Devotion to the Drops of Blood

Devotion to the Drops of Blood
I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.

Friday, July 29, 2022



Luke, Chapter 2, verse 8-10:

8 Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. 9The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. 10The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

Have you ever had an encounter with an angel? Most have not yet encountered a manifestation of an angel but do feel they were guided by them. For those who do encounter a powerful appearance of an angel like the shepherds they were very afraid, and some are not. Here is the story of one man’s experience with the Archangel Raphael.


Saint Raphael[1]

Imagine, you go to bed one night and an angel comes and asks you to go with him. Wim Holtschlag, a simple carpenter and father of two, by now grown-up children, had this happen to him five times in his home at Haaksbergen (The Netherlands). 28 spoken messages have come since. The messenger calls himself Raphael, angel, third in rank. His name means medicine of God and he wounds hearts with his arrows of love. He stands in the choir of archangels. He is one of the seven who stand before the Throne of God. His name is known in the bible where he, in the book of Tobit, is the traveling companion of the young man Tobias. The Church calls on him as the angel of love, patron of medical doctors and of travelers. From 1984 until May 2000, the seer, his wife Diny, and the many who have learned of these messages, received a deepening of their faith and a clearer insight into how to live in the still remaining time.

Feast of St. Martha[2]

According to legend, St Martha left Judea after Jesus' death, around AD 48, and went to Provence with her sister Mary (Mary Magdalene) and her brother Lazarus. With them, Martha first settled in Avignon (now in France). The Golden Legend, compiled in the 13th century, records the Provençal tradition:

Saint Martha, hostess of our Lord Jesus Christ, was born of royal kindred. Her father was named Syro and her mother Encharia. The father of her was duke of Syria and places maritime, and Martha with her sister possessed by the heritage of their mother three places, that was, the castle Magdalen, and Bethany and a part of Jerusalem. It is nowhere read that Martha had ever any husband or fellowship of man, but she as a noble hostess ministered and served our Lord, and would also that her sister should serve him and help her, for she thought that all the world was not sufficient to serve such a guest.

After the ascension of our Lord, when the disciples were departed, she with her brother Lazarus and her sister Mary, also Saint Maximum which baptized them, and to whom they were committed of the Holy Ghost, and many others, were put into a ship without sail, oars, or rudder, which by the conduct of our Lord they came all to Marseilles, and after came to the territory of Aix in Provence, and there converted the people to the faith. Martha was courteous and gracious to the sight of the people.

The Golden Legend also records the grand lifestyle imagined for Martha and her siblings in its entry on Mary Magdalene:

Mary Magdalene had her surname of Magdalo, a castle, and was born of right noble lineage and parents, which were descended of the lineage of kings. And her father was named Cyrus, and her mother Eucharis. She with her brother Lazarus, and her sister Martha, possessed the castle of Magdalo, which is two miles from Nazareth, and Bethany, the castle, which is nigh to Jerusalem, and also a great part of Jerusalem, which, all these things they departed among them. In such wise that Mary had the castle Magdalo, whereof she had her name Magdalene. And Lazarus had the part of the city of Jerusalem, and Martha had to her part Bethany. And when Mary gave herself to all delights of the body, and Lazarus extended all to knighthood, Martha, who was wise, governed nobly her brother's part and also her sister's, and also her own, and administered to knights, and her servants, and to poor men, such necessities as they needed. Nevertheless, after the ascension of our Lord, they sold all these things.

Love is a verb, a doing, sharing, acting, and living part of more than just speech.[3]


Today make some Lasagna to share with those you love.

National Lasagna Day[4]

National Lasagna Day is dedicated to appreciating lasagna.  The true origins of when and how National Lasagna Day came to be are unclear.  However, Google reports of National Lasagna Day began to appear in the 21st century.   Lasagna is a flat-shaped pasta that is layered with sauce and various ingredients, the most popular including beef, spinach, cheese or seafood.  Lasagna is believed to have originated in Naples, Italy.  The first lasagna recipe appears in The Liber de Coquina (The book of cooking/cookery), which is one of the oldest medieval cookbooks. Some have suggested that lasagna comes from the Greek word laganon, which stands for a flat sheet of pasta dough.  Others however suggest that lasagna comes from a 14th-century British recipe called Loseyn, which included layering ingredients between pasta sheets. National Lasagna Day is observed on July 29th of every year.

National Lasagna Day Facts & Quotes

·       As per the USDA, 100g of lasagna contains 135 calories, 4.9g of fat and 15g of carbohydrate.

·       Lasagna is the favorite food of Garfield, a comic strip cat.

·       Lasagna… nature's perfect food! – Garfield 

National Lasagna Day Top Events and Things to Do 

·       Enjoy lasagna specials on National Lasagna Day at your favorite eatery.  Many restaurants offer free lasagna, discounts and Lasagna special to celebrate the day.

·       Try a healthier alternative to the traditional lasagna.  Lasagna can be vegan, gluten-free, and made without dairy products.  Here are some vegan lasagna options:
1) Vegan lasagna with tofu ricotta and butternut squash
2) Mexican lasagna with layers of refried beans, avocado, guacamole and fresh veggies
3) Zucchini and tomato lasagna with a cashew and herb cheese
4) Mushroom, pesto, spinach and tofu cheese lasagna
5) Eggplant, summer squash, zucchini, mushroom, tomato and basil lasagna with tofu ricotta

·       Cook lasagna in the slow cooker, rather than a conventional oven.  As with baked lasagna, layer noodles, cheese and toppings in the slow cooker and let it cook slowly.  Slow cooker meals are great for a busy family that still likes to eat a nutritious meal at the end of a long day.

·       Cook your lasagna in a dishwasher.  According to MythBusters, the popular television show on the Discovery network, this is definitely feasible.

·       Attend a cooking vacation in Italy where you week-long cooking class at Taste of Italy cooking school in Tuscany, Italy where they teach students how to make lasagna the traditional, Italian way.


Moharram (Islamic New Year)[5]

·       Muharram (1st first month of the Islamic calendar) is the holiest month after Ramadan.  This month is most recommended by Muhammad to fast and worship in.

·       The Islamic method of dating was invented by Umar ibn Al-Khattab, a close friend of Muhammad.  He was the second Islamic Caliph (rulers) and in the year 638 he standardized the many calendars of the Arabian Peninsula.

·       The Islamic calendar is lunar cycle based and contains twelve months that make up a total of 354.36 days together.

·       There are parallels between this holiday and the day of Ashura.  Ashura commemorates what Muslims believe is Moses crossing the Red Sea to escape the oppressive Pharaoh on Ashura.  Similarly, the Islamic New Year marks Muhammad's crossing the desert between Mecca and Medina to escape the oppressive Quraish nobles.  For both observances, Muhammad recommended Muslims to fast.

·       The Islamic calendar is abbreviated A.H. or Anno Hegirae in Western languages.  The first date on the Islamic calendar, 1,1 Muharram A.H. corresponds to July 16, year 622.

Top Events and Things to Do

·       Muslim parents traditionally tell their children of Muhammad's escape from Mecca to Medina on this night.

·       Read more about Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina by reading his biography, The Sealed Nectar.

Novena in Honor of Saint John Marie Vianney[6]

True Love of Neighbor

Saint John Marie Baptist Vianney because of your love of God you showed great charity towards your neighbor. You could not preach on the Love of God without burning tears of love. During your last years, it seemed as though you could not talk about anything else or live for anything else. Thus, you sacrificed yourself to your neighbor by consoling, absolving and sanctifying them to the limits of your strength. Your charity inspires me to greater love of God, a love which is shown more by acts then by words. Help me to love my neighbor generously as Christ loves them. Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for ... (mention silently your special intentions).

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

Fitness Friday Wim Hof's Workout Routine[7]

Becoming an Iceman like Wim Hof needs a solid discipline, especially when it comes to your workout routine. A man like him can breathe underwater for about 6 minutes and sit in an ice bath for about 2 hours while still maintaining his normal body temperature.

I’m pretty sure you’re all curious as to how an extreme athlete works out:

Wake Up and Stretch

Hof stretches his back and tough his toes. He then reaches the sky standing on his toes, holds for three seconds, and repeats it twice.

Power Breathing

Next, he takes a 30-40 slow, steady breath. He then followed it with a 10-count holding on to exhale and take a breath, and then hold a count of 10 once again. He repeats it four times and meditates for at least five minutes.

Cold Shower

The most important part of his workout routine is taking a cold shower. When he doesn’t have enough time, he sometimes combines power breathing while showering. If you want to follow a Wim Hof method, don’t ever skip this part.

Wim Hof's Breathing Exercise:

Looking for a quiet place to sit or lie down is the first thing that Hof is doing. There should be no distractions and minimal noise in that place so that he will be comfortable while exercising. Then, he follows these four steps:

·       Step 1: Power Breaths

Here, Hof starts his exercise with 30-40 breaths (inhale and exhale). It must be slow and steady, making sure his breathing is neither deep or shallow. When performing power breaths, you need to imagine being blowing up a balloon and need to picture it out as if your body is being concentrated with fresh oxygen.

During this process, it is normal if you feel tingly or lightheaded.

·       Step 2: Hold Your Breath

Once Hof completes the first step, he empties his lungs and holds his breath as long as he can. To monitor how long he can hold his breath and improvement with the time, he is using a stopwatch to check it. If you’re in this step, don’t focus too much on time or feel anxious if your time doesn’t increase quickly.

·       Step 3: Breathe In

After Hof holds his breath until such time he feels a gasp reflex, he then inhales for about 10 seconds. Next is, he holds his breath for about 10-15 seconds. He usually repeats this step 1-4 rounds.

·       Step 4: Meditate

Once he is done with all the rounds of power breathing, he immediately meditates for a minimum of 5 minutes. Here, it would be best if you close your eyes then focus on your breathing. Do your very best to block out any distracting thoughts and sounds around.

As Wim Hof said, this will be difficult at first, but it will become easier with constant practice. He believes that practicing his breathing and meditation techniques can help cure and prevent more diseases. It can also help in improving the quality of life, including having better sleep at night.

Catechism of the Catholic Church





II. The Signs and the Rite of Confirmation

1293 In treating the rite of Confirmation, it is fitting to consider the sign of anointing and what it signifies and imprints: a spiritual seal.
Anointing, in Biblical and other ancient symbolism, is rich in meaning: oil is a sign of abundance and joy; it cleanses (anointing before and after a bath) and limbers (the anointing of athletes and wrestlers); oil is a sign of healing, since it is soothing to bruises and wounds; and it makes radiant with beauty, health, and strength.

1294 Anointing with oil has all these meanings in the sacramental life. the pre-baptismal anointing with the oil of catechumens signifies cleansing and strengthening; the anointing of the sick expresses healing and comfort. the post-baptismal anointing with sacred chrism in Confirmation and ordination is the sign of consecration. By Confirmation Christians, that is, those who are anointed, share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ and the fullness of the Holy Spirit with which he is filled, so that their lives may give off "the aroma of Christ."

1295 By this anointing the confirmand receives the "mark," the seal of the Holy Spirit. A seal is a symbol of a person, a sign of personal authority, or ownership of an oblect. Hence soldiers were marked with their leader's seal and slaves with their master's. A seal authenticates a juridical act or document and occasionally makes it secret.

1296 Christ himself declared that he was marked with his Father's seal. Christians are also marked with a seal: "It is God who establishes us with you in Christ and has commissioned us; he has put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee." This seal of the Holy Spirit marks our total belonging to Christ, our enrollment in his service for ever, as well as the promise of divine protection in the great eschatological trial.

The celebration of Confirmation

1297 The consecration of the sacred chrism is an important action that precedes the celebration of Confirmation, but is in a certain way a part of it. It is the bishop who, in the course of the Chrism Mass of Holy Thursday, consecrates the sacred chrism for his whole diocese. In some Eastern Churches this consecration is even reserved to the patriarch:

The Syriac liturgy of Antioch expresses the epiclesis for the consecration of the sacred chrism (myron) in this way: "[Father . . . send your Holy Spirit] on us and on this oil which is before us and consecrate it, so that it may be for all who are anointed and marked with it holy myron, priestly myron, royal myron, anointing with gladness, clothing with light, a cloak of salvation, a spiritual gift, the sanctification of souls and bodies, imperishable happiness, the indelible seal, a buckler of faith, and a fearsome helmet against all the works of the adversary."

1298 When Confirmation is celebrated separately from Baptism, as is the case in the Roman Rite, the Liturgy of Confirmation begins with the renewal of baptismal promises and the profession of faith by the confirmands. This clearly shows that Confirmation follows Baptism. When adults are baptized, they immediately receive Confirmation and participate in the Eucharist.

1299 In the Roman Rite the bishop extends his hands over the whole group of the confirmands. Since the time of the apostles this gesture has signified the gift of the Spirit. the bishop invokes the outpouring of the Spirit in these words:

All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

by water and the Holy Spirit

you freed your sons and daughters from sin

and gave them new life.

Send your Holy Spirit upon them

to be their helper and guide.

Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding,

the spirit of right judgment and courage,

the spirit of knowledge and reverence.

Fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe in your presence.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

1300 The essential rite of the sacrament follows. In the Latin rite, "the sacrament of Confirmation is conferred through the anointing with chrism on the forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, and through the words: 'Accipe signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti' [Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.]." In the Eastern Churches, after a prayer of epiclesis the more significant parts of the body are anointed with myron: forehead, eyes, nose, ears, lips, breast, back, hands, and feet. Each anointing is accompanied by the formula: "The seal of the gift that is the Holy Spirit."

1301 The sign of peace that concludes the rite of the sacrament signifies and demonstrates ecclesial communion with the bishop and with all the faithful.

Daily Devotions

·       Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: The Sick, afflicted, and infirmed

·       Martha is the patron of cooks; tonight make Ratatouille and watch the movie with those you love.

·       Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·       Religion in the Home for Preschool: July

·       Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·       Novena to the Holy Face Day 3

·       Let Freedom Ring Day 23

·       Drops of Christ’s Blood

·       Iceman’s 40 devotion

·       Universal Man Plan

·       Operation Purity

·       Rosary


[3] Simple Wisdom Calendar, Publications International, Ltd.




Total Consecration to St. Joseph

Total Consecration to St. Joseph
Start February 16 for Feast of St. Joseph March 19