Sunday, February 2, 2025
Claire’s Corner
· Today in honor of the Holy Trinity do the Divine Office giving your day to God. To honor God REST: no shopping after 6 pm Saturday till Monday. Don’t forget the internet.
· Spirit Hour: A Flaming Drink in honor of Candlemas
· Bucket List trip: Mendoza Vineyard Argentina
· Carnival Time begins in Catholic Countries.
· Try[10]: Two Side’s Brown
· How to celebrate Feb 2nd
o Start your day by playing your ukulele and tapping into your creative side. Enjoy some bubble gum while cooking up a batch of crepes for breakfast. Consider trying out different two-factor authentication methods for added security throughout the day. Take your brown dog for a walk while wearing red to show support for various causes. Learn about hedgehogs or even visit them at a local petting zoo. Participate in river clean-up activities to give back to the community. Volunteer at a local dental clinic to support Give Kids a Smile Day.
o Educate yourself and others about heart health on National Woman’s Heart Day. Indulge in some tater tots for a tasty snack. Learn about sled dogs and their role in history. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of wetlands and their importance to the environment. Embrace self-renewal by practicing self-care activities. Play catch with a friend or family member in honor of National Catchers Day.
o Take on a new challenge inspired by Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Make some heavenly hash dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth. Capture a moment of your day with a photo or video to mark Record of a Sneeze Day. Reflect on stories of resilience and courage on Lung Leavin’ Day. Learn about historical events like the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo while enjoying kiwifruit snacks from California. Shadow someone in a profession you find interesting to celebrate Groundhog Job Shadow Day.
o Light candles to mark Candlemas Day and Feast of Candelaria. Participate in activities that promote awareness about the environment on World Wetlands Day. End your day by unwinding and focusing on self-improvement on Self Renewal Day.
o These unique holidays offer a diverse range of activities to explore and enjoy throughout the day, providing opportunities for learning, giving back, and self-reflection. So go ahead, embrace the weirdness and make the most of this eclectic mix of celebrations!
· Plan winter fun:
- Soak in hot springs
- Hit the snow slopes
- Ride a snowmobile
- Go for a dog sled ride
- Ride a hot air balloon
February 2 Sunday-Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord
Hog Day-4 Chaplains
Baruch, Chapter
6, Verse 68
is it in no way apparent to us that they are gods; so do not FEAR them.
What are the gods in your life that
you are afraid of. To reflect on this let us examine the angels of God who
worship HE that IS: the living God.
The first choir of angels is the Seraphim. Their chief characteristic
is great and ardent love. They were made for one thing alone-----to love the
God of Love. Without ceasing they honor, praise, and love the most Blessed
Trinity-----they can do nothing else-----this is their happiness.
Are you afraid of love? Do you fear
to commit? Do you avoid being vulnerable?
Do not fear to love!
The second choir is the Cherubim who continually are
employed in contemplating the beauty and perfections of God. Cherubim are full
of zeal for the glory of God and stand ready at all times to defend His honor.
Cherubim should be invoked when one is troubled with doubts against faith and
those who experience temptations against holy purity.
Has the beauty of art, sex,
idealism, or science been your god; are you afraid to let go and give a fiat to
the will of God in your life? Are you afraid to be a fool for God? Have you
given in and worship at the altar of hedonism? Have you been afraid of others
opinion of you? Be a temple for the Holy Spirit!
The third choir is the choir of Thrones. They are called Angels
of Peace; calm, tranquility, and stability. Ask them for that peace of soul
which is the fruit of a good conscience. Invoke their aid for such as are prone
to hatred, passion and impatience; and after their example, practice being
meek, calm, and peaceful with all.
Has competition and fear of being
behind been your constant companion? Are you afraid of being last or worse
average? Has efficiency been your god? You should rest in
The choir of Dominations is consumed by their
yearning for the interests of God: their principal office is to manifest His
will. We should also beg of God to manifest His will to us by these Blessed
"Intelligences" and then take care to fulfill it scrupulously, as being
the shortest way to perfection and sanctity. We should ask these Angels to help
us to spread God's kingdom upon earth, for the conversion of heretics and
infidels, and for the return of lukewarm and fallen away Catholics to the
practice of the faith.
Has the lack of mastery over the
control of others, or the acquisition of needed skills been your constant
distress? Has the gaining of the things of the material world and its pursuits
left you no time to develop the fear of God in yourself? Have you sought the
god of power or dreaded the loss of it? Have you worshiped at the altar of
materialism? Your zeal should be for the
The fifth choir of angels which is
the choir of Principalities.
The Principalities watch over Empires, Provinces, and Dioceses. Purity of
intention is the virtue ascribed to them, for in their high functions they
never seek but the honor and interest of God alone.
Have you been anxious about letting
all you do and say allow you to seek the greater glory of God? Have you
been troubled by allowing evil to exist in the workplace? Have you supported
the secular world and been complacent in confronting it?
We are all soldiers of Christ!
The sixth choir of angels is the Powers. These Angels have unlimited mastery over the wicked
Spirits; they are endowed with great intelligence and are able to discover
their schemes and plans for our destruction. Their power is so incredible that
one alone of them would be able to destroy the entire infernal host. It is well
to invoke them in temptation: but to merit their assistance we must take care
to avoid the occasions of sin.
Have you been frightened of the
devil? Have you avoided taking action against evil enterprises? Have you
contributed to evil by use of the internet? Listened to evil inspired music?
Been afraid to look uncool? True power is often uncool!
The seventh choir of angels is
the Virtues. Energy and
strength are attributed to the Virtues. They have dominion over the elements;
all nature is subjected to their control. Hence they can raise or appease the
tempest. We may profitably invoke them in unforeseen accidents, sickness, etc.
We may also have recourse to them for that strength necessary to lead a
penitential life, and root out the inclinations of depraved nature. All persons
inclined to the contemplative life should call on this choir of Angels for
help, for good thoughts alone do not make holy, one needs also strength to
persevere and to accomplish this great task.
Have you worshipped at the altar of
your natural passions and given into fits of anger, lust and envy? Have you
been afraid of your own passions? Have you avoided controlling the body and
been indulgent? Prayer and exercise makes us
The eighth choir of angels the Archangels.
The Archangels are distinguished from the Angels by the greater importance of
their functions: the Guardians of those invested with authority in the Church
and State and are remarkable for their love and care of men. Let us imitate
them, doing our neighbor all the good we can and invoking in his behalf these
Blessed Spirits. Members of this choir are the holy spirits who stand before
the throne of God, ever ready to announce His commands. St. Michael is the
warrior leader of God’s angels. St. Gabriel is the special messenger of The
Holy Spirit. St. Raphael is the angel of Joy.
Have you worship others in
authority or been fearful of them? Have you been apprehensive of your neighbor?
Have you relished quashing others joy? Have you cared less about something you
should? Have you feared taking responsibility or worshipped at the altar of
doing nothingness? We are all called to service of
the Lord!
The Ninth choir is the angels. They
are charged with the execution of the Divine ordinances, and are appointed the
Guardians of men. Humility is the virtue particularly ascribed to
them-----for though the least among the Choirs, yet they see their celestial
companions without desiring their greater, more excellent endowments. The
Guardian Angels exercise continual watchfulness over the souls committed to
their care. Their number is exceedingly great, and it is not necessary when an
Angel has accompanied his charge into Heaven, that he be again assigned to a
soul in any future generation. Our Guardian, who is our companion in life, will
also be forever at our side in Heaven. The joy of these Angels is immeasurably
increased when souls entrusted to their care enter Heaven. The Guardian Angels
of the lost souls are not deprived of their share of joy. God in His justice
increases also theirs with the others, and then assigns them to the special
guard of the Queen of Angels, where they with great joy praise the Infinite
Justice of God. Let us, like the humble Guardian Angels, love the lowest place,
especially when placed therein by Divine Providence, and to behold with joy the
preference given to others.
Have you been full of yourself; had
a little egomania? Have you had the opinion that it is my way or the highway?
Have you watched yourself in the mirror? Imagined you are the center of every
love song? Imitate your guardian angel and be
a seraph of love for others and be a guardian of the faith of the church!
was obtained from:
Day of the Risen Lord
and of the Gift
of the Holy Spirit
Growing distinction from the Sabbath
It was this newness which the catechesis of the first centuries stressed as it
sought to show the prominence of Sunday relative to the Jewish Sabbath. It was
on the Sabbath that the Jewish people had to gather in the synagogue and to
rest in the way prescribed by the Law. The Apostles, and in particular Saint
Paul, continued initially to attend the synagogue so that there they might
proclaim Jesus Christ, commenting upon "the words of the prophets which
are read every Sabbath" (Acts 13:27). Some communities observed the
Sabbath while also celebrating Sunday. Soon, however, the two days began to be
distinguished ever more clearly, in reaction chiefly to the insistence of those
Christians whose origins in Judaism made them inclined to maintain the obligation
of the old Law. Saint Ignatius of Antioch writes: "If those who were
living in the former state of things have come to a new hope, no longer
observing the Sabbath but keeping the Lord's Day, the day on which our life has
appeared through him and his death ..., that mystery from which we have
received our faith and in which we persevere in order to be judged disciples of
Christ, our only Master, how could we then live without him, given that the
prophets too, as his disciples in the Spirit, awaited him as master?".
Saint Augustine notes in turn: "Therefore the Lord too has placed his seal
on his day, which is the third after the Passion. In the weekly cycle, however,
it is the eighth day after the seventh, that is after the Sabbath, and the
first day of the week". The distinction of Sunday from the Jewish Sabbath
grew ever stronger in the mind of the Church, even though there have been times
in history when, because the obligation of Sunday rest was so emphasized, the
Lord's Day tended to become more like the Sabbath. Moreover, there have always
been groups within Christianity which observe both the Sabbath and Sunday as
"two brother days".
Feast of the Presentation of Our
Lord (Candlemas Until 1969[2])
which is of Oriental origin, was known in the West as the feast of the
Purification of Our Lady, and closed the Christmas Cycle, forty days after the
Lord's birth. This feast has for long been associated with many popular
devotional exercises. The faithful:
- gladly
participate in the processions commemorating the Lord's entry into the
Temple in Jerusalem and His encounter with God, whose house He had come to
for the first time, and then with Simeon and Anna. Such processions, which
in the West had taken the place of licentious pagan events, always had a
penitential character, and were later identified with the blessing of
candles which were carried in procession in honor of Christ, 'the light to
enlighten the Gentiles' (Lk 2, 32);
- are
sensitive to the actions of the Blessed Virgin in presenting her Son in
the Temple, and to her submission to the Law of Moses (Lk 12, 1-8) in the
rite of purification; popular piety sees in the rite of purification the
humility of Our Lady and hence, 2 February has long been regarded as a
feast for those in humble service.
Popular piety is sensitive to the
providential and mysterious event that is the conception and birth of new life.
Christian mothers can easily identify with the maternity of Our Lady, the most
pure Mother of the Head of the mystical Body — notwithstanding the notable
differences in the Virgin's unique conception and birth.
These too are mothers in God's plan
and are about to give birth to future members of the Church. From this
intuition and a certain mimesis of the purification of Our Lady, the
rite of purification after birth was developed, some of whose elements reflect
negatively on birth.
The revised Rituale Romanum
provides for the blessing of women both before and after birth, this latter
only in cases where the mother could not participate at the baptism of her
It is a highly desirable thing for
mothers and married couples to ask for these blessings which should be given in
accord with the Church's prayer: in a communion of faith and charity in prayer
so that pregnancy can be brought to term without difficulty (blessing before
birth), and to give thanks to God for the gift of a child (blessing after
In some local Churches, certain
elements taken from the Gospel account of the Presentation of the Lord (Lk 2,
22-40), such as the obedience of Joseph and Mary to the Law of the Lord, the
poverty of the holy spouses, the virginity of Our Lady, mark out 2 February as
a special feast for those at the service of the brethren in the various forms
of consecrated life.
The feast of 2 February still retains a popular character. It is necessary, however, that such should reflect the true Christian significance of the feast. It would not be proper for popular piety in its celebration of this feast to overlook its Christological significance and concentrate exclusively on its Marian aspects. The fact that this feast should be 'considered [...] a joint memorial of Son and Mother' would not support such an inversion. The candles kept by the faithful in their homes should be seen as a sign of Christ 'the light of the world' and an expression of faith.
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, [3]
Commonly Called Candlemas-Day.
ON this day the Church solemnly celebrates the presentation of Jesus in the temple, and the obedience and humility both of Mary and her divine Son, who, though not subject to the law in regard to purification and presentation yet subjected themselves to it. Hence this feast is called the Purification of the Virgin Mary.
In common speech we call it also Candlemas, because on this day the candles required for the divine service are blessed and carried in procession. What is the design of this custom?
1. It is to remind us that Jesus, the light of the world, was offered up to His heavenly Father, by Mary, in the temple at Jerusalem, where He was called by Simeon “a light for the revelation of the gentiles, and the glory of the people of Israel.”
2. To remind us, also, of several important truths, to which the priest refers in the prayers at the blessings. Thus he prays that as the earthly light dispels the darkness of night, so Jesus, with the light of His divine doctrine, may clear away our spiritual blindness and ignorance, and lead us in the way of virtue; that as the Holy Ghost enlightened Simeon, so He may also enlighten us to acknowledge Jesus as the true light, to love Him and follow Him, to keep our hearts from the way of sin, and to guide them in the way of virtue, and to kindle them with the fire of holy love; finally, that God may preserve, in soul and body, those who use blessed candles with devotion, may hear their prayers, and grant them entrance into the kingdom of the eternal and ever-blessed light. In the Introit of the Mass the Church sings: We have received Thy mercy, O God, in the midst of Thy temple; according to Thy name, O God, so also is Thy praise unto the ends of the earth; Thy right hand is full of justice. Great is the Lord and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, in His holy mountain.”
Almighty, everlasting God, we suppliantly beseech Thy majesty that, as Thy only begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in the substance of our flesh, so Thou wouldst grant us to be presented to Thee with purified souls.
EPISTLE. Mai iii. 1-4.
Thus, saith the Lord: Behold I send My angel, and he shall prepare the way before My face. And presently the Lord Whom you seek, and the angel of the testament whom you desire, shall come to his temple. Behold he cometh, saith the Lord of hosts: and who shall be able to think of the day of his coming? and who shall stand to see him? for he is like a refining fire, and like the fullers herb: and he shall sit refining and cleansing the silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and shall refine them as gold, and as silver, and they shall offer sacrifices to the Lord in justice. And the sacrifice of Juda and of Jerusalem shall please the Lord, as in the days of old, and in the ancient years, saith the Lord Almighty.
GOSPEL. Luke ii. 22-32.
At that time: After the days of Mary’s purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they carried Jesus to Jerusalem, to present Him to the Lord, as it is written in the law of the Lord: Every male opening the womb shall be called holy to the Lord; and to offer a sacrifice according as it is written in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. And behold there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was in him. And he had received an answer from the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death before he had seen the Christ of the Lord. And he came by the Spirit into the temple. And when His parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law: he also took Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said: Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word, in peace: because my eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples; a light to the revelation of the gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.
The Blessed Virgin presented herself and her divine Son at the temple so as not to give scandal to such as were ignorant of their being exempt from the law, to show from the first that Jesus was come to redeem sinners, and to leave us an example of humility and obedience. Mary offered the gift of a pair of doves, like the poor, because she was poor, and was not ashamed to acknowledge it before the world.
The law of purification in the Old Testament, it is true, no longer applies to Christian women, because the Church has done away with Jewish ceremonies. But the spirit and intention of that law the Church would yet have complied with. She permits women, therefore, to remain at home, with a good conscience, for six weeks after childbirth, or so long as circumstances may require, without attending divine service, in order to care for their health. This permission is, at the same time, an excellent admonition to women, that, in order to their recovery, they should refrain from anger, from exposure, from hard labor, from injurious food; to men, not to refuse their wives during this period, set apart by God Himself under the Old Law, the rest and attention which their nature requires. But when this time is past the Church desires that women should, after the example of Mary, repair to the church with their children, to procure the blessing of the priest, to give thanks to God for their safe delivery, to dedicate their children to Him, and to implore of Him, with the priest, grace to bring up their offspring in piety and holiness. In this consists the so-called “churching of women”; and, from what has been said, it is evident, not only that it contains nothing to be ashamed of, but that it should by no means be omitted by such as desire God’s blessing. The feeble health of both women and children after childbirth is almost always owing to their having injured themselves by want of care.
Prayer for Women after Childbirth.
Almighty and merciful God, Who didst lay upon our mother Eve the fit punishment for her disobedience that she should bear children in sorrow, I offer to Thee all the pains of my child-bearing in propitiation for my sins; and I thank Thee that, through Thy help, the fruit of my womb has been safely brought forth into the world, and new-born in Baptism. According to the example of the Mother of Thy only begotten Son, I also offer to Thee my child for Thy holy service, and will earnestly strive to bring it up to Thy honor. To this end give me, through the intercession of the most blessed Virgin, thy grace; bless me and my child, and grant that we may live according to Thy will here, and hereafter may obtain everlasting happiness. Amen.
Things to Do[4]
- Ask
your parish priest to bless the candles that you will be using on your
home altar this year.
- Read
Luke 2:22-35, the account of the presentation including the Canticle of
- Meditate
on the constant fiat of Our Lady of Sorrows, who embraced the will
of God even as Simeon predicted that a sword would pierce her heart.
Since the children share in blood and flesh, Jesus likewise shared in them, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the Devil, and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life.
Candle Blessings[5]
One of the grandest feasts of the Middle Ages and one of only three feasts in the English language verbally denoted by a Mass (Christmas and Michaelmas being the other two), Candlemas, or the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorates Our Lady's visit to the Temple in humble obedience to that clause of the Old Law which requires a woman to be ritually purified forty days after bearing a son. On the assumption that Our Lord was born on December 25, the date of Mary's visit to the Temple would be February 2. It was on this day that Simeon the aged prophet, upon seeing the infant Jesus, proclaimed him to be "a Light to the gentiles" (Lk. 2.32). Hence the day has always involved a celebration of light. The most famous of these customs -- and the one from which the feast takes its common name -- is the blessing of, and procession with, candles. The day begins with five beautiful blessings of candles that invoke God's aid in living out allegorically what the light and fire of a candle symbolize: wisdom and illumination, purification and charity, and so on. A solemn and penitential procession (in which the celebrant wears purple) exits and then re-enters the church, at which point the purple is cast aside for the jubilance of white and a joyful Mass is offered. One of the more distinctive features of this Mass is that the candles are held lighted in the hand during the Gospel and from the Sanctus to the Communion. Candles used in the procession are not the only ones blessed on this day. Many families traditionally had most or all of their special candles -- for Advent, St. Lucy's Day, Christmas, or the family shrine -- blessed on this day.
Feast's association with light also made it a great day for predicting the
weather. According to an old legend, if the sun shines bright for the better
part of the day, it means forty more days of winter. Subsequently this quaint
superstition became Groundhog Day. Finally,
Candlemas is the absolute last day for ending
the Christmas season. Any Christmas items that had not been taken down on
Epiphany or its Octave were now carefully put away.
· A lot of Christians will also bring candles with them to their local church. They will then have their candles blessed, and they will use them for the rest of the year. This is especially the case for Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, and Anglicans. The candles are essential, as they are viewed as a symbol of Jesus Christ. If you’re familiar with the teachings of the Bible, you will know that Jesus often referred to Himself as the Light of the World.
There are different celebrations that take place all around the world
on this date. It is certainly interesting to learn about the various ways that
countries celebrate this occasion, and you can easily find this information
online if you would like to learn more. For example, in Peru, one of the
biggest festivals of dancing, music, and culture takes place during the first
fortnight of February. There are many different events taking place, which are
in honor of the Virgin of Candelaria, which is considered the patron saint of Puno,
a city in Peru.
In Mexican tradition, some of the important celebrations on this day
include enjoying family meals with tamales, which is a classic dish from
Mesoamerican cuisine. The adoration and dressing of the child Jesus also plays
a role in this symbolic day. In Puerto Rico, the end of Christmas is celebrated
on this day. There are a number of different festivities that will occur on
this date.
This includes a statue of the “Virgen de la Candelaria” carried on the
shoulders, with people following behind with lit candles. In Luxembourg, this
day is very much centered on the children. Small groups of children and adults
will roam the streets, singing traditional songs to every house that they pass
and holding a homemade wand or lantern. In exchange for singing songs, it is
hoped that the children will receive some sort of reward. Today, this is
typically some loose change or sweets. Traditionally, it was biscuits, peas, or
There are also celebrations across Swiss Romandy, Belgium, and France.
It is considered the day of crepes here! Not only does everyone enjoy some
delicious crepes, but everyone is prompted to light all of the candles in the
house. Tradition also indicates that manger scenes should be kept out until
The Litanies commonly called " Litanies of our Lady" are named "Litanies of Loretto" in the Constitutions of several Sovereign Pontiffs, - viz. Reddituri, of Sixtus V., July11, 1687; Sanctissimus, of Clement VIII., Sept. 6, 1601; and In supremo, of Alexander VII., May 28, 1664 - by reason of their being sung with great solemnity every Saturday in the Holy House of Loretto. They are composed of humble supplications and devout prayers to Almighty and (this being the meaning of the word "Litanies"), offered up through the intercession of our Blessed Lady, who is honoured therein by the application to her of the mystic figures, high titles, and glorious appellations whereby she is invoked. That these Litanies, when said by the faithful, in church in public, or at home in private, might always remain word for word exactly as they have been handed down to us from ancient tradition, Pope Alexander VII., in the Constitution above named, strictly forbade the making of any alteration in them.
To encourage the faithful often to have recourse to the intercession of most holy Mary in their behalf with Almighty (and, and at the same time to do her honor, Pope Sixtus V., in the above-named Constitution, granted –
i. An indulgence of 200 days, every time these
Litanies are said with devotion and contrition. Pope Benedict XIII., by a
decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 12, 1728, confirmed this
Indulgence; and Pope Pius VII., confirming it afresh by a decree of the same S.
Congr. of Sept 30, 1817, extended it to 300 days.
He granted, moreover, to all who say them daily –
ii. A plenary Indulgence on the five Feasts of our
Blessed Lady, of Obligation according to the Roman Calendar, viz, the
Immaculate Conception, the Nativity, the Annunciation, the Purification, and the Assumption, on
condition that, being truly contrite for their sins, and after Confession and
Communion, they visit a public church, and pray according to the intention of
the Pope.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
236 1749-1761
1749 Freedom makes man a moral subject. When he acts
deliberately, man is, so to speak, the father of his acts. Human acts, that is,
acts that are freely chosen in consequence of a judgment of conscience, can be
morally evaluated. They are either good or evil.
I. The Sources of
1750 The
morality of human acts depends on:
- the object chosen;
- the end in view or the intention;
- the circumstances of the action.
The object, the intention, and the circumstances make up the
"sources," or constitutive elements, of the morality of human acts.
1751 The
object chosen is a good toward which the will deliberately directs itself. It
is the matter of a human act. The object chosen morally specifies the act of
the will, insofar as reason recognizes and judges it to be or not to be in
conformity with the true good. Objective norms of morality express the rational
order of good and evil, attested to by conscience.
1752 In
contrast to the object, the intention resides in the acting subject. Because it
lies at the voluntary source of an action and determines it by its end,
intention is an element essential to the moral evaluation of an action. The end
is the first goal of the intention and indicates the purpose pursued in the
action. The intention is a movement of the will toward the end: it is concerned
with the goal of the activity. It aims at the good anticipated from the action
undertaken. Intention is not limited to directing individual actions, but can
guide several actions toward one and the same purpose; it can orient one's
whole life toward its ultimate end. For example, a service done with the end of
helping one's neighbor can at the same time be inspired by the love of God as
the ultimate end of all our actions. One and the same action can also be
inspired by several intentions, such as performing a service in order to obtain
a favor or to boast about it.
1753 A good
intention (for example, that of helping one's neighbor) does not make behavior
that is intrinsically disordered, such as lying and calumny, good or just. The
end does not justify the means. Thus, the condemnation of an innocent person
cannot be justified as a legitimate means of saving the nation. On the other
hand, an added bad intention (such as vainglory) makes an act evil that, in and
of itself, can be good (such as almsgiving).
1754 The
circumstances, including the consequences, are secondary elements of a moral
act. They contribute to increasing or diminishing the moral goodness or evil of
human acts (for example, the amount of a theft). They can also diminish or
increase the agent's responsibility (such as acting out of a fear of death).
Circumstances of themselves cannot change the moral quality of acts themselves;
they can make neither good nor right an action that is in itself evil.
II. Good Acts and Evil Acts
1755 A morally good act requires the goodness of the
object, of the end, and of the circumstances together. An evil end corrupts the
action, even if the object is good in itself (such as praying and fasting
"in order to be seen by men").
The object of the choice can by itself vitiate an act in its entirety. There
are some concrete acts - such as fornication - that it is always wrong to
choose, because choosing them entails a disorder of the will, that is, a moral
1756 It is therefore an error to judge the morality of
human acts by considering only the intention that inspires them or the
circumstances (environment, social pressure, duress or emergency, etc.) which
supply their context. There are acts which, in and of themselves, independently
of circumstances and intentions, are always gravely illicit by reason of their
object; such as blasphemy and perjury, murder and adultery. One may not do evil
so that good may result from it.
1757 The
object, the intention, and the circumstances make up the three
"sources" of the morality of human acts.
1758 The
object chosen morally specifies the act of willing accordingly as reason
recognizes and judges it good or evil.
"An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention"
(cf St. Thomas Aquinas, Dec. praec. 6). the end does not justify the means.
1760 A
morally good act requires the goodness of its object, of its end, and of its
circumstances together.
There are concrete acts that it is always wrong to choose, because their choice
entails a disorder of the will, i.e., a moral evil. One may not do evil so that
good may result from it.
Ground Hog Day[8]
I ask Christ if he has seen the movie, “Ground Hog Day”. He laughs and says playfully, “No, but I
inspired it”. I continue, well today is Ground Hog Day and tradition say that
if the ground hog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. Christ asks, “So what happens in the movie?”
I state it is a story of a cranky young man who keeps magically repeating his
ground hog day until he has a life changing attitude toward people and life in
general. Christ says that is the reason for His coming to these coffee clutches
with me and that He wants to give me a whole new view of life. This is what I
referred to when I told Nicodemus that a person must be born again to enter the
kingdom. That is, you must awaken or give birth to the Spirit of the Father
that is in you-the spirit of love, and you must also live in the truth. Your actions
and behavior must be true to the spirit the Father reveals to you.
McCain in his book “Character is Destiny” portrays the life of “The Four
Chaplains” as a model of great religious tolerance
that allowed them to risk all to protect others of a different faith or
It was the evening of Feb. 2, 1943, and the U.S.A.T. Dorchester was crowded to capacity, carrying 902 service men, merchant seamen and civilian workers. Once a luxury coastal liner, the 5,649-ton vessel had been converted into an Army transport ship. The Dorchester was one of three ships steadily moving across the icy waters from Newfoundland toward an American base in Greenland.
Hans J. Danielsen, the ship’s captain, was concerned and cautious because he knew he was in dangerous waters. German U-boats were constantly prowling these vital sea lanes, and several ships had already been blasted and sunk. The Dorchester was now only 150 miles from its destination, but the captain ordered the men to sleep in their clothing and keep life jackets on. Many soldiers sleeping deep in the ship’s hold disregarded the order because of the engine’s heat. Others ignored it because the life jackets were uncomfortable.
On Feb. 3, at 12:55 a.m., a periscope broke the chilly Atlantic waters. Through the cross hairs, an officer aboard the German submarine U-223 spotted the Dorchester. The U-223 approached the convoy on the surface, and after identifying and targeting the ship, he gave orders to fire the torpedoes, a fan of three were fired. The one that hit was decisive–and deadly–striking the starboard side, amid ship, far below the water line. Captain Danielsen, alerted that the Dorchester was taking water rapidly and sinking, gave the order to abandon ship.
In less than 20 minutes, the Dorchester would slip beneath the Atlantic’s icy waters. Aboard the Dorchester, panic and chaos had set in. The blast had killed scores of men, and many more were seriously wounded. Others stunned by the explosion were groping in the darkness. Those sleeping without clothing rushed topside where they were confronted first by a blast of icy Arctic air and then by the knowledge that death awaited. Men jumped from the ship into lifeboats, over-crowding them to the point of capsizing, according to eyewitnesses. Other rafts, tossed into the Atlantic, drifted away before soldiers could get in them. Through the pandemonium, according to those present, four Army chaplains brought hope in despair and light in darkness.
Those chaplains were Lt. George L. Fox, Methodist; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, Jewish; Lt. John P. Washington, Roman Catholic; and Lt. Clark V. Poling, Dutch Reformed. Quickly and quietly, the four chaplains spread out among the soldiers. There they tried to calm the frightened, tend the wounded and guide the disoriented toward safety. “Witnesses of that terrible night remember hearing the four men offer prayers for the dying and encouragement for those who would live,” says Wyatt R. Fox, son of Reverend Fox. One witness, Private William B. Bednar, found himself floating in oil-smeared water surrounded by dead bodies and debris. “I could hear men crying, pleading, praying,” Bednar recalls. “I could also hear the chaplain’s preaching courage. Their voices were the only thing that kept me going.” Another sailor, Petty Officer John J. Mahoney, tried to reenter his cabin but Rabbi Goode stopped him. Mahoney, concerned about the cold Arctic air, explained he had forgotten his gloves. “Never mind,” Goode responded. “I have two pairs.” The rabbi then gave the petty officer his own gloves.
In retrospect, Mahoney realized that Rabbi Goode was not conveniently carrying two pairs of gloves, and that the rabbi had decided not to leave the Dorchester. By this time, most of the men were topside, and the chaplains opened a storage locker and began distributing life jackets. It was then that Engineer Grady Clark witnessed an astonishing sight. When there were no more lifejackets in the storage room, the chaplains removed theirs and gave them to four frightened young men. “It was the finest thing I have seen or hope to see this side of heaven,” said John Ladd, another survivor who saw the chaplains’ selfless act. Ladd’s response is understandable. The altruistic action of the four chaplains constitutes one of the purest spiritual and ethical acts a person can make. When giving their life jackets, Rabbi Goode did not call out for a Jew; Father Washington did not call out for a Catholic; nor did the Reverends Fox and Poling call out for a Protestant. They simply gave their life jackets to the next man in line. As the ship went down, survivors in nearby rafts could see the four chaplains–arms linked and braced against the slanting deck. Their voices could also be heard offering prayers. Of the 902 men aboard the U.S.A.T. Dorchester, 672 died, leaving 230 survivors. When the news reached American shores, the nation was stunned by the magnitude of the tragedy and heroic conduct of the four chaplains.
Daily Devotions/Practices
Today's Fast: Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Restoring
the Church
Litany of the Most
Precious Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
Devout Instructions, 1896.
[10] Sheraton, Mimi. 1,000 Foods To Eat Before You Die: A
Food Lover's Life List. Workman Publishing Company. Kindle Edition.
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