Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Numbers, Chapter 12, Verse 5-8
5 Then the LORD came down in a column of cloud, and standing at the entrance of the tent, called, “Aaron and Miriam.” When both came forward, 6 the LORD said: Now listen to my words: If there are prophets among you, in visions I reveal myself to them, in dreams I speak to them; 7 Not so with my servant Moses! Throughout my house he is worthy of trust: 8 face to face I speak to him, plainly and not in riddles. The likeness of the LORD he beholds. Why, then, do you not fear to speak against my servant Moses?

Moses had died to Moses and was 100 percent for God. Moses was the humblest and, while at the same time, the most confident man on earth. Moses lived the Shema Yisrael which is the same prayer the Christ most likely prayed every morning Himself and is still prayed by pious Jews today.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your soul, and with your entire mind, and with all your strength.

Rabbi Yisrael Kaniel says of Moses:
God by referring to Moses in terms of “In all My House he is trusted,” we understand that G-d has no reservations at all about Moses’ trustworthiness.  G-d has absolutely no qualms about providing Moses with all the information about His business, as it were.  Moses was deemed worthy of such immense trust because “The man Moses was the most humble person who ever walked the face of the earth” (Bamidbar 12:3).  Relative to G-d, Moses totally nullified himself.  He had no ego when it came to the Master of the world.  His interests were 100% the interests of the Al-Mighty; consequently, G-d had no reason to withhold any secrets from him.  As a result, as R. Moshe Chaim Luzzato writes, every secret of creation was open to him. May we even remotely approach the level of Moses in reducing our egos to the minimum in order to reap the benefits of enjoying G-d’s secrets, and may we, thereby, enjoy the maximum happiness and satisfaction for the rest of our lives – in this world and in the world to come.[1]
Remember to always reverence and respect those who have dedicated their lives to the service of God; for when you do, you do it, for God.


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