Saturday, August 13, 2016
Hebrews, Chapter 2, Verse 14-15
14 Now since the children
share in blood and flesh, he likewise shared in them, that through death he might
destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and free those who
through fear of death had been
subject to slavery all their life.
On today’s date science by
the use of a heart and lung transplant was able to save the life of Jamie Gavin
who was recorded as the youngest transplant patient.
Jamie Gavin[1]
Jamie Gavin made headlines worldwide in 1985 when he became the world's
youngest heart and lung transplant patient in Harefield hospital, Middlesex. Jamie's
surgery was regarded as a success and he returned to Dublin to his brother John
and his three sisters Leslie, Katie and Melanie. He was able to live a normal
life to a certain extent and attended school with his friends, despite having
to regularly return to England for tests and checkups, as well Crumlin hospital
in Dublin. The bravery of Jamie was recognized a year after his surgery
when Princess Diana presented him with a child of courage award. Tragedy
struck the household when Jamie passed away from lymphoma at the age of 11.
Napoleon Hill writes in his tale “Outwitting the Devil”[2] his thoughts on fear during an imaginary interview with the devil to obtain his secrets.
Q. Go ahead
and describe your clever tricks, Your Majesty.
A. One of my cleverest devices for mind control is fear. I plant the seed of fear in the minds
of people, and as these seeds germinate and grow, through use, I control the space
they occupy. The six most effective fears
are the fear of poverty, criticism, ill
health, loss of love, old age, and death.
Q. Which of these six fears serves you most often, your majesty?
Although Napoleon thoughts may not be theologically correct; he still
makes a strong case as does our God that fear
is the root of sin.
International Left-Handers Day[3]
International Left-Handers
Day is a day to bring attention to the struggles which lefties face daily in a
right-handed society. August 13th is observed as International
Left-Handers Day.
International Left-Handers Day
10% of people are left-handed according to a
report by Scientific American.
Geniuses are more likely to be left-handed - 20%
of the top scoring SAT takers are left-handed.
In 2013, 31% of Major League Baseball pitchers
are left-handed.
Of the last 5 Presidents, 3 were lefties -
Obama, Clinton and Bush Sr.
All lefties: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Barak
Obama, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo da Vinci
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