Divine Mercy Novena

Monday, August 3, 2015

Genesis, Chapter 35, Verse 7
When her labor was most intense, the midwife said to her, “Do not fear, for now you have another son.”

Rachel was the one love of Jacob (Now renamed by God Israel). Jacob loved Rachel dearly and worked for Lot her father for 14 years to take her as his bribe because of Lot’s tricks with Jacob. Rachel was barren and died in child birth with her two sons Joseph and Benjamin. She was not afraid because after her long suffering with barrenness at last she had given birth to two healthy sons; a dying wish.

Life at times can be hard. God does not promise us perfect happiness in this life; for we are made for heaven and eternal happiness with Him. We are to do our best, but when our best is not sufficient; surrender it to Him. We must be humble; trusting with great confidence in Him that we may do His will in good seasons and bad. Pray that we may not forget this truth and complain as the Israelites did in the desert to such an extent that Moses cried out to God, “Where can I get meat to give to all this people? For they are crying to me, ‘Give us meat for our food.’ I cannot carry all this people by myself, for they are too heavy for me. If this is the way you will deal with me, then please do me the favor of killing me at once, so that I need no longer face my distress.”  (Nm 11:13-15)

Moses was despondent here yet he did not give up; he gave it up. When things get tough; trust Him. Knowing that, “One does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” (Mt. 4:4)

Image result for mary and john at the cross
In retrospect when we are despondent let us remember to go to the great Mother of God, Mary for truly on the day of Christ’s death in some respects she died too-yet she did not fear for “now she had another son” reflecting her spiritual adoption of all of mankind.


Iceman's Virgin of Guadalupe page

Iceman's Virgin of Guadalupe page
She is our mother