Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Candace’s Corner
· How to celebrate Oct 29th
o Today is all about taking care of yourself and embracing the little things that bring joy. Start your day by feeding the birds in your backyard – a simple act that can bring peace and serenity. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and connect with the world around you.
o Next, dedicate some time to self-care. Whether it’s indulging in a warm bowl of oatmeal or pampering yourself with a skincare routine, prioritize your well-being.
o Embrace your inner hermit by enjoying some alone time. Read a book, watch a movie, or simply relax in your own company.
o Don’t forget about our furry friends. Celebrate National Cat Day by spending quality time with your feline companions. Show them love and affection, play with them, or treat them to their favorite toys.
o As you unwind in the evening, take a moment to appreciate the wonders of the internet. Explore new interests, connect with loved ones, or learn something new online. Lastly, raise awareness for important causes like stroke prevention or psoriasis by sharing information with your friends and family. Remember, it’s the little gestures that make a big difference. Enjoy your unique and memorable day celebrating these special occasions.
OCTOBER 29 Tuesday
2 Chronicles, Chapter 20, Verse 17
You will not have to fight in this
encounter. Take your places, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD; he
will be with you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not FEAR or be dismayed. Tomorrow go out to meet them, and the LORD
will be with you.”
This encounter was a battle for the
hearts of men who were firm in the faith and hope of salvation. God was with
Israel. Those who do not fear the battle know that He is greater, and he
empowers his beloved. Let your heart ascend to Him!
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Day 138
Lord, for your faithful people life is changed, not ended.
When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death we gain an everlasting
dwelling place in heaven.
1013 Death is the end of man's earthly pilgrimage, of the
time of grace and mercy which God offers him so as to work out his earthly life
in keeping with the divine plan, and to decide his ultimate destiny. When
"the single course of our earthly life" is completed, we shall
not return to other earthly lives: "It is appointed for men to die
once." There is no "reincarnation" after death.
1014 The Church encourages us to prepare ourselves for the
hour of our death. In the litany of the saints, for instance, she has us pray:
"From a sudden and unforeseen death, deliver us, O Lord"; to ask
the Mother of God to intercede for us "at the hour of our death" in
the Hail Mary; and to entrust ourselves to St. Joseph, the patron of a happy
Every action of yours, every thought, should be those of
one who expects to die before the day is out. Death would have no great terrors
for you if you had a quiet conscience .... Then why not keep clear of sin
instead of running away from death? If you aren't fit to face death today, it's
very unlikely you will be tomorrow ....
Praised are you, my Lord, for our sister bodily Death,
from whom no living man can escape.
Woe on those who will die in mortal sin!
Blessed are they who will be found in your most holy will,
for the second death will not harm them.
1015 "The flesh is the hinge of salvation"
(Tertullian, De res. 8, 2: PL 2, 852). We believe in God who is creator of the
flesh; we believe in the Word made flesh in order to redeem the flesh; we
believe in the resurrection of the flesh, the fulfillment of both the creation
and the redemption of the flesh.
1016 By death the soul is separated from the body, but in
the resurrection God will give incorruptible life to our body, transformed by
reunion with our soul. Just as Christ is risen and lives for ever, so all of us
will rise at the last day.
1017 "We believe in the true resurrection of this
flesh that we now possess" (Council of Lyons II: DS 854). We sow a
corruptible body in the tomb, but he raises up an incorruptible body, a
"spiritual body" (cf 1 Cor 15:42-44).
1018 As a consequence of original sin, man must suffer
"bodily death, from which man would have been immune had he not
sinned" (GS # 18).
1019 Jesus, the Son of God, freely suffered death for us in
complete and free submission to the will of God, his Father. By his death he
has conquered death, and so opened the possibility of salvation to all men.
Stroke Day[1]
Stroke Day seeks to raise awareness about the possibilities of stroke and how
to prevent it. This day encourages and promotes preventative measures such as
maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. It also raises awareness
about treatment and recovery for victims of stroke. World Stroke Day was
established in 2006 by the World Stroke Organization. World Stroke Day is
observed annually on October 29th.
World Stroke Day Facts
in 4 adults will have a stroke according to the World Stroke Organization.
measures include controlling high blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight,
and managing stress. For more, click Stroke Risks and Prevention
of strokes are associated with 10 avoidable risk factors according to the World
Stroke Organization. Some of these risk factors include hypertension, unhealthy
diet, smoking, and lack of exercise.
COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on stroke. While there was marked drop
in hospitalized stroke cases worldwide particularly during the first wave,
epidemiological data have shown a real increase in stroke incidence with cases
primarily occurring out of hospital and especially in care homes. Therefore,
COVID-19 infection itself is a risk factor for stroke, and a recent systematic
review reported it occurred in 1.4% of COVID-19 infections.[2]
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Today's Fast: The
Sick, afflicted, and infirmed.
reparations to the Holy Face-Tuesday
Pray Day 6 of
the Novena for our Pope and Bishops
Litany of St. Michael the Archangel
in the Home for Preschool: October
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
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