Face of Christ Novena-Annual Novena starts Feb 23 nine days before Shrove Tuesday

Face of Christ Novena-Annual Novena starts Feb 23 nine days before Shrove Tuesday
Novena of the Holy Face start January 29 and end on Thursday before 1st Friday Feb 6

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Rachel’s Corner

May the favor of the Lord our God be ours. Prosper the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17

·         30 DAY TRIBUTE TO MARY 22nd ROSE: Precious Gift of the Cross

o   30 Days of Women and Herbs – Frauendreissiger

§  Mint (Mentha arvensis, m. piperita, m. aquatica)

MEDICINAL PLANTS Day 22 INSECT PLAGUES-Revealed by Heaven to Luz De María

ROSEMARY Scientific name: Rosmarinus officinalis L Family: Lamiaceae

Rosemary has the following property: As an oily or alcoholic solution, it is used as insect repellent.


“Use mullein and rosemary in discreet amounts.” Blessed Virgin Mary, 01.28.2016

·         How to celebrate Sep 5th

o   Ever wondered how to make the most of your day?

§  Perhaps start with a cheesy delight – whip up a homemade cheese pizza. Embrace the goodness of melted cheese and flavorful tomato sauce, then challenge yourself to whip one up from scratch. Don’t worry about perfection; it’s all about the fun of creation.

o   After savoring your pizza, shift your focus to giving back. Engage in a random act of kindness. Pay for a stranger’s coffee, donate clothes to a shelter, or simply lend an ear to someone in need. Small gestures can make a big difference.

o   Feeling the need for spontaneity?

§  Embrace being fashionably late for something. Skip the rush, savor the moment, and don’t stress about the ticking clock. It’s liberating to break free from the constraints of time occasionally.

o   Lastly, treat your taste buds to the global flavors of samosas. Head to a local eatery or if feeling adventurous, try your hand at making them at home. Explore different fillings and spices to create your version of this delectable snack.

o   In this playful journey of pizza making, spreading kindness, embracing tardiness, and indulging in samosas, you’ve crafted a day filled with creativity, generosity, spontaneity, and global flavors. So go forth and enjoy each moment!

Best Place to visit in September: Santa Fe, New Mexico

September and November are ideal for visiting this unique city, with temperatures remaining comfortably warm around 77 degrees.

For starters I recommend taking a wander around the Historic Plaza and exploring the wonderful adobe buildings, art galleries, boutiques and excellent restaurants.

Many festivals also take place here during this month including Fiestas de Santa which celebrates local history, the tasty Wine and Chile Fiesta, and the charming El Rancho De Las Golondrinas harvest festival.

The historic harvest festival is a favorite of mine and features a cute pumpkin patch, a chance to make cider, live music, and lots of entertainment! 

  • Address for Santa Fe Visitors Center: 491 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501
  • Map Location

My highlights…

  • Witnessing the gorgeous color change of the leaves in the picturesque Santa Fe Mountains.
  • Discovering a variety of local produce and handmade crafts at the year-round farmer’s market (held in the Railyard District).
  • Exploring the art galleries, shopping boutiques and historic homes along the vibrant Canyon Road.


Thursday Feast

Thursday is the day of the week that our Lord gave himself up for consumption. Thursday commemorates the last supper. Some theologians believe after Sunday Thursday is the holiest day of the week. We should then try to make this day special by making a visit to the blessed sacrament chapel, Mass or even stopping by the grave of a loved one. Why not plan to count the blessing of the week and thank our Lord. Plan a special meal. Be at Peace.

·         According to Mary Agreda[1] in her visions it was on a Thursday at six o'clock in the evening and at the approach of night that the Angel Gabriel approached and announced her as Mother of God and she gave her fiat.

Santa Fe dinner Menu

    • Acai Cooler
    • Calabacitas
    • Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas

Daily Devotions

·         Unite yourself in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Today's Fast: Authentic Feminism

·         Religion in the Home for Preschool: September

·         do a personal eucharistic stations of the cross.

·         Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Rosary

SEPTEMBER 5 Thursday


Luke, Chapter 5, verse 9-10:

9 For astonishment at the catch of fish they had made seized him and all those with him, 10 and likewise James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners of Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be AFRAID; from now on you will be catching men.” 

When the boat came to shore these men these fishermen; forsook everything. They gave up their careers, businesses, families and were committed 100 percent to the mission of Christ and they followed Him.


Is there anything or anyone in this world that you would give up everything to follow?


These men were not perfect specimens as disciples; yet; our Lord chose them: and through them as imperfect as they were, He created His bride the Holy Roman Catholic church; which is still ran by far from perfect men.


If today, you hear his voice saying do not be afraid; follow Him!


September 14th is the Feast of the Exaltation the Holy Cross, reflect on if you are willing to exalt the cross in your life and follow Christ.


Teresa of Calcutta[1]

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, known as the "saint of the gutters", feast day will be September 5 for the church calendar, during her life, was declared a saint of the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Francis (September 4, 2016) just 19 years after her death. A Nobel peace laureate, her legacy complements Pope Francis's vision of a humble church that strives to serve the poor. Francis said she was a "dispenser of divine mercy" and held world powers to account "for the crimes of poverty they created. For Mother Teresa, mercy was the salt which gave flavor to her work, it was the light which shone in the darkness of the many who no longer had tears to shed for their poverty and suffering. She showed we can't all do everything, but little gestures made with so much love are what's important."

Foundation of Love[2]

John McCain in his book “Character is Destiny” stated Mother Teresa shows us how mercy is the only way to find contentment by being selfless. Great leadership is based on a foundation of love. McCain states, “She chose to live amid squalor and sickness and desperation, endured hardship and endless toil, and might have been the happiest person on earth.” Mother did not flee from the Lord; nor did she fear anyone. When the Lord called her; she knew the call was authentic because it filled her with joy.

The first counsel of Mother Teresa is to put your hand in His and walk all the way with Him. When you hear the call to follow. To Mother Teresa it was never more complicated than that. To her care of the dying was the purest expression of love.


Who around you are dying-physically, emotionally, or spiritually?


Love might not heal every wound of disease, but it heals the heart.  McCain notes that Mother Teresa showed that rather than chasing ambition the greatest contentment comes from having a foundation of love. “She loved and was loved, and her happiness was complete.”


International Day of Charity[3]


The International Day of Charity seeks to promote and recognize charity and its role in easing humanitarian crises and suffering in the world. The day also serves to recognize the work of charitable organizations and individuals around the globe whose philanthropic actions have contributed to the creation of more inclusive and resilient societies. The International Day of Charity was designated by the United Nations General Assembly in an effort to mobilize the world to help others. The day is celebrated every year on September 5th, the anniversary of the death of Mother Theresa of Calcutta, one of the most philanthropic individuals of our time. Mother Theresa passed away in 1997 at the age of 87 after a lifetime of charitable work with the sick and dying in India.


International Day of Charity Facts & Quotes


·         Any charity donations that are made are tax deductible in many countries the year they are made.

·         Americans donated approximately 2% of their disposable income to charity in 2014. This amount has remained constant over the past decade, despite large fluctuations in the economy.

·         The annual average US household charitable donation is $2,974.

·         98.4% of high earning households give to charity and 63% say that a major motivation for their donations is to give back to the community.

·         Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. – Mother Teresa, world-renowned nun and missionary.


International Day of Charity Top Events and Things to Do


·         Watch a movie about the impact and importance of charitable work. Some suggestions are: Pay it Forward (2000), It Could Happen to You (1994), and The Letters (2014).

·         Spread awareness about the holiday by using the hashtags #InternationalDayofCharity, #Charity and #MamaT.

·         Buy a book that directly supports charity. All net proceeds from any of the books listed go directly to charity. Ready a great story and support a good cause all at once!

·         Donate to your favorite charity. If you do not have a charity of choice, Charity Navigator can help you find one. There’s a charity that just about everyone can find reason to support out there. Check out Cross Catholic Outreach

·         Read a book about the impact and importance of charitable work and about the charitable life that Mother Teresa led. Some suggestions are Abundance, Systems Thinking for Social Change, Start Something that Matters, The Joy in Loving and Mother Teresa: A Simple Path.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Day 83


583 Like the prophets before him Jesus expressed the deepest respect for the Temple in Jerusalem. It was in the Temple that Joseph and Mary presented him forty days after his birth. At the age of twelve he decided to remain in the Temple to remind his parents that he must be about his Father's business. He went there each year during his hidden life at least for Passover. His public ministry itself was patterned by his pilgrimages to Jerusalem for the great Jewish feasts.

584 Jesus went up to the Temple as the privileged place of encounter with God. For him, the Temple was the dwelling of his Father, a house of prayer, and he was angered that its outer court had become a place of commerce. He drove merchants out of it because of jealous love for his Father: "You shall not make my Father's house a house of trade. His disciples remembered that it was written, 'Zeal for your house will consume me.'" After his Resurrection his apostles retained their reverence for the Temple.

585 On the threshold of his Passion Jesus announced the coming destruction of this splendid building, of which there would not remain "one stone upon another". By doing so, he announced a sign of the last days, which were to begin with his own Passover. But this prophecy would be distorted in its telling by false witnesses during his interrogation at the high priest's house, and would be thrown back at him as an insult when he was nailed to the cross.

586 Far from having been hostile to the Temple, where he gave the essential part of his teaching, Jesus was willing to pay the Temple-tax, associating with him Peter, whom he had just made the foundation of his future Church. He even identified himself with the Temple by presenting himself as God's definitive dwelling-place among men. Therefore, his being put to bodily death presaged the destruction of the Temple, which would manifest the dawning of a new age in the history of salvation: "The hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father."

Daily Devotions

·         Unite yourself in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Today's Fast: Authentic Feminism

·         Religion in the Home for Preschool: September

·         do a personal eucharistic stations of the cross.

·         Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Rosary

[2]McCain, John and Salter, Mark. (2005) Character is destiny. Random House, New York.

[4] Venerable Mary of Agreda. The Mystical City of God: Complete Edition Containing all Four Volumes with Illustrations (p. 770). Veritatis Splendor Publications. Kindle Edition



Start March 12 to December 12