Saturday, April 18, 2015

Malachi, Chapter 3, verse 5
I will draw near to you for judgment, and I will be swift to bear witness against sorcerers, adulterers, and perjurers, those who deprive a laborer of wages, Oppress a widow or an orphan, or turn aside a resident alien, without fearing me, says the LORD of hosts.

Image result for freedomThe God of Abraham bears witness to evil, which is the use of people as objects. Our God is a just God who wishes us to be free of sorcerers, adulterers, perjurers, and enslavement of any kind. In modern terms God wants us free of sex, drugs and rock & roll.

The entertainment industry uses sex; sex sells pure and simple. It diverts us from the true nature of our sexuality. That sex is a gift you give to someone to bring a new creation into the world. It is a gift that must be given freely, faithfully, and totally open to life.

Sorcery is a Greek word that is closely related with Pharmakeia, and in fact is where our English word Pharmacy comes from. The indiscriminate use of drugs rob us of our soul; our very selves when we cannot say no to them. This could be any addictive substance whether it comes from a bottle, package or the internet. The only way to recover our sanity is through God or as 12 steppers say, “having a higher power than themselves”. A careful examination of the 12 step program reveals it is basically a form of repentance or confession and coming back to God.
1.      We admit we are powerless.
2.      We believe in a greater power.
3.      We turn our will over to Him.
4.      We search our souls of wrongs committed.
5.      We admit our wrongs to ourselves and others.
6.      We are ready for God to remove our defects.
7.      We ask Him to remove our shortcomings.
8.      We list all we have harmed and be willing to correct the harm we have caused.
9.      We made amends except where to do so would cause more harm.
10.  We continue to build strength and virtue; promptly making corrections as needed.
11.  We pray and meditate daily.
12.  We carry (the cross) the message to others.

Music is a gift from God just as sex is but, we must listen to the truth. Music can be noise that blatantly drowns out the truth. Many musicians and media personalities are perjurers of the truth. Their message is that of hopelessness and the objectification of women and people. Choose music that lifts up people rather than enslaves them to the ideas of the modern secular society of hedonism, materialism and minimalism.

Our God will not turn a blind eye to those who enslave others economically either; or not care for our modern widows and orphans, which are single moms and fatherless children. Nor will our Lord, allow us to make slaves of immigrants to our country.

No we must be a righteous people, good to all; as He is.


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