Start March 12 to December 12

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Voting now till November 5-we hope?!

Face of Christ Novena

Face of Christ Novena
Novena of the Holy Face start Wed Oct 23 end on 1st Friday Nov 1st All Saints

The Code

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Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Night at the Movies Black Robe  Christopher’s Corner   This day in 1964 was the release date of the movie, “My Fair Lady.” It is one ...

Monday, July 8, 2019

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Nehemiah, Chapter 4, Verse 3
We prayed to our God and posted a watch against them day and night for fear of what they might do.

Here this references the Jewish people as they attempt to rebuild their great nation and the enemies of Judah encircle them and poise to launch an attack against them. Sounds like the battle cry of the unbelieving secular media. One wonders what the god of a secular media is.

False Gods[1]

The media view themselves as their own gods—masters of their own fates. Many of these self-made gods control our media. As gods, they want no competition. They reject the truth that God is God alone and that He will hold them accountable for mocking Him and His followers. Thus, the truth is hell to them, even before they get there. They express their hatred for God’s truth by heaping venom on anyone who declares the truth. They are rewriting American history, to fit their desire for self-worship, want to silence truth. Thus, whenever a Christian lovingly and thoughtfully points them to the truth of history, they hound them down, accusing them of “racism,” “hate speech” and “bigotry.” Why? Because truth to them is hell, so they want to muzzle their message. To them these truths are hell, so they respond by likening Christians to the Taliban and the Jihadis … can you imagine?

·         The Christians who founded the hospital movement.
·         The Christians who founded the library movement.
·         The Christians who founded the orphanage movement.
·         The Christians who founded education.

·         The Christians, who have and continue to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and care for the needy.
·         The Christians who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice in following the role model of their Savior who gave His all on a cross to save them. How can they say that Christians are likened to the Taliban?

·         The Taliban who shoot women in the head at close range in soccer stadiums.
·         The Taliban who bury people alive for their sins and misdemeanors.
·         The Taliban who stone women to death for mere accusations.

My concern is that the very truth that can set them free is the truth they attack. I know why they attack it—because it feels like hell to them. It is condemning. However, my heart is not to condemn them but to pray to God to open their blind eyes, just like He opened mine, so that they may see the truth before it is too late for them.

Dr. Michael Youssef's expertise on the Islamic culture and the Middle East in today's post-modern world is actively sought by hundreds of thousands of followers around the globe. With a Ph.D. from Emory University in social anthropology, his Egyptian heritage gives him particular insight into the cultural and religious entanglements of international affairs. It is estimated that over 10 million viewers/listeners around the world are tuned in every week through an international Christian media ministry founded by Youssef, It broadcasts via radio and television to over 200 countries and in over 20 languages. Follow Youssef, a common sense intellectual and renowned author of 24 books, on twitter @michaelayoussef and through his news blog,

14th Amendment to US Constitution ratified, 1868[2]

This amendment to the Constitution granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, which included former slaves recently freed.

Under current law, U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants are automatically considered U.S. citizens. Select states and certain Federal lawmakers are hoping to change that. In an effort to end birthright citizenship which has its origins in English common law for children of unauthorized immigrants born in the United States, state and federal lawmakers have proposed everything from state-level legislation to a constitutional amendment. They claim that by repealing birthright citizenship, the United States will deter immigrants from coming to the United States and giving birth to what they term "anchor babies" through whom unauthorized family members allegedly then obtain legal status. Proponents for a repeal of birthright citizenship are drafting state-level legislation to deny privileges of U.S. citizenship to the U.S.-born children of unauthorized aliens. Because citizenship is within the purview of the federal government, and not the states, the proponents hope that doing so will ultimately trigger a Supreme Court review of the law.

Position of the Catholic Church

To address legitimate concerns surrounding immigration law enforcement in the United States, the Catholic Church believes that our country must pass immigration reform laws to ensure the rule of law, while simultaneously ensuring that the laws that rule are rooted in the reunification of family and respectful of the human dignity of the immigrants in our midst. The Church opposes the repeal of birthright citizenship because it would render innocent children stateless, depriving them of the ability to thrive in their communities and reach their full potential. The Church believes that a repeal of birthright citizenship would create a permanent underclass in U.S. society, contravening U.S. democratic tradition; undermining the human dignity of innocent children who would be punished though they did nothing wrong; and ultimately weakening the family. Because of this, the Church opposes efforts underway for its repeal.

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         90 Days for our Nation, 54-day rosary-Day 54

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