Monday, May 25, 2015 Memorial Day

1 Corinthians, chapter 16, verse 10
If Timothy comes, see that he is without fear in your company, for he is doing the work of the Lord just as I am.

Sometimes God chooses a person to do his work that is not a winner of the popularity contest. Timothy seems to be one of these. Even Christ Himself was disdained when only the 12 remained. Therefore have courage if you are doing the work of the Lord and you are not winning everyone’s BFF.

Today is Memorial Day and we honor those who have paid the supreme sacrifice of devotion to our nation. Pray today for the souls of those taken in battle. In the communion of saints it is our duty; no our honor to pray for the souls of those in our company who have died; especially those who have passed through the valley of fear in the heat of battle.

While stationed in Mons, Belgium there is the legend of the Angels of Mons, where it was reported the British soldiers were saved by heavenly forces.

One thing is certain: There are no atheists in foxholes.


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