Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Psalm 112, Verse 7-8
Image result for family feud7 He shall not fear an ill report; his heart is steadfast, trusting the LORD. 8 His heart is tranquil, without fear, till at last he looks down on his foes.

Today this verse was balm to my heart. I have a blended family and after the death of my former wife our children and my current spouse are at war with each other and I am trapped in the middle.

I am in a situation where I am being picked apart by both parties and I am left feeling helpless, frustrated and without hope. Yet, I must continue the Lord is asking me not to fear and have a steadfast heart. I must put the matter before Him, trust Him and have a tranquil heart. The Lord asks me to realize that my foes are neither my daughters nor my wife but my foes are fear and frustration.  I need to trust him and not give into the emotional meltdowns of those around me and pray for them.

Turn to the Lord in all things.


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