Face of Christ Novena-Annual Novena starts Feb 23 nine days before Shrove Tuesday

Face of Christ Novena-Annual Novena starts Feb 23 nine days before Shrove Tuesday
Novena of the Holy Face start January 29 and end on Thursday before 1st Friday Feb 6

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Zachariah, Chapter 9, verse 5-6

5Ashkelon will see it and be AFRAID; Gaza too will be in great anguish; Ekron also, for its hope will wither. The king will disappear from Gaza, Ashkelon will not be inhabited, 6 and the illegitimate will rule in Ashdod.

 Ashkelon was a coastal city of the Philistines usually at war with Israel. What God is saying to the Israelite’s is that He has got their backs and is in the process of restoring Israel. God’s mercy is so great that not only does he restore Israel but, God the Father, eventually will restore all those who have Holy Fear. “The Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” (John 3:14-15)

The fact that Jesus suffered for us means that our suffering now has somewhere to go. Our pain, our battle with sin, our struggle to truly believe in him, all of this can be laid within the wounds of Christ and healed. When we carry our scars alone, they blind us. They paralyze us. They prevent us from experiencing joy. But when we unite our own wounds to those of Christ, when we allow ourselves to encounter the wounded but glorified Christ, we are able to move beyond our own.[1]


Let us this day say the prayer of Everyman[2]

 Into thy hands, Lord, my soul I commend; receive it, Lord, that it be not lost; and save me from the fiend’s boast, that I may appear with the blessed host that shall be saved at the day of doom. Into thy hands-of might’s most forever-I commend my spirit.

 Here we see God’s mercy is always greater than His justice. Be daring for we are favored and great is His mercy to us.

 Christ shows us the Father in His forgiveness. Christ would not relent for as you read the gospels it is clear Christ teaches forgiveness and tells us to ask for the strength to forgive other people. Christ in his first sermon made it abundantly clear we need forgiveness and, in His death, His last words were about forgiveness. God shows us in this verse to not keep score. How often we tabulate all the wrongs others have done to us. We hold grudges; we plot and wait for vengeance. Christ shows us the depth of His love by forgiving even his executioners.[3]

Let Freedom Ring: 40 Days to Freedom from the Devil[4]


July 7-August 15, 2020


Through acts of reparation, fasting, penance, charity, and prayer (both personal and sacramental) we call upon the power of God to release ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation from all demonic influence and oppression.



Each day will be broken into prayer, reflection, and reparation.


A reflection (rotating from Fr. Peckman, Fr. Altman & Fr. Heilman) will be written for each day on a particular manifestation of the demonic and the sin it leads to. It will commend a corresponding virtue to cultivate. 


Prayers of reparation and exorcism will be followed by a litany

·         Monday: Litany of Humility

·         Tuesday: Litany of St. Michael the Archangel

·         Wednesday: Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Thursday: Litany of St. Joseph

·         Friday: Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

·         Saturday: Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

·         Sunday: Litany of the Blessed Sacrament

Acts of Reparation and Penance

Factoring into this will be variables of age, ability, and availability.

* To pray a Rosary for the Intention of exorcism of the day's area of reflection 

* To pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet in reparation for the sin caused by the area of the day's reflection 

* To commit one act of either a spiritual or corporal works of mercy for either one who has been harmed by our sin or who has harmed us by their sin. 

* To commit to fasting or abstinence days as prescribed below. 

* To commit to a prescribed time of exercise based on one's abilities

 * To commit to going to confession once a week (where available)

 * To refrain from all use of the conventional media throughout the 40 days and to limit one's use of social media to one hour a day for non-business or evangelical use.


Understanding that age, health, and the Covid 19 pandemic are current factors...

·         Black level: (For clerics)

o   Acts of reflection and prayer remain intact. Added is a commitment to a Holy Hour every day.

§  Cleric commits to fasting 3xs a week (unless age or medical condition is an issue).

§  Cleric commits to abstaining from sweets, soda, junk food, and fast food for all 40 days.

§  Clerics with medical conditions and over the age of 65 commit to a half hour of exercise. Otherwise they commit to one hour of exercise, with the understanding that one can exercise and pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet at the same time.

§  They also commit to making more time for the confessional, daily Mass, and praying the entirety of the Divine Office (all hours) for the 40 days.

§  The prayer, reflection, some acts of reparation can be done during Holy Hour and/or exercise time.

§  Clerics commit to confession once a week. Clerics, in a special way, should offer the prayers for those placed under their pastoral care and do their acts of reparations for those harmed by the actions of any cleric, including themselves.

·         Blue level: Recommended for those called to go "All In!"

o   Acts of Reflection and prayer remain intact.

§  Person commits to fasting 3xs a week (Wednesday, Friday, and any other day, save Sunday).

§  Abstinence from sweets, soda, junk food, and fast food for all 7 days.

§  One hour of exercise with the understanding that one can exercise and pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet simultaneously.

·         Red Level: Recommended for those who do not think they can do the blue level:

o   Acts of Reflection and prayer remain intact.

§  Person commits to fasting 2xs a week on Wednesdays and Fridays.

§  Abstinence from sweets, soda, junk food, and fast food for the other four days.  

§  One hour of exercise, with the understanding that one can exercise and pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet at the same time

·         White Level: Recommended for pregnant women, senior citizens, those with serious medical conditions:

o   Acts of Reflection and prayer remain intact.

§  Abstinence 3xs a week from sweets, soda, junk food, & fast food instead of fasting.

§  Half hour of exercise instead of an hour. That other half hour can be used to do spiritual reading.

§  It should be noted that praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet can be done while exercising


Prayer for Freedom from the Devil

(We will all pray the following prayer each day)

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror.

You are the source of all truth. You are the source of all strength.

By the power of Your Cross and Resurrection, we beseech You, O Lord

To extend Your saving arm and to send Your holy angels

To defend us as we do battle with Satan and his demonic forces.

Exorcise, we pray, that which oppresses Your Bride, the Church,

So that within ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation

We may turn fully back to You in all fidelity and trust.

Lord, we know if You will it, it will be done.

Give us the perseverance for this mission, we pray.


Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception ... pray for us

St. Joseph ... pray for us

St. Michael the Archangel ... pray for us

(the patron of your parish) ... pray for us

(your confirmation saint) ... pray for us



A reflection will be sent out every day via US Grace Force email (sign-up below). Prayers and Litanies will accompany each day. It will also be posted on US Grace Force Website (usgraceforce.com) and shared on various platforms of social media.

(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)

Daily Devotions/Practices

·         Make reparations to the Holy Face-Tuesday Devotion

·         Pray Day 3 of the Novena for our Pope and Bishops

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Pray for our nation.

·         Rosary


[1] Liturgical Publications Inc.

[2] Everyman other Miracle and Morality Plays, Dover Press 1995

[3] Allen R. Hunt, Everybody needs to forgive somebody.



Start March 12 to December 12