Saturday, April 4, 2015 Holy Night of Easter

Exodus, Chapter 14, Verse 13
But Moses answered the people, “Do not fear! Stand your ground and see the victory the LORD will win for you today. For these Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.

At Christ’s transfiguration Moses along with Elijah appeared with Him.  The purpose of the transfiguration was to fortify Peter and the other apostle’s faith for pain and hopelessness they must have felt at the loss of their friend Jesus on this day.  They must have felt much like the throng with Moses, noted in this verse, standing by the Red Sea awaiting the certain death by the Egyptians. 

I wonder did the apostles hear a quiet voice saying in their soul-Do not fear; stand your ground and see the victory of the Lord.

This evening we will be celebrating Christ’s victory over death and joyfully celebrate his resurrection.


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