Learn for Christmas the Indian Christmas Carol, the first American Christmas carol John de Brébeuf wrote to teach the Christmas story to the Huron Indians.


1173 When the Church keeps the memorials of martyrs and other saints during the annual cycle, she proclaims the Paschal mystery in those "who have suffered and have been glorified with Christ. She proposes them to the faithful as examples who draw all men to the Father through Christ, and through their merits she begs for God's favors." 

Catechism of the Catholic Church


Day 128                                                         

Religious life

925 Religious life was born in the East during the first centuries of Christianity. Lived within institutes canonically erected by the Church, it is distinguished from other forms of consecrated life by its liturgical character, public profession of the evangelical counsels, fraternal life led in common, and witness given to the union of Christ with the Church.

926 Religious life derives from the mystery of the Church. It is a gift she has received from her Lord, a gift she offers as a stable way of life to the faithful called by God to profess the counsels. Thus, the Church can both show forth Christ and acknowledge herself to be the Savior's bride. Religious life in its various forms is called to signify the very charity of God in the language of our time.

927 All religious, whether exempt or not, take their place among the collaborators of the diocesan bishop in his pastoral duty. From the outset of the work of evangelization, the missionary "planting" and expansion of the Church require the presence of the religious life in all its forms. "History witnesses to the outstanding service rendered by religious families in the propagation of the faith and in the formation of new Churches: from the ancient monastic institutions to the medieval orders, all the way to the more recent congregations."

Secular institutes

928 "A secular institute is an institute of consecrated life in which the Christian faithful living in the world strive for the perfection of charity and work for the sanctification of the world especially from within."

929 By a "life perfectly and entirely consecrated to [such] sanctification," the members of these institutes share in the Church's task of evangelization, "in the world and from within the world," where their presence acts as "leaven in the world." "Their witness of a Christian life" aims "to order temporal things according to God and inform the world with the power of the gospel." They commit themselves to the evangelical counsels by sacred bonds and observe among themselves the communion and fellowship appropriate to their "particular secular way of life."

Societies of apostolic life

930 Alongside the different forms of consecrated life are "societies of apostolic life whose members without religious vows pursue the particular apostolic purpose of their society, and lead a life as brothers or sisters in common according to a particular manner of life, strive for the perfection of charity through the observance of the constitutions. Among these there are societies in which the members embrace the evangelical counsels" according to their constitutions.

Consecration and mission: proclaiming the King who is corning

931 Already dedicated to him through Baptism, the person who surrenders himself to the God he loves above all else thereby consecrates himself more intimately to God's service and to the good of the Church. By this state of life consecrated to God, the Church manifests Christ and shows us how the Holy Spirit acts so wonderfully in her. and so the first mission of those who profess the evangelical counsels is to live out their consecration. Moreover, "since members of institutes of consecrated life dedicate themselves through their consecration to the service of the Church they are obliged in a special manner to engage in missionary work, in accord with the character of the institute."

932 In the Church, which is like the sacrament - the sign and instrument - of God's own life, the consecrated life is seen as a special sign of the mystery of redemption. To follow and imitate Christ more nearly and to manifest more clearly his self-emptying is to be more deeply present to one's contemporaries, in the heart of Christ. For those who are on this "narrower" path encourage their brethren by their example, and bear striking witness "that the world cannot be transfigured and offered to God without the spirit of the beatitudes."

933 Whether their witness is public, as in the religious state, or less public, or even secret, Christ's coming remains for all those consecrated both the origin and rising sun of their life:

For the People of God has here no lasting city, . . . [and this state] reveals more clearly to all believers the heavenly goods which are already present in this age, witnessing to the new and eternal life which we have acquired through the redemptive work of Christ and preluding our future resurrection and the glory of the heavenly kingdom.

Daily Devotions

·         Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Today's Fast: Conversion of Sinners

·         Saturday Litany of the Hours Invoking the Aid of Mother Mary

·         Religion in the Home for Preschool: October

·         Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Rosary


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