Thursday in the Octave of Easter, April 9, 2015

Haggai, Chapter 2, verse 5
12 This is the commitment I made to you when you came out of Egypt. My spirit remains in your midst; do not fear!

The prophet here is assuring the people of God’s presence. During the time of exile under the reign of Darius people needed to be reminded of God’s presence. How blessed we are that as Catholics and Non-Catholics we have God in our very presence in the Sanctuary of the Blessed Sacrament. If possible visit Him in the Bless Sacrament chapel tonight between 9 P.M. and midnight for it was on Holy Thursday between these hours that our Lord was in so much agony over us that He sweat blood and he was most alone. Spend time with Him.

Image result for eucharistic miraclesEach time we visit our soul is filled with grace; it is like a river that flows to the sea and with each visit our soul receives a small stream of love and kindness so that it grows fuller and stronger on the way.

Jesus awaits us in there; let us not refuse to meet Him in adoration, contemplating Him in full faith; opening ourselves to making amends for the offenses and crimes we and the world have committed. Let, our adoration, never cease.[1]


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